Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story
- Album ID:
- K-010(d)
- Publisher:
- Tikva Redords T 133
- Additional notes:
- Accompanied by William Gunther. Narration and song excerpts. -
Nostalgia, history, theatre.
Lebn Zol Kolumbus — לעבן זאָל קאָלומבוס
- Author:
- Thomashevsky, Boris — טאָמאַשעװסקי, ברוך
- Composer:
- Perlmutter, Arnold (Aaron) פּערלמוטער, אַרנאָלד (אהרן)
- Composer:
- Wohl, Herman — װאָל, הערמאַן
- Genre:
- Theater/Patriotic
- Subject:
- Immigration/Government/Patriotism/Peace/Democracy
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 140/Levin N 66/SH Dropsie 46
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 140/Levin N 66/Alb G-013(a)/Sm Dropsie 46/Ephemera 1516
- Translation:
- Ephemera 1516
- Music:
- ML MTAG 140/Levin N 66/SMDropsie 46
- Additional song notes:
- Long Live Columbus
- Related information in folder 484:
- Document type:
- Article
- Author:
- Chana Mlotek
- Publisher:
- Yiddish Forward
- Date:
- 1/20/2006
- Comments:
- 1. 1/20/2006 Article in the Yiddish Forverts of June 20, 2006 by Chane Mlotek titled "Di Tsveyte Strofe Fun "Lebn Zol Kolumbus" (The 2nd stanza of Lebn Zol Kolumbus) Text and additional verses one of which refers to Leo Frank and that the lawyers will get him off.
2 Translation of additional verses.
- On album:
- K-010(d) (Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story)
- Track ID:
- 8936
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- First line:
- Lebn zol Kolumbus, di goldene medina, lebn zol Kolumbus...
- First line (Yiddish):
- לעבן זאָל קאָלאָמבוס, די גאָלדענע מדינה, לעבן זאַל קאָלאַמבוס…
- Track comment:
- Chorus only.
- Language:
- Yiddish
Di Grine Kuzine — די גרינע קוזינע
- Also known as:
- Kuzine (Di Grine Kuzine)
- Author:
- Leyzerovitz, Yakov — לײזעראָװיץ, יעקבֿ
- Composer:
- Schwartz, Abe — שװאַרץ, אײב
- Genre:
- Immigration/Lament
- Subject:
- Immigration/Poverty/Occupation/Milliner/Aging/Disillusion
- Origin:
- Mayzl 600/Alb Z-012(a)/Levin N 92
- Transliteration:
- Levin N 92/Alb B-007(c)/Alb Z-012(a)/Gottlieb 290/Alb B-095(b)
- Translation:
- Levin N 92/Alb Z-012(a)/Alb B-007(c)/Gottlieb 290/Alb B-095(b)/Alb M-068(a)04
- Music:
- Warem 45/Alb Z-012(a)/Levin N 92
- Additional song notes:
- See "My Little Cousin" for American swing version.
Lyrics claimed by Hyman Prizant and others. Text is by Leyzerovitz as credited by Meizel. See Max Rosenfeld's papers re respecting Leyzerovitz's loss of copyright lawsuit.
See Gottlieb p. 147.
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
See also ephemera 1458 for tarnslit and translate
What's Not To Like 2017
- Related information in folder 408:
- Comments:
- 1. Letter from Shlomo Ben Israel in Yiddish Forverts of February 4, 1983 titled, "Interesante Faktn Vegn Y. Leyzerovitsh in zayn lid, Di Grine Kuzine".
2. 2. Original text with 8 verses
3. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- K-010(d) (Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story)
- Track ID:
- 3574
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- First line:
- S'iz tsu mir gekumen a kuzine, sheyn vi gold iz zi geven...
- First line (Yiddish):
- ס'איז צו מיר געקומען אַ קוזינע, שײן װי גאָלד איז זי געװען...
- Track comment:
- Chorus only.
- Language:
- Yiddish
Dray Neytorins — דרײַ נײטאָרינס
- Also known as:
- Shalosh Tofrot
- Author:
- Peretz, Yitskhok Leybush — פּרץ, יצחק לײבוש
- Composer:
- Shneour, Moyshe — שניאר, משה
- Genre:
- Lament/Labor
- Subject:
- Sweatshop/Poverty/Seamstress/Occupation
- Origin:
- Fater LXXVII/Sh Sh 61
- Transliteration:
- Fater LXXVII
- Translation:
- Leftwich GP 77/Alb K-042(d)/Sh Sh 60
- Music:
- Fater LXXVII
- On album:
- K-010(d) (Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story)
- Track ID:
- 4247
- Narration:
- Kressyn, Miriam — קרעסן, מיריאַם
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- First line:
- The needle bleeds, the linen snow, and all I do is sew and..
- Track comment:
- Chorus only.
- Language:
- English
Got Un Zayn Mishpet Iz Gerekht — גאָט און זײַן משפּט איז גערעכט
- Author:
- Gilrod, Louis — גילראָד, לאָויס
- Composer:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Genre:
- Theater
- Subject:
- Faith/Judgement/InfallibilitySuffering/Punishment/Hope
- Origin:
- SM Dropsie 51
- Transliteration:
- Alb G-013(c)/ SM Dropsie 51
- Translation:
- Alb G-013(c)/Alb M-068(a)55/Ephemera 1473
- Music:
- SM Dropsie 51
- Additional song notes:
- From the drama "Gebrokene Hertser"
God and His Judgment is Just
- Related information in folder 1473:
- Comments:
- 1. 5/28/15 Translated text from the internet entered in Ephemera of May 28, 2015
- On album:
- K-010(d) (Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story)
- Track ID:
- 5779
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- First line:
- God in his judgement must be right, He judges with his...
- First line (English):
- גאָט און זײַן משפּט איז גערעכט, מען טאָר קײן מאָל זאָגן אַז ער...
- Track comment:
- Eng adaptation, refrain only.
- Language:
- English
Kolumbus, Ikh HobTsu Dir Gornit — קאָלומבוס, איך האָב צו דיר גאָרניט
- Author:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Author:
- Friedsel, Louis — פֿרידזעל, לואיס
- Composer:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Composer:
- Friedsel, Louis — פֿרידזעל, לואיס
- Genre:
- Theater
- Subject:
- Status/Food/Weather/Subway/Patriotism/Freedom
- Transliteration:
- Peppler 2 124
- Translation:
- Peppler 2 125
- Music:
- Peppler 2 125
- Additional song notes:
- Kolumbus, I have No Complaints Against You
- On album:
- K-010(d) (Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story)
- Track ID:
- 8635
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- First line:
- Kolumbus, Ikh hob tsu dir gornit, Tsu dir mayn Ameritshke,
- First line (Yiddish):
- קאָלומבוס, איך האָב צו דיר גאָרניט, צו דיר מײַן אַמעריטשקע,
- Language:
- Yiddish
Mayn Shtetele (Eng) — מײַן שטעטעלע (ענגליש)
- On album:
- K-010(d) (Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story)
- Track ID:
- 9931
- Narration:
- Kressyn, Miriam — קרעסן, מיריאַם
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- First line:
- From mayn shtetele, a little town without renown,
- Track comment:
- Is this adaptat of song credited to Leo Fuld - Album F-20(b)
Oyf Der East Side — אױף דער אײסט סײַד
- On album:
- K-010(d) (Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story)
- Track ID:
- 11819
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- First line:
- Yidn flegn kumen, fun der gantser velt, oyf der east side,
- First line (Yiddish):
- ייִדן פֿלעגן קומען, פֿון דער גאַנצער װעלט, אױף גער אײסט סײַד,
- Track comment:
- Interspersed with narration.
- Language:
- Yiddish
Our East Side Story (Eng) Side 1
- On album:
- K-010(d) (Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story)
- Track ID:
- 11626
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- Narration:
- Kressyn, Miriam — קרעסן, מיריאַם
Raisins and Almonds
- Also known as:
- Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen
- Also known as:
- Shlof Mayn Kind Shlof
- Author:
- Goldfaden, Avrom — גאָלדפֿאַדען, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Goldfaden, Avrom — גאָלדפֿאַדען, אַבֿרהם
- On album:
- K-010(d) (Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story)
- Track ID:
- 12902
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- First line:
- Unter Yideles vigele, shteyt a klor veys tsigele,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אונטער ייִדעלעס װיגעלע, שטײט אַ קלאָר װײס ציגעלע, דאָס ציגעלע…
- Track comment:
- Refrain only.
- Language:
- Yiddish
Vu Zaynen Mayne Zibn Gute Yor? — וווּ זענען מײַנע זיבן גוטע יאָר
- Author:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Composer:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Genre:
- Theater/Lament
- Subject:
- Fate/Complaint/Hope/Folk Belief/Bargin/Few
- Origin:
- SH 1322
- Transliteration:
- SH 1322
- Music:
- SH 1322
- Additional song notes:
- Where Are My Seven Good Years
- On album:
- K-010(d) (Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story)
- Track ID:
- 16854
- Vocal:
- Kressyn, Miriam — קרעסן, מיריאַם
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- First line:
- All I want is seven happy years, without worry, without woe,
- Track comment:
- English adaptation of the chorus.
- Language:
- English
Our East Side Story (Eng) Side 2
- On album:
- K-010(d) (Miriam Kressyn & Seymour Rexsite The East Side Story)
- Track ID:
- 42968