Masters of Yiddish Prose/The Chasidic World in Yiddish Literature/Read by Michael Ben-Avraham/ CD1 — חסידות אין דער ייִדישער ליטעראַטור
- Album ID:
- B-112(a)
- Publisher:
- Forward Association CD#1
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Provenance:
- CD Copy courtesy of Lazer Trachenberg, 2009
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Spoken Word
- Where produced:
- New York
- Number of tracks:
- 6
Reb Itshe The Kabbalist — ר'איטשע מקובל
- Author:
- Opatoshu, Joseph — אָפּאַטבשאַ, יוסף
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/ Spoken Word
- Subject:
- Scholar/Non Judgemental/Wanderer/Evangelical/
- Additional song notes:
- From the novel "In Polish Woods"
- On album:
- B-112(a) (Masters of Yiddish Prose/The Chasidic World in Yiddish Literature/Read by Michael Ben-Avraham/ CD1 — חסידות אין דער ייִדישער ליטעראַטור)
- Track ID:
- 36797
- Vocal:
- Ben-Avraham, Michael — מיכאל ,בו־אַבֿרהם
- First line:
- Mordekhe iz geshtanen baym fenster, hot gekukt oyf reb itshe'n…
- First line (Yiddish):
- מאָרדכע איז געשטאַנען בײַם פֿענסטער, האָט געקוקט אויף רבּ איטשע'ן…
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Spoken Word/ Recitation
- Length:
- 9:41
The Power of Hasidim — דער כּוח פֿון חסידות
- Author:
- Eilberg, Yehuda — עלבערג, יהודה
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/ Spoken Word
- On album:
- B-112(a) (Masters of Yiddish Prose/The Chasidic World in Yiddish Literature/Read by Michael Ben-Avraham/ CD1 — חסידות אין דער ייִדישער ליטעראַטור)
- Track ID:
- 36798
- Vocal:
- Ben-Avraham, Michael — מיכאל ,בו־אַבֿרהם
- First line:
- A misnogid kon zayn a talmud khokhm, kon zayn a goyml khosid, un afile a...
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ מתנגד קאַן זײַן אַ תּלמוד חכם, קאָן זײַן אַ גומל חסד, און אַפֿילו אַ…
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Spoken Word/Recitation
- Length:
- 11:17
The Power Of The Word — דער כּוח פֿון וואָרט
- Author:
- Eilberg, Yehuda — עלבערג, יהודה
- Composer:
- Eilberg, Yehuda — עלבערג, יהודה
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/ Spoken Word
- On album:
- B-112(a) (Masters of Yiddish Prose/The Chasidic World in Yiddish Literature/Read by Michael Ben-Avraham/ CD1 — חסידות אין דער ייִדישער ליטעראַטור)
- Track ID:
- 36799
- Vocal:
- Ben-Avraham, Michael — מיכאל ,בו־אַבֿרהם
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Spoken Word/ Recitation
- Length:
- 10:28
If Not Even Higher — אויב ניט נאָך העכער
- Author:
- Peretz, Yitskhok Leybush — פּרץ, יצחק לײבוש
- Genre:
- LiteraryOrigin/Spoken Word
- Subject:
- Litvak/Chosid/Rebbe/Slikhos/Spying/Disguise/Woodchopper/
- Additional song notes:
- Story of Chassidic Rebbe disguising himself as a woodchopper on slichos (his followers beliving that he ascends to heaven at that time) and provides wood and a heating fire for a sick women. The once skeptical Litvak upon hearing that the rebbe ascended to heaven at slikhos replies "if not higher"
- On album:
- B-112(a) (Masters of Yiddish Prose/The Chasidic World in Yiddish Literature/Read by Michael Ben-Avraham/ CD1 — חסידות אין דער ייִדישער ליטעראַטור)
- Track ID:
- 36795
- Vocal:
- Ben-Avraham, Michael — מיכאל ,בו־אַבֿרהם
- First line:
- Un der nemirover flegt slikhos tsayt yedn frimorgn nelem vern, farshivden,…
- First line (Yiddish):
- און דער נעמאָראָווער פֿלעגט סליחות צײַט יעדן פֿרימאָרגן נעלם וואָרן,…
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Spoken Word/ Recitation
- Length:
- 8:06
Enemies — שונים
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Spoken Word/Holocaust
- Subject:
- Wife/Servant/Yadwiga/Affai/Masha/Duplicity/Return/First Wife
- On album:
- B-112(a) (Masters of Yiddish Prose/The Chasidic World in Yiddish Literature/Read by Michael Ben-Avraham/ CD1 — חסידות אין דער ייִדישער ליטעראַטור)
- Track ID:
- 36796
- Vocal:
- Ben-Avraham, Michael — מיכאל ,בו־אַבֿרהם
- First line:
- Etz redn vegn sonim, bay undz in shtot hot getrofn a zakh vos zint di velt...
- First line (Yiddish):
- עץ רעדן וועגן שונים, בײַ אונדז אין שטאָט האָט געטראָפֿן אַ זאַך וואָס זינט...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Spoken Word/ Recitation
- Length:
- 9:27
The Kabbalists — מקובלים
- Author:
- Peretz, Yitskhok Leybush — פּרץ, יצחק לײבוש
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Spoken Word
- Subject:
- Kabala/Poverty/Hunger/Mystery/Spirits/Angels/Melody/Death
- On album:
- B-112(a) (Masters of Yiddish Prose/The Chasidic World in Yiddish Literature/Read by Michael Ben-Avraham/ CD1 — חסידות אין דער ייִדישער ליטעראַטור)
- Track ID:
- 36794
- Vocal:
- Ben-Avraham, Michael — מיכאל ,בו־אַבֿרהם
- First line:
- In di shlekhte tsaytn, halt afile "toyre, di beste skhoyre" oykh fun der…
- First line (Yiddish):
- אין די שלעכטע צײַטן האַלט אַפֿילו ,,תּורה, די בעסטע סחורה" אויך פֿון דער...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Spoken Word/ Recitation
- Length:
- 9:41