Tracks with this artist
Nittai The Arbelite — נתּי הארבּלי
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 1:07
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 1:07/Distance/Bad Neighbor/Wicked/Punishment
- Origin:
- Pirke 10
- Translation:
- Pirke 10
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 11189
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Nittai the Arbelite said: Keep the far from a bad neighbor,
- First line (English):
- נתּי הארבּלי אוֹמר הרחק משׁכן רע ואל-תּתאישׁ מן הפּרענוּת:
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert
Akavyo Ben Mahalalel (Gold) — עקביא בּן מהללאל (גאָלד)
- Also known as:
- Akavia Said
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 3:01
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Judgement/Death/Origins/AccountingPirkeOves/Pirke Aboth 3:01
- Origin:
- Pirke 40
- Translation:
- Pirke Aboth 40/Alb B-033(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Knowest from whence thou comest, wither thou goest and before whom you are about to give a final reckoning
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 991
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Khazan Alberto
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Akavia the son of mahalalel said: Reflect upon three things,
- First line (English):
- עקביא בּן-מהללאל אוֹמר. הסתּכּל בּשׁלשׁה דברים ואין אתּה בא לידי...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Chamber Choir/Acapella
He Once Saw A Skull — הוּא ראה גלגלת
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 2:07
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Avoth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 2:07/Skull/Revenge/Drowning/Water/Float
- Origin:
- Pirke 26
- Translation:
- Pirke 26/AlB B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 6364
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- He once say a skull floating on the face of the water...
- First line (English):
- אף הוּא ראה גלגלת אחת שׁצפה על פּני המים. אמר לה. על דאטיפתּ....
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Alto Solo
He Who Does Not — וּדלא מוֹסיף
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 1:13
- Also known as:
- Udlo Musief
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke Aboth/Mishna/Ethics
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 1:13/ Parek Rishon 13/Knowledge/Duty/Increase
- Origin:
- Pirke 14
- Translation:
- Pirke 14
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 6368
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- He (Hillel) was wont to say:He who does not increase his knowledge decreases it
- First line (English):
- הוּה (הלל) היה אמר, נגד שמא אבד שמא, ודילא מוסיף יסוף, ודילא יליך קטלא חייב
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Alto Recitative
He Who Learns From His Fellow Man — הלומד מחברו
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 6:03
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 6:03/Learning/Teacher/Honor/Torah
- Origin:
- Pirke 120
- Translation:
- Pirke 120/Alb B-033(a)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 6369
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- He who learns from his fellow man a single chapter, a single…
- First line (English):
- הלוֹמד מחברוֹ פּרק אחד אוֹ הלכה אחד אוֹ פּסוּק אחד אוֹ דבּוּר אחד אוֹ..
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Alto Solo
He Whose Wisdom — כּל שׁחכמתוֹ
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 3:22
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 3:22/Wisdom/Works/Foundation/Tree/Roots
- Origin:
- Pirke 60
- Translation:
- Pirke 60/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 6370
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- He was wont to say: He whose wisdom exceeds his deeds,
- First line (English):
- הוּא היה אוֹמר. כּל שׁחכמתוֹ מרבּה ממעשׂיו למה הוּא דוֹמה.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert
All Love Which Depends — כּל אהבה שׁהיא
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 5:19
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 5:19/Love/Cause/Amnan/Tamar/David/Jonothan
- Origin:
- Pirke 106
- Translation:
- Pirke 106/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 1181
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- First line:
- All love which depends upon some material cause, When that ceases,...
- First line (English):
- כּל-אהבה שׁהיא תלוּיה בדבר בּטל דבר בּטלה אהבה.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Tenor Solo
Antigonos Of Socho — אנטיגנוֹס אישׁ שׂוֹכוֹ
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 1:03
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 1:03/Reward/Heaven/Servant/Master
- Origin:
- Pirke 6
- Translation:
- Pirke 6
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 1393
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- First line:
- Antigones of Soho received the tradition from Simon the Just
- First line (English):
- אנטיגנוֹס אישׁ שׂוֹכוֹ קבּל משׁמעוֹן הצדיק. הוּא היה אוֹמר. על תּייוּ...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Tenor Solo
Ben Azzai Wont To Say — בּן-עזי היה אוֹמר
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 4:03
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 4:03/Despise/Complain/Fate
- Origin:
- Pirke 68
- Translation:
- Pirke 68/Alb B-033(a)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 2215
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Artist:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Ben Azzai was wont to say: Despise not any man, and carp...
- First line (English):
- בּן-עזי היה אוֹמר. אל תּהי בז לכל-אדם ואל תּהי מפליג לכל-דבר...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Alto Solo
Ben Zoma Said — בּן זוֹמא אוֹמר
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 4:01
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 4:01/Wisdom/Might/Anger/Spirit/Wealth/Honor
- Origin:
- Pirke 66
- Translation:
- Pirke 66/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 2217
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Artist:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Ben Zoma said: Who is wise? He that learns from every man,
- First line (English):
- בּן זוֹמא אוֹמר. איזהוּ חכם. הלומד מכּל-אדם. שׁנאמר מכּל-מלמדי...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Tenor Solo
If I Am Not For Myself (Gold) — אם אין אני לי מי לי
- Also known as:
- Eym Eyn Ani Li Mi Li
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 1:14
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 1:14/Self/Others
- Origin:
- Pirke 14
- Transliteration:
- Alb H-034(a)
- Translation:
- Alb H-034(a)/Pirke 14
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 4969
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- He (Hillel) was wont to say: If I am not for myself, who...
- First line (English):
- הוּה (הלל) היה אמר. אם אין אני לי מי לי וּבשׁאני לעצמי מה אני..
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Tenor Aria
Elisha The Son Of Abuyah Said — אלישׁע בּן-אבוּיה אוֹמר
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 4:25
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 4:25/Learning/Youth/Age/Paper/Ink
- Origin:
- Pirke 80
- Translation:
- Pirke 80/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 4590
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Elisha the son of Abuyah Said: If one learns as a youth...
- First line (English):
- אלישׁע בּן-אבוּיה אוֹמר. הלוֹמד ילד למה הוּא דוֹמה. לדיוֹ כּתוּבה...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert
Hillel And Shamai — הלל ושׁמי
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 1:12
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 1:12/Hillel/Shammai/Knowledge
- Origin:
- Pirke 10
- Translation:
- Pirke 10
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 6550
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Hillel and Shammai received the tradition from the preceding
- First line (English):
- הלל ושׁמי קבּלוּ מהם. הלל אמר. הוה מתּלמידיו שׁל אהרן אוֹהב שלוֹם..
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Alto Recitative
It Is Not For Thee — לא עליך
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 2:21
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 2:21/Work/Completion/Diligence/Study/Reward
- Origin:
- Pirke 38
- Translation:
- Pirke 38/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 7543
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- He (Rabbi Tarphon) was wontt to say: It is not for thee to complete the work..
- First line (English):
- הוּא (רבי טרפון) היה אוֹמר. לא עליך המלאכה לגמוד ולא-אתּה בן-חוֹרין לחיבּטל...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert
Judah The Son Of Tema — יהוּדה בּן תּימא
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 5:23
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 5:23/Leopard/Eagle/Hart/Lion/Strength
- Origin:
- Pirke 112
- Translation:
- Pirke 112/Alb B-033(a)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 7686
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Judah the son of Tema said: Be bold as a leopard, light as..
- First line (English):
- יהוּדה בּן-תּימא אמוֹר. הוה עז כּנמר וקל כּנשׁר עץ כּאבי וגבּוֹר...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert
Moses Received The Torah — משה קבּל תּוֹרה
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 1:01
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 1:01/Torah/Continuity/Joshua/Prophets/Elders
- Origin:
- Pirke 6
- Translation:
- Alb B-033(e)/Pirke 6
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 10704
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Moses received the Torah on Sinai, and handed it down to...
- First line (English):
- משה קבּל תּוֹרה מסיני. וּמסרה ליהוֹשׁע ויהוֹשׁע לזקנים וּזקנים...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert
Neither Say — ואל תּאמר
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 2:05
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 2:05/Leisure/Study/Procrastination/Opportunity
- Origin:
- Pirke 24/Alb B-033(a)
- Translation:
- Alb B-033(a)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 10965
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Hillel said: Neither say when I have leisure I will study,
- First line (English):
- הלל אוֹמר. ואל תּאמר דבר שׁאי אפשׁר לשׁמוֹע שׁסוֹפוֹ להשׁמע ואל תּאמר..
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert
Shamai Said — שׁמי אוֹמר
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 1:15
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Reticence/Action/Study/Manners/Pirke Aboth 1:15
- Origin:
- Pirke 16
- Translation:
- Pirke 16/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 13528
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Shammai said: say little and do much and fix a time for...
- First line (English):
- שׁמי אמוֹר. עשׂה תוֹרתך קבע אמוֹר מעט ועשׂה הרבּה והוה מקבל את-כּל..
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert
Rabbi Akiva Said — רבּי עקיבא אוֹמר
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 3:17
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 3:17/Levity/Lewdness/Tradition/Fences
- Origin:
- Pirke 54
- Translation:
- Pirke 54/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12534
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Rabbi Akiva said: Merriment and levity accustom a man to...
- First line (English):
- רבּי אקיבא אמוֹר. שׁחוֹק וקלוּת ראשׁ מרגילים את-האדם לערוה:
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert
Rabbi Eleazar Said (Pirke 3:21) — רבּי אלעזר אוֹמר (פּרק3:21ׂׂ)
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 3:21
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 3:21/Torah/Culture/Wisdom/Fear of God/Sustenance
- Origin:
- Pirke 60
- Translation:
- Pirke 60/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12535
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Rabbi Eleazar the son of Azeriah said: Where there is no...
- First line (English):
- רבּי אלעזר בּן-עזריה אמוֹר. אם אין תּוֹרת אין דרך ארץ אם אין...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Violin Obligato
Rabbi Eleazer Said (Pirke 2:19) — רבּי אלעזר אוֹמר (פרק 2:19)
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 2:19
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 2:19/Study/Torah/Answer/Unbeliever/Reward
- Origin:
- Pirke 38
- Translation:
- Pirke 38/Alb B-033(b)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12536
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Rabbi Eleazer said: Be diligent in the study of the Torah,
- First line (English):
- רבּי אלעזר אוֹמר. הוה שׁקוּד ללמוֹד תּוֹרה ודע מה-שׁתּשיב לאפּיקוּרוֹם..
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Chamber Choir
Rabbi Chanina Said — רבּי חנינא אוֹמר
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 3:11
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 3:11/Wisdom/Works/Fear/Sin
- Origin:
- Pirke 50
- Translation:
- Pirke 50/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12539
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Rabbi Khanina the son of Dosa said: He in whom his fear of..
- First line (English):
- רבּי חנינא בּן-דוֹסא אוֹמר. כּל שׁיראת חטאוֹ קוֹדמת לחכמתוֹ הכמתוֹ...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Tenor Solo/Alto Solo/Alto and Tenor Duet
Rabbi Meir Said — רבּי מאיר אוֹמר
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 4:27
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 4:27/Appearance/Flask/Wine
- Origin:
- Pirke 82
- Translation:
- Pirke 82/Alb B-033(a)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12542
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Rabbi Meir said: Look not at the flask, but at what it...
- First line (English):
- רבּי מאיר אומר. אל תּסתּכּל בּקנקן אלא בּמה שׁישׁ בּוֹ. ישׁ קנקן חדשׁ...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Tenor Solo
Rabbi Said (Judah The Prince) — רבּי אמוֹר (יהודה הנשיא)
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 2:01
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 2:01/Remember/Seeing Eye/Hearing Ear/Deeds/
- Origin:
- Pirke 20
- Translation:
- Pirke 20
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12544
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Reflect upon three things, and thou wilt not commit a...
- First line (English):
- הסתּכּל בּשׁלשׁה דברים ואין אתּה בּא לידי עברה.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert
Rabbi Shimon Said (Eng Pirke 4:17) — רבּי שׁמעוֹן אוֹמר (פּרק 4:17)
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 4:17
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 4:17/Crowns/Torah/Priesthood/Kingdom/Good Name
- Origin:
- Pirke 76
- Translation:
- Pirke 76/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12545
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Rabbi Shimon said: There are three crowns; the crown of...
- First line (English):
- רבּי שׁמעוֹן אוֹמר. שׁלשׁה כתרים הן. כּתּר תּוֹרה וכתר כּהנה וכתר מלכוּת
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Chamber Choir
Rabbi Shimon Said (Eng Pirke 6:08) — רבּי שמעוֹן אוֹמר (פּרקי 6:08)
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 6:08
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 6:08/Children/Grandchildren/Grandfathers/Fathers
- Origin:
- Pirke 131
- Translation:
- Pirke 131/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12546
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Rabbi Shimon the son of Judah in the name of Rabbi...
- First line (English):
- רבּי שמעוֹן בּן-יהוּדה משׁוּם רבּי שׁמעוֹן בּן-יוֹחי אוֹמר. הנוֹי והכּח...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert
Rabbi Tarfon Said (Eng, Pirke) — רבּי טרפוֹן אוֹמר. (ענג, פּרקי אבות)
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 2:20
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12547
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Rabbi Tarfon said: The day is short, and the work is great,
- First line (English):
- רבּי טרפוֹן אוֹמר. היוֹם קצר והמלאכה מרבּה והפּוֹעלים עצלים והשׂכר..
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Tenor Solo
Rabbi Yanni Said — רבּי יני אוֹמר
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 4:19
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 4:19/Wicked/Prosperity/Rightous/Affliction
- Origin:
- Pirke 78
- Translation:
- Pirke 78/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12549
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Rabbi Yanni said: It is not in our power to explain the...
- First line (English):
- רבּי יני אוֹמר. אין בּידימוּ לא משׁלות הרשׁעים ואף לא מימוּרי...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Tenor Solo
Rabbi Yossi Said — רבּי יוֹסי אוֹמר
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 6:11
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 6:11/Sovernighty/Creation
- Origin:
- Pirke 136
- Translation:
- Pirke 136/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12550
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Whatsover the Holy One, blessed be He, created in His...
- First line (English):
- כּל מה-שׁבּרא הקדוֹשׁ בּרוּך הוּא בּעוֹלמוֹ לא בראוֹ אלא לכבוֹדוֹ.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Tenor and Alto Duet
Rabban Gamiliel Said — רבּן גמליאל אוֹמר
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 2:04
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Submission/Cooperation/Pirke Aboth 2:04
- Origin:
- Pirke 20
- Translation:
- Pirke 20/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12532
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Rabban Gamiliel the son of Rabbi Judah the Prince said..
- First line (English):
- רבּן גמליאל בּני שׁל רבּי יהוּדה הנשׂיא אמוֹר. עשׂהרצוֹנו כּרצוֹנך...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Recitativeand Aria for Tenor
Rabban Shimon — רבן שמעון
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 1:18
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- World/Existence/Truth/Justice/Peace/Pirke Aboth 1:18
- Origin:
- Pirke 18
- Translation:
- Pirke 18/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 12533
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Rabban Shimon the son of Gamliel said, On three things the..
- First line (English):
- רבּן שׁמעוֹן בּן-גמליאל אוֹמר. על שׁלשׁה דברים העוֹלם קים על...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- ConcertAlto Recitative/Chamber Choir Acapella
Seven Things — שׁבעה דברים
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 5:10
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 5:10/Attributes/Clod/Wiseman/Opposites
- Origin:
- Pirke 94
- Translation:
- Pirke 94/Alb B-033(a)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 13346
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Seven things are in a clod. and seven in a wise man.
- First line (English):
- שׁבעה דברים בּדלם ושׁבעה בּחכם. חכם אינו מדבּר לפני מי שׁגדוֹל...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Alto Solo
Al Shlosha Devarim — על שלשה דברים
- Also known as:
- Simon The Just
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 1:02
- Also known as:
- Pirke Avoth 1:02
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- World/Torah/Ritual/Charity/Foundation/Pirke Aboth 1:02
- Origin:
- Pirke 6/HAL 42/25 Songs 19
- Transliteration:
- HAL 42/25 Songs 19
- Translation:
- Pirke 6/HAL 42/25 Songs 19
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 14464
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Simon the Just was one of the last of the great Synagogue..
- First line (English):
- שׁמעוֹן הצדיק היא משׁירי כּנסת הגדוֹלה. הוּא היא אוּמר.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Alto Recitative
Turn The Torah — חפך בּה והפך
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 5:25
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 5:25/Torah/Study/Contemplate/Observe
- Origin:
- Pirke 114
- Translation:
- Pirke 114/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 15835
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- Turn the Torah, and turn it over, for everything is herein,
- First line (English):
- הפך בּה והפך בּה דכלא בּה וּבה תּהזא וסיב וּבלה בּה וּמנה לא...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Tenor Solo
There Are Four Kinds Of Dispositions — ארבּע מדוֹת בּדעוֹת
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 5:14
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 5:14/Provocation/Pacific/Gain/Loss/
- Origin:
- Pirke 100
- Translation:
- Pirke 100/Alb B-033(e)
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 15272
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- There are four kinds of dispositions: He whom it is easy...
- First line (English):
- ארבּע מדוֹת בּדעוֹת. נוֹח לכעוֹם ונוֹח לרצוֹת יצא הפסדוֹ בּשׂכרוֹ.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert/Acapella Chamber Choir
This Is The Path Of The Torah — כּך היא דרכּי שׁל תּוֹרה
- Also known as:
- Pirke Aboth 6:04
- Composer:
- Gold, Morton
- Genre:
- Religious/Commentary/Pirke/Mishna/Ethics/Pirke Aboth
- Subject:
- Pirke Aboth 6:03/Bread/Salt/Water/Poverty/Study/Torah
- Origin:
- Pirke 124
- Translation:
- Alb B-033(e)/Pirke 124
- On album:
- B-033(e) (Proverbs Of The Sages Beth Abraham Youth Chorale & Orchestra)
- Track ID:
- 15294
- Vocal:
- Beth Abraham Youth Chorale
- Director:
- Kopmar, Cantor Jerome B.
- Vocal:
- Mizrahi, Cantor Alberto
- Artist:
- Beth Abraham Youth Orchestra
- Vocal:
- Miller, Lisa
- First line:
- This is the path of the Torah: A morsel of bread with salt..
- First line (English):
- כּך היא דרכּי שׁל תּוֹרה. פּת בּמלח תּאכל וּמים בּמשׂוּרה תּשׁתּה ועל...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Concert