Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Album ID:
- K-029(b)
- Publisher:
- Vanguard VSD 79449
- Additional notes:
- Transliteration and translation with album notes.
Lena From Palestina
- Also known as:
- Palesteena
- Author:
- Conrad, Con
- Author:
- Robinson, J. Russel
- Composer:
- Conrad, Con
- Composer:
- Conrad, Con
- Composer:
- Robinson, J. Russel
- Composer:
- Robinson, J. Russel
- Genre:
- Theatre/Vaudville/Dixieland/Jazz/Novelty
- Subject:
- Lena/Fat Lady/Palestine/Courting/Concertina/Arab
- Additional song notes:
- Same melody for entries titled "Chaim Popukal", "Unter Belzer -
Himlen", "Gereist Un Getroffen", and "Nokh A Bisl".
- Related information in folder 584:
- Comments:
- 1. Article by Charles A. Kennedy (Professor of Religion, Emeritus, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University). Titled, "When Palestine Played the Palace: Vaudeville Interprets the Balfour Declaration".
Includes texts of novelty songs, Zionist songs, (all set in the Middle East), including text of "Lena From Palestina"
2. Article by Itzik Gottesman in Yiddish Forward of March 19-25, 2010, tiitled "Oyf Di Shpurn fun Lena Fun Palestina (on the track of Lena fun Palestina).
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 9072
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Conductor:
- Netsky, Hankus
- Alto Saxaphone:
- Goldberg, Meryl
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Instrumental dixieland jazz version.
- Language:
- Instrumental
- Style:
- Dixieland/New Orleans
Sirba Popilar — סירבאַ פּאָפּילאַר
- Genre:
- Instrumental/Klezmer
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 14509
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Artist:
- Netsky, Hankus
- Arranger:
- Freeman, B.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Style:
- Instrumental/Freylekhs
Skrip Klezmerl Skripe — סקריפּ קלעזמערל סקריפּע
- Author:
- Tauber, Chaim Shmuel (Shami) טױבער, חיים שמואל (שמאי)
- Composer:
- Secunda, Sholom — סעקונדאַ, שלום
- Genre:
- Theater
- Subject:
- Wedding/Klezmer/Family/Drums/Fiddle/Bride/Dance/Relatives/
- Origin:
- Alb R-024(d)/Metro Scher 30/Metro Album 49
- Transliteration:
- K-029(b)/Alb L-002(a)/Alb L-038(a)/Alb R-024(d)/Ephemeral 620/MS Sher 8
- Translation:
- K-029(b)/Alb L-002(a)/Alb L-038(a)/Alb R-024(d)/Ephemeral 620
- Music:
- SM Scher 8
- Related information in folder 565:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and translation of Text.
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 14546
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Vocal:
- Bressler, Judy
- Director:
- Netsky, Hankus
- First line:
- Skrip, klezmerl, skripe, Shpil a freylekhs tsu der khupe.
- First line (Yiddish):
- סקריפּ, קלעזמערל סקריפּע, שפּיל אַ פֿרײלעכס צו דער חופּה.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Bay A Glezele Mashke — בײַ אַ גלעזעלע מאַשקע
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 2011
- Composer:
- Schwartz, Abe — שװאַרץ, אײב
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Artist:
- Netsky, Hankus
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Style:
- Instrumental
Der Alter Tsigayner — דער אַלטער ציגײַנער
- Author:
- Jacobs, Jacob — זשאַקאָבס, זשאַקאָב
- Composer:
- Ellstein, Abe — עלשטײַן, אײב
- Genre:
- Theater
- Subject:
- Gypsy/Music/Melody/Fiddle
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-029(b)/Alb P-030(a)
- Translation:
- Alb K-029(b)/Alb P-030(a)
- Additional song notes:
- From the msuical "Bublitshki"
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 3047
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Vocal:
- Bressler, Judy
- First line:
- Dort oyf a bergele unter dem freyn himl, vayt fun dem...
- First line (Yiddish):
- דאָרט אױף אַ בערגעלע אונטער דעם פֿרײַען הימל, װײַט פֿון דעם...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- From Yiddish musical "Bublitshki".
- Language:
- Yiddish
Der Nayer Doyne — גער נײַער דױנע
- Composer:
- Musiker, Sam — מוזיקער, סעם
- Genre:
- Instrumental/Klezmer
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 3240
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Artist:
- Netsky, Hankus
- Clarinet:
- Byron, Don
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Medley with "Sam Shpilt".
- Style:
- Instrumental
In Odes, In Odes — אין אָדעס
- Author:
- Gilrod, Louis — גילראָד, לאָויס
- Composer:
- Sandler, Peretz — סאַנדלער, פּרץ
- Genre:
- Theatre/Place/Nostalgia
- Subject:
- Odessa/Prostitute/Moldovanke
- Song comment:
- From the Gilrod-Sandler musical "Volodke in Odes".
- Origin:
- Alb S-081(d)
- Transliteration:
- Alb S-081(d)/Alb B-075(a)/Peppler 2, p 112
- Translation:
- Alb S-081(d)/Alb K-074(a)/Alb B-075(a)/Ephemera 1273/Peppler 2, p 112
- Music:
- Ephemera 1273/Peppler 2, p 112
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 7404
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Vocal:
- Bressler, Judy
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Artist:
- Netsky, Hankus
- First line:
- In Odes, in Odes, oy Odesa mame, ver es lakht nor fun Odes,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אין אָדעס, אין אָדעס, אױ אָדעסאַ מאַמע, װער עס לאַכט נאָר פֿון אָדעס,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- From the Gilrod-Sandler musical "Volodke in Odes".
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Klezmer/Pop
Piccolo Doyne (Instr) — פּיקאָלע דױנע
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 12210
- Artist:
- Rabinovitz, Abby, flute
- Piano:
- Bern, Alan
- Arranger:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Style:
- Instrumental
Oy Avram — אױ אַבֿרהם
- Genre:
- Folk/Love
- Subject:
- Love/Constancy/Passion
- Origin:
- Vinkov 1 19/Alb B-036(a)/
- Transliteration:
- Vinkov 1 19/Alb J-011(a)/Alb B-075(a)/Alb K-029(b)/Alb K-005(a)
- Translation:
- Vinkov 1 19/Alb K-005(a)/Alb K-029(b)/Alb 0-007(b)/Alb B-036(a)
- Music:
- Vinkov 1 19
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 11679
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Vocal:
- Bressler, Judy
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Artist:
- Netsky, Hankus
- First line:
- Oy Avram, Ikh ken on dir nit zayn! Ikh on dir un du on mir..
- First line (Yiddish):
- אױ אַבֿרהם, איך קען אָן דיר ניט זײַן! איך אָן דיר און דו אָן מיר..
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
Sam Shpilt (Instr) — סאַם שפּילט
- Composer:
- Musiker, Sam — מוזיקער, סעם
- Genre:
- Instrumental/Klezmer
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 13231
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Artist:
- Netsky, Hankus
- Clarinet:
- Byron, Don
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Medley with "Der Nayer Doyne".
Yidl Mitn Fidl — ייִדל מיטן פֿידל
- Author:
- Manger, Itzik — מאַנגער, איציק
- Composer:
- Ellstein, Abe — עלשטײַן, אײב
- Genre:
- Theatre/Folk
- Subject:
- Klezmer/Musicians/Life/Nature/Joy
- Origin:
- ML PYS 258/Alb L-044(c)/
- Transliteration:
- Alb A-044(a)/Alb K-029(b)/ML PYS 258/Alb I-013(a)/Alb K-029(b)/Alb L-044(c)
- Translation:
- Alb G-013(c)/Alb K-029(b)/ML PYS 258/Qalb L-044(c)/Alb B-122(a)
- Music:
- Warem 240/ML PYS 258
- Additional song notes:
- Little Jew With His Fiddle (?)
From the film of the same name.
- Related information in folder 1002:
- Comments:
- 1. Internet article by Rhoda (Rokhl) Bernard, with original Yiddish text, transliteration and translation of the song.
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 17527
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Vocal:
- Bressler, Judy
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Conductor:
- Netsky, Hankus
- First line:
- Shpil du fidl, shpil, Shpil far mir a libe lid,
- First line (Yiddish):
- שפּיל דו פּידל, שפּיל, שפּיל פֿאַר מיר אַ ליבע ליד,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- From film of same name with Molly Picon.
- Language:
- Yiddish
Yingele Nit Veyn — ייִנגעלע ניט װײן
- Author:
- Jacobs, Jacob — זשאַקאָבס, זשאַקאָב
- Composer:
- Ellstein, Abe — עלשטײַן, אײב
- Genre:
- Theatre/Lament
- Subject:
- Father/Son/Motherless/Immigration/Protection/Family/Child
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-029(b)/SM 1317
- Translation:
- Alb K-029(b)/SM 1317
- Music:
- SM 1317
- Additional song notes:
- Don't Cry Little Boy
- On album:
- K-029(b) (Klez!!! The Klezmer Conservatory Band)
- Track ID:
- 17579
- Vocal:
- Bressler, Judy
- Artist:
- Klezmer Conservatory Band
- Conductor:
- Netsky, Hankus
- First line:
- A troyerik bild hob ikh gezen, vos ikh ken nit fargesn neyn.
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ טרױעריק בילד האָב איך געזען, װאָס איך קען ניט פֿאַרגעסן, נײן.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Big Band/Concert