Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville
- Album ID:
- Z-011(b)
- Publisher:
- Spalax SPX 6830
How Money..Came Into The World
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 6881
- Vocal:
- Zimet, Ben
- Track comment:
- and told in Frence.
A Din Toyre Mit Got — אַ דין-תּורה מיט גאָט
- Also known as:
- Berditshiver Kadish
- Also known as:
- Kaddish Of Levi Yitskhok
- Also known as:
- Levi Yitskhoks Kadish
- Also known as:
- Dem Berditshevers Rovs Kadish
- Author:
- Barditshever, Reb Levi Yitskhok — באַרדיטשעװער, רעב לוי יצחק
- Composer:
- Barditshever, Reb Levi Yitskhok — באַרדיטשעװער, רעב לוי יצחק
- Genre:
- Khasidic/Faith/
- Subject:
- Disputation/God/Faith/Kaddish
- Song comment:
- Words and music traditionally credited to Rev Levi Yitskhok
- Origin:
- Kotlyan 29/Alb A-053(a)
- Transliteration:
- Kotlyan 29/Alb L-004(a)/Alb B-001(a)/Alb A-053(a)
- Translation:
- Kotlyan 29/Alb L-004(a)/Alb Z-010(b)/Alb B-001(a)/Alb S-086(a)/Alb A-053(a)
- Music:
- Kotlyan 25
- Additional song notes:
- A Dispute With God
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 95
- Director:
- Delaistier, Maurice
- Arranger/Vocal:
- Zimet, Ben
- First line:
- A gut morgn dir, Reboynu Shel Oylam, Ikh, Levi Yitskhok...
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ גוט מאָרגן דיר, רבּונו של עולם, איך, לױ יצחק בּן שׂרה...
- Track comment:
- Recording made in France
- Language:
- Yiddish
Bulbes — בולבעס
- Also known as:
- Naye Bulbes
- Also known as:
- Potatoes
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Potatoes/Food/Poverty/Humorous
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 74/Alb B-036(a)/
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 74/Alb B-036(a)/Alb O-009(a)/
- Translation:
- Alb O-001(a)/Alb R-033(a)/Alb S-006(a)/Alb Z-010(b)/Alb O-009(a)
- Music:
- ML MTAG 75/
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 2658
- Vocal:
- Zimet, Ben
- Arranger/Director:
- Delaistier, Maurice
- First line:
- Montik--bulbes, Dinstik--bulbes, Mitvokh un donershtik,...
- First line (Yiddish):
- מאָנטיק--בולבעס, דינסטיק--בולבעס, מיטװאָך און דאָנערשטיק, נאָך..
- Track comment:
- Recorded in France, under title "Naye Bulbes"
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Jazz
Dem Ganevs Yikhes — דעם גנבֿס יחוּס
- Also known as:
- Dem Rebns Nign (Dem Ganevs...)
- Also known as:
- Nign Khasidi
- Also known as:
- Shmaravoznik
- Also known as:
- Vos Bistu Broyges
- Also known as:
- Vos Bistu Ketsele Broyges
- Also known as:
- Yikhes
- Genre:
- Folk/Underground/Thieves/Humorous/Insulting
- Subject:
- Pedigree/Family/Father/Mother/Sister/Brother/Occupation
- Song comment:
- Same melody as "Dem Rebns Nigun"
- Origin:
- Kotlansky 139/CD S-100(a)
- Transliteration:
- Kotlansky 139/Alb K-020(a)/Alb O-009(a)/Alb J-024(a)CD L-054(a)
- Translation:
- Alb J-024(a)/Alb O-009(a)/Kotylan 139/Alb Z-010(b)/CD S-100(a)/CD L-054(a)
- Music:
- Kotlyan 140
- Related information in folder 205:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliterated text of variant of Dem Ganevs Yikhes from email of March 2, 2003 sent by Bob Poe.
2. Article from Yiddish Forward of Nov 9, 2007 by Chana Mlotek titled "Vos Bistu, Kotinke Barugz?"
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 2979
- Vocal:
- Zimet, Ben
- Director:
- Delaistier, Maurice
- Arranger:
- Zimet, Ben
- First line:
- Oy, vos geystu arum azoy beshmushet, vos geystu aropgelozt..
- First line (Yiddish):
- אױ, װאָס גײסטו אַרום אַזױ בקשמושעט, װאָס גײסטו אַראָפּגעלאָזט די נאָז
- Track comment:
- Recorded under title "Yikhes", recording made in France
- Language:
- Yiddish
Der Vals — דער װאַלס
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 3436
- Vocal:
- Zimet, Ben
- Director:
- Delaistier, Maurice
- Arranger:
- Zimet, Ben
- First line:
- Eyns tsvey dray, eyns tsvey dray, porlakh dreyen zikh,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אײנס צװײ דרײַ, אײנס צװײ דרײַ, פּאָרלאַך דרײען זיך, פּאָרלאַך דרײען..
- Track comment:
- Recorded in France, recorded under title "A Valtz"
- Language:
- Yiddish
Di Zun Vet Aruntergeyn — די זון װעט אַרונטערגײן
- Author:
- Halpern, Moyshe Leyb — האַלפּערן, משה לײב
- Composer:
- Yomen, Ben — יאָמען, בען
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Death/Goldene Pave/Love/Longing/Repose
- Origin:
- Alb L-001(a)/ML MTAG 180/Alb B-007(a)/Boiberik Z 16/Levin L WM 155/Sh Sh 315
- Transliteration:
- Alb L-001(a)/ML MTAG 180/Alb K-051(b)/Alb B-007(a)/Alb L-020(a)/Ephemera 482/
- Translation:
- Alb Z-010(b)/Alb B-007(a)/Alb K-051(b)/Ephemera 482/Levin L WM 155/ Sh Sh 314
- Music:
- ML MTAG 180/
- Additional song notes:
- Original, Translat & Translit published in
Alb L-038(a)
The Sun Will Set
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 3848
- Vocal:
- Zimet, Ben
- Director:
- Delaistier, Maurice
- Arranger:
- Zimet, Ben
- First line:
- Di zun vet aruntergeyn untern barg, Vet kumen a shtile di...
- First line (Yiddish):
- די זון װעט אַרונטערגײן אונטערן װאַלד, װעט קומען אַ שטילע די...
- Track comment:
- Recording made in France
- Language:
- Yiddish
Firn Di Mekhutonim Aheym — פֿירן די מחותּנים אַהײם
- Also known as:
- Oriental Melody (Instr)
- Also known as:
- Street Song
- Composer:
- Schwartz, Abe — שװאַרץ, אײב
- Genre:
- Klezmer/Wedding/Instrumental/Hora/Doyna
- Subject:
- In Laws
- Music:
- Comp Klez 44
- Additional song notes:
- Accompaning the In-Laws Home
Naftule Brandwein sometimes credited as Composer.
Melody played in Shargorad (also elsewhere)/aka DerGasn Nigun- Oriental Melody
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 5234
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Zimet, Ben
- Director:
- Delaistier, Maurice
- Artist:
- Zimet, Ben
- Track comment:
- Recorded in France
- Style:
- Klezmer/Instrumental
Ikh Der Trupadur — איך דער טרופּאַדור
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 7119
- Author:
- Manger, Itzik — מאַנגער, איציק
- Vocal:
- Zimet, Ben
- First line:
- Ikh der trupadur, der vint in di hor, mir shteyen baym...
- First line:
- איך דער טרופּאַדור, דער װינט אין די האָר, מיר שטײען בײַם…
- Track comment:
- Recorded in France
Jazz (Yid) — דשאַז (ייִדיש)
- Related information in folder 107:
- Document type:
- Translation
- Author:
- Aaron Lutsky
- Publisher:
- America in Yidfdish Poetry
- Comments:
- English translation by Jehiel B. and Sarah H. Cooperman
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 7601
- Composer:
- Lemansne, Luc
- Vocal:
- Zimet, Ben
- Artist:
- Ben Zimet, arr
- First line:
- Kvitsher itsher, fidl shmidl, piano poyk, piano poyk...
- First line:
- קװיטשער איטשער, פֿידל שמידל, פּיאַנאָ פּױק, פּיאַנאָ פּױק,
- Track comment:
- Recorded in France
Moyde Ani (Shweid) — מודה אני (שווייִד)
- Also known as:
- Mode Ani (Schweid)
- Author:
- Schweid, Mark — שווײַד, מאַרק
- Composer:
- Gelbart, Mikhl — געלבאַרט, מיכל
- Genre:
- Lament/Holocaust
- Subject:
- Diaspora/Wandering/Youth/Rest/Faith/Suffering/Loss/Prayer
- Origin:
- Alb K-096(a)/Gel Yovl 38
- Transliteration:
- Alb C-042(b)/Alb K-096(a)/Gel Yovl 38/Alb G-006(b)/Alb M-049(a)/Alb L-023(a)
- Translation:
- Alb C-042(b)/Alb K-096(a)/Alb L-023(a)/Alb Z-010(b)/Alb G-006(b)/Alb M-049(a)
- Related information in folder 630:
- Comments:
- 1. Article in Yiddish Forward dated 6/24/1988 by Chane Mlotek responding to readers inquiry, and publishing Yiddish text of Moyde Ani by Mark Shweid.
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 10648
- Director:
- Delaistier, Maurice
- VocalArranger:
- Zimet, Ben
- First line:
- Mode ani lefonekho, got nit tsorn, zey vos iz mit dayn kind,
- First line (Yiddish):
- מוֹדה אני לפניך, גאָט ניט צאָרן, זײ װאָס איז מיט דײַן קינד,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
Sheyn Bin Ikh, Sheyn — שײַן בין איך, שײן
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Marriage/Match/Occupations/Secular/Rabbi/Children/Cradles
- Origin:
- Ephemera 1402/Vinkov 2 57
- Transliteration:
- Ephemera 1402/Vinkov 2 57
- Translation:
- Ephemera 1402/ Vinkov 2 57
- Music:
- Vinkov 2 57
- Additional song notes:
- I am Pretty
- Related information in folder 695:
- Comments:
- 1. Soviet version, reflecting changes from the original text, from Anna Sternshis's book "Soviet and Kosher".
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 13693
- Vocal:
- Zimet, Ben
- Arranger/Director:
- Delaistier, Maurice
- First line:
- Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn, Sheyn iz mayn nomen, Redt men mir...
- First line:
- שײן בין איך, שײן, שײן איז מײַן נאָמען, רעדט מען מיר שידוכים...
- Track comment:
- Recorded in France, Country-Western Style, add'l words
The Mad King (French)
- On album:
- Z-011(b) (Ben Zimet et ses musiciens au Theatre de la Ville)
- Track ID:
- 15132
- Vocal:
- Zimet, Ben
- Track comment:
- Ben Zimet and told in French