Songs written or composed
Beegozim Nesakheo
- Author:
- Alterman, Natan — אלתּרמן, נתן
- Composer:
- Valbe
- Genre:
- Peysekh/Literary Origin/Place
- Subject:
- Priamids/Pharoh//Persecution/Curuelty/Bircks/Egypt/Slavery
- Translation:
- Alb B-004(c)/CD C-042(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Hebrew Adaptation of "In Dem Land Fun Piramidn"
Other tracks with this artist
Shir Lepeysekh (Heb) — שיר לפּסח (עבֿרית)
- On album:
- B-003(s) (Seder Nights with Sidor Belarsky — לכּבֿד יום טובֿ פּסח)
- Track ID:
- 13918
- Author:
- Shimonovits
- Composer:
- Valbe
- Vocal:
- Belarsky, Sidor — בעלאַרסקי, סידאָר
- Choral Arrangements/Musical Director:
- Heifetz, Vladimir — חפֿץ, װלאַדימיר
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Hebrew