Tracks with this artist
Kum Zits Zikh Lebn Mir (Yid, Eng) — קום זיץ זיך לעבן מיר (ייִדיש, ענג)
- On album:
- S-082(a) (The West End Klezmorim/ Freylekhs 21 Harold Selesky)
- Track ID:
- 8716
- Author:
- Feinsinger, Mary
- Composer/Clarinet:
- Selesky, Harold
- Artist:
- Feinsinger, Mary & West End Klez..
- First line:
- Kum zits zikh lebn mir, ikh..., kh'vil filn dem vunder fun..
- First line:
- קום זיץ זיך לעבן מיר, איך...כ'װיל פֿילן דעם װוּנדער פֿון דײַן...
- Track comment:
- I want you close to me, to touch you tenderly and feel...
Di Mizinke Oysgegebn — די מיזינקע אױסגעגעבן
- Also known as:
- Di Rod (Kales Tsad)
- Also known as:
- Mizinke Tants
- Also known as:
- The Krenzl Dance
- Also known as:
- Wedding Dance (Di Mizinke...)
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Composer:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Genre:
- Folk/Marriage/Family
- Subject:
- Youngest Child/Marriage/Celebration/Klezmer/Guests/Family
- Origin:
- Warsh Ye Yid 13/Alb G-026(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb R-022(a)/Alb B-007(b)ML MTAG 54
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 54/Alb S-083(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb G-022(a)/Alb L-009(a)/Kinderbuch 172/
- Translation:
- Kinderbuch 172/Alb G-022(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb S-083(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Sh Sh 198
- Music:
- ML MTAG 55/Kinderbuch 172/SM Scher 13
- Additional song notes:
- Originally entitled "Di Rod (Kales Tsad)" "(צד כּלהס)
The Youngest Daughter Married/
Org, Translit & Translat in Alb B-211(a)/ Translit in Alb P-038(d)
- Related information in folder 91:
- Comments:
- 1. Sheet music of song titled "Titina". Lyrics by Bertal-Maubon & Ronn. Music by Leo Daniderff published by Harms, NY, 1922. Melody accompanies Charley Chaplin song and dance routine in "City Lights". Melody has a strinking similarity to "Di Mezinke Oysgegebn"'
2. Article in Wikipedia as of 12/8/2009 titled "Je cherche Apres Titine" (I Am Looking For Titine) giving a history of the song.
- On album:
- S-082(a) (The West End Klezmorim/ Freylekhs 21 Harold Selesky)
- Track ID:
- 3728
- Author:
- Feinsinger, Mary, Eng — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאַרק מ. (1840-1907)
- Artist:
- Feinsinger, Mary & West End Klez..
- Clarinet:
- Selesky, Harold
- First line:
- Hekher! Beser! Di rod, di rod makht greser! Groys hot mikh..
- First line:
- העכער! בעסער! די ראָד, די ראָד מאַכט גרעסער! גרױס האָט מיך גאָט..
- Track comment:
- Originally entitled "Di Rod (Kales Tsad)" "(צד כּלהס) ראָד "די
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
Freylekhs 21 — פֿרײלעכס 21
- On album:
- S-082(a) (The West End Klezmorim/ Freylekhs 21 Harold Selesky)
- Track ID:
- 5433
- Author:
- Feinsinger, Mary
- Composer/Clarinet:
- Selesky, Harold
- Artist:
- Feinsinger, Mary & West End Klez..
- First line:
- Lakhn, zingen, tantsn, shpringen, freylekh zol zayn,
- First line:
- לאַכן, זינגען, טאַנצן, שפּרינגען, פֿרײלעך זאָל זײַן,
- Track comment:
- Melody sounds like "Khiam Popukal"
- Style:
- Klezmer/Instrumental
I Want You Close To Me (Yid, Eng) — קום זיץ זיך לעבן מיר (ייִדיש, ענג)
- On album:
- xS-082(a)
- Track ID:
- 6998
- Author:
- Feinsinger, Mary
- Composer/Clarinet:
- Selesky, Harold
- Artist:
- Feinsinger, Mary & West End Klez..
- First line:
- Kum zits zikh lebn mir, ikh..., kh'vil filn dem vunder...
- First line:
- קום זיץ זיך לעבן מיר, איך...כ'װיל פֿילן דעם װוּנדער פֿון דײַן...
- Track comment:
- I want you close to me, to touch you tenderly and feel...
A Nign — אַ ניגון
- Also known as:
- A Yid A Kaptsn (Leybush...Nign)
- Also known as:
- Leybush Lehrers Nign
- Author:
- Lehrer, Leybush — לערער, לײבוש
- Composer:
- Weiner, Lazar — װײַנער, לאַזאַר
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Khasidic
- Subject:
- Poor Man/Kaptsn/Melody/Nigun/Contention/God
- Origin:
- Alb L-001(a)/ML PYS 112/Alb L-022(a)/CD S-100(a)/SM Moskow 56
- Transliteration:
- Alb L-001(a)/Alb L-004(a)/ML PYS 112/Alb L-049(a)//SM Moskow 56
- Translation:
- ML PYS 112/Alb L-049(a)/Alb D-002(a)/Alb L-004(a)/Alb L-022(a)/CD S-100(a)
- Music:
- ML PYS 113//SM Moskow 56
- Additional song notes:
- Known in Camp Boiberik as "Leybush Lehrer's Nigun"
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
L. Magister is pseudonym for Leybush Lehrer
- Related information in folder 740:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- S-082(a) (The West End Klezmorim/ Freylekhs 21 Harold Selesky)
- Track ID:
- 9154
- Artist:
- Feinsinger, Mary & West End Klez..
- Clarinet:
- Selesky, Harold
- First line:
- Iz a kaptsn a mol gevezn, flegt er nor mit Got zikh krign,
- First line:
- איז אַ קבצן אַ מאָל געװעזן, פֿלעגט ער נאָר מיט גאָט זיך קריגן,
- Track comment:
- Known in Camp Boiberik as "Leybush Lerer's Nigun."
Oy Mame, Bin Ikh Farlibt — אױ מאַמע, בין איך פֿאַרליבט
- Author:
- Ellstein, Abe — עלשטײַן, אײב
- Composer:
- Ellstein, Abe — עלשטײַן, אײב
- Genre:
- Theatre/Love
- Subject:
- Love/Mother/Daughter/Klezmer Youth/Violin
- Transliteration:
- Warem 159/Alb I-013(a)
- Translation:
- Alb T-015(c)/Alb S-068(a)/Alb I-013(a)/Alb M-068(a)04
- On album:
- S-082(a) (The West End Klezmorim/ Freylekhs 21 Harold Selesky)
- Track ID:
- 11761
- Author:
- Feinsinger, Mary Eng/ Ellstein — עלשטײַן, אַבֿרהם (1907-1963)
- Artist:
- Feinsinger, Mary & West End Klez..
- Clarinet:
- Selesky, Harold
- First line:
- When this guy starts to play a song, my body's weak,
- First line:
- װען ס'שפּילט זיך אױף זײַן פֿידל, אַ שײן האַרציק ייִדיש לידל,
- Language:
- English/Yiddish
Rumenye, Rumenye — רומעניע, רומעניע
- Author:
- Lebedeff, Aaron — לעבעדאָװ, אהרן
- Composer:
- Lebedeff, Aaron — לעבעדאָװ, אהרן
- Genre:
- Theatre/Vaudville/Shund/Double Entendre/Skat/Humorous/Nostal
- Subject:
- Rumania/Place/Food/Women
- Origin:
- GYF 12
- Transliteration:
- Alb G-013(c)/CD K-068(e)/AAlb L-002(a)Alb L-023(a)/Alb J-24(a)1
- Translation:
- Alb J-024(a)1/GYF 12/Alb K-029(g)/Alb L-002(a)/Alb W-031(a)
- Music:
- Warem 175/GYF 12
- Related information in folder 397:
- Document type:
- Text
- Comments:
- Yiddish text with transliteration and English adaptation.
Also, various versions.
- On album:
- S-082(a) (The West End Klezmorim/ Freylekhs 21 Harold Selesky)
- Track ID:
- 13057
- Artist:
- Feinsinger, Mary & West End Klez..
- Clarinet:
- Selesky, Harold
- First line:
- Ekh! Rumenye, geven a mol a land a zise, a sheyne.
- First line (Yiddish):
- עך, רומעניע, געװען אַ מאָל אַ לאַנד אַ זיסע, אַ שײנע.
- Track comment:
- with Rumanian Rhapsody
- Language:
- Yiddish