Tracks with this artist
Oyfn Pripetshik (Warshavsky) — אױפֿן פּריפּעטשיק (וואַרשאַווסקי)
- Also known as:
- Der Alef Beys
- Also known as:
- In The Fireplace
- Also known as:
- Afn Pripetshik
- Also known as:
- Oifm Pripezik
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Composer:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Composer:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Children/Alphabet/Education/Learning/Rebbe/Kheyder/School
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 2/Alb K-014(a)/GYF 24/Alb A-001(h)/Alb G-026(a)/Alb R-022(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb R-022(a)/ML MTAG 2/Alb B-004(c)/Alb C-015(a)/Alb D-016(a)
- Translation:
- Alb S-083(a)/Alb L-024(b)/GYF 27/Kinderbuch 167/Alb G-017(a)/Sh Sh 196/
- Music:
- ML MTAG 2/GYF 25/SM Scher 13/Lefko Folk 72
- Additional song notes:
- At The Fireplace
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
Translation and Transliteration at Ephemera 1269
Org, Translit & Translt on Alb B-211(a)
Ephemera 1458 See 2012 program for translat and trqqnslit. Alb V0290-- What's Not To Like -- 2012/ Eng Translit - Alb P-038€
- Related information in folder 332:
- Document type:
- Translation
- Author:
- Max Rosenfeld
- Comments:
- Singable English adaptation by Max Rosenfeld.
2. Soviet version, reflecting changes from the original text, from Anna Sternshis's book "Soviet and Kosher."
3. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- E-029(a) (Jake Ehrenreich/ Yiddish Unplugged)
- Track ID:
- 33790
- Vocal/Arrangement:
- Ehrenreich, Jake
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Lanzbom, C,
- First line:
- Oyfn pripetshik brent a fayerl, un in shtub iz heys. un der rebe mit di kleyne
- First line (Yiddish):
- אױפֿן פּריפּעטשיק ברענט אַ פֿײַערל, און אין שטוב איז הײס. און דער רבע מיט די..
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk
- Length:
- 2:53
Unter Beymer — אונטער ביימער
- Author:
- Olshanetsky, Alexander — אָלשאַנעצקי, אַלעקסאַנדער
- Composer:
- Oysher, Moyshe — אױשער, משה
- Genre:
- Lullaby/Viglid
- Subject:
- Child/Forboding Future/Angry Winds
- Origin:
- Levin N 155/ML PYS 4/Alb K-068(d)/Alb L-062(a)
- Transliteration:
- Levin N 155/Alb K-068(d)/Alb L-062(a)/Alb B-095(b)Ephemera 1269/Ephemera 1458
- Translation:
- CD S-086(d)/Alb P-001(a)/Alb K-068(d)/B-095(b)/Ephemera 1269/Ephemera 1458 201
- Additional song notes:
- From the motion picture " The Vilna Balabosl"
Unter Trees
Org, Translit & Translt on Alb B-211(a)
Ephemera 1458 See 2012 program for translat and trqqnslit. Alb V0290-- What's Not To Like -- 2012
- On album:
- E-029(a) (Jake Ehrenreich/ Yiddish Unplugged)
- Track ID:
- 33791
- Vocal/Arrangement:
- Ehrenreich, Jake
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Lanzbom, C,
- First line:
- Unter beymer vaksn gruzn, ay li lu lu lu un di beyze vintn bluzn, shlof zhe…
- First line (Yiddish):
- אונטער ביימער װאַקסן גרוזן, אײַ לי לו לו לו, און די בײזע ווינטן בלוזן, שלאַף..
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk
- Length:
- 2:26
Margaritkelekh — מאַרגאַריטקעלעך
- Also known as:
- A Moment
- Also known as:
- Marganiot
- Also known as:
- Rakefet
- Author:
- Shneur, Zalman — שניאור, זלמן
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Love
- Subject:
- Seduction/Abandonment/Love/Forest/River/Dasies/Courting
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 41/Vinkov 1 66/Alb L-001(a)/Alb A-002(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Alb F-24(e)
- Transliteration:
- CD L-054(a)/ML MTAG 41/Vinkov 1 66/Alb K-059(d)/Gold Zem 184/Alb K-068(d)/
- Translation:
- CD L-054(a)/Alb K-068(d)/Vinkov 1 66/Alb Z-018(a)/Alb K-059(d)/Sh Sh 234/
- Music:
- ML MTAG 41/Vinkov 1 66/Netzer 22/Belarsky 065/
- Additional song notes:
- Daisies
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
Org, Translit & Translat on Alb B-211(a)
- Related information in folder 735:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- E-029(a) (Jake Ehrenreich/ Yiddish Unplugged)
- Track ID:
- 33792
- Vocal/Arrangement:
- Ehrenreich, Jake
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Lanzbom, C,
- First line:
- In veldl baym taykhl, dort zaynen gevaksn margaritkelekh, margaritkelekh…
- First line (Yiddish):
- אין װעלדל בײַם טײַכל, דאָרט זײַנען געװאַקסן מאַרגאַריטלעך עלנט...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk
- Length:
- 2:06
Tumbalalajka — טום בלליקה
- Also known as:
- Tum Balalayke
- Also known as:
- Twistin' The Freylekhs (Instr)
- Also known as:
- Play Balalaike
- On album:
- E-029(a) (Jake Ehrenreich/ Yiddish Unplugged)
- Track ID:
- 33793
- Vocal/Arrangement:
- Ehrenreich, Jake
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Lanzbom, C,
- First line:
- Shteyt a bokher un er trakht, Trakht un trakht a gantse nakht, vemen tsu nemen..
- First line (Yiddish):
- שטײט אַ בחור און ער טראַכט, טראַכט און טראַכט אַ גאַנצע נאַכט, וועמען צו נעמען
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk
- Length:
- 3:11
Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern (Brodno) — תחת זעו כוכבי שמים / אונטער דײַנע װײַסע שטערן
- Also known as:
- Takhat zi kukhvi shomayim
- Also known as:
- Shema Koleynu
- Author:
- Sutzkever, Avrom — סוצקעװער, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Brudno, Avrom — ברודנאָ, אַבֿרהם
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Holocaust
- Subject:
- Faith/Prayer
- Song comment:
- Introduced in Vilna ghetto theatre-"Di Yogenish in Fas"
- Origin:
- Ephemera 1203/Kaczer 74/Alb V-001(a)/Alb D-004(g)/ML WAH 48/Alb N-026(a
- Transliteration:
- Ephemera 1204/ML WAH 48/Alb M-049(a)/Alb M-049(a)/Alb Z-010(g)/D-004(n)
- Translation:
- Alb Z-010(g)/Alb V-001(d) ML WAH 48/Alb G-040(a)/Alb M-049(a)/D-004(n)
- Additional song notes:
- First sung by Zlote Kaczerginski at Litter Art Theatre of Vilna Ghetto
Under Your White Stars./ Takhat Ziv Kokhvey Shamayim (Hebrew Adaptation)
Hebrew Text in album notes for V-001(b) and Ephemera 1203
English Adaptation with Album Notes and Ephemera 1204
- On album:
- E-029(a) (Jake Ehrenreich/ Yiddish Unplugged)
- Track ID:
- 33794
- Vocal/Arrangement:
- Ehrenreich, Jake
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Lanzbom, C,
- First line:
- Unter dayne vayse shtern, shtrek tsu mir dayn veyse hant, mayne verter zenen…
- First line (Yiddish):
- אונטער דײַנע װײַסע שטערן, שטרעק צו מיר דײַן װײַסע האַנט, מײַנע ווערטער זענען..
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk
- Length:
- 1:40
Oyfn Veg Shteyt A Boym — אױפֿן װעג שטײט אַ בױם
- Also known as:
- Al Haderekh Ets Omeyd
- Also known as:
- Afn Veg Shteyt A Boym
- Author:
- Manger, Itzik — מאַנגער, איציק
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Folk
- Subject:
- Child/Mother/Burdens/Birds/Tree/Imagination/Mother Love
- Song comment:
- P. Laskovski sometimes credited as composer./ From "Volkns Ibern Dakh"
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 164/Manger 369/Manger Illust/Alb L-023(a)/Alb F-024(e)/GYF 66/
- Transliteration:
- GYF 67/ML MTAG 164/ L-022(a)/Alb A-044(a)/Alb F-018(a)/CD L-054(a)/CD O-016(a)
- Translation:
- Leftwich GP 547/GYF 67/Alb L-004(a)/Alb L-023(a)/Manger Wolf 102/Sh Sh 414
- Music:
- ML MTAG 164/
- Additional song notes:
- By The Wayside Stands A Tree
See also illustration in Manger Illust
See transliteration and translation in Ephemera 1552
Shmuel Fisher credited as compposer in the lyrics provided by Klezmania
- Related information in folder 111:
- Comments:
- 1. Essay titled "The Destiny of a Poem" by Itzik Manger, translated from the Yiddish by Joseph Leftwich and published in Volume 2 of "The Way We Think" describing Manger's visit to Waraw in April 1948 including an incident dealing with his poem "Oyfn Veg Shteyt A Boym."
See folder 3 (Manger, Itzik)
2. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
3. Article in the English Forward of January 29, 2010 by Philologos exploring the relationship of Manger's "Oyfn Veg Shteyt A Boym" and the folk song "Groyser Got, Groyser Got, Lomir Davenen Minkhe, Az Yidn Veln Forn Keyn Eretz Yisroel, Vet Zayn Susn V"Simkhe".
4 3/2/2014 Program for performances of the The Megile of Itzik Manger for March 2-16, 2014 at the Center for the Performing Arts published by the Folksbiene.
- Related information in folder 996:
- Comments:
- 1. Article in English Forward of January 29, 2010 by Philologos titled "A Tree Grows in Zion" dealing with Manger's Song with the Zionist pioneer song and coming to the conclusion that Laskowsky could not have written the melody to the Manger song
- On album:
- E-029(a) (Jake Ehrenreich/ Yiddish Unplugged)
- Track ID:
- 33795
- Vocal/Arrangement:
- Ehrenreich, Jake
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Lanzbom, C,
- First line:
- Oyfn vegt shteyt a boym, shteyt er eyngeboygn, ale feygl funem boym zenen…
- First line (Yiddish):
- אױפֿן װעג שטײט אַ בױם, שטײט ער אײַנגעבױגן, אַלע פֿײגל פֿונעם בוים זענען זיך ..
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk
- Length:
- 3:13
Dona Dona — דאָנאַ דאָנאַ
- Author:
- Zeitlin, Aaron — צײַטלין, אַהרן
- Composer:
- Secunda, Sholom — סעקונדאַ, שלום
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Theatre/Folk
- Subject:
- Calf/Freedom/Choice/Subjegation/Wagon/Swallow (Bird)
- Origin:
- ML PYS 175/Kinderbuch 104/Alb A-001(h)/Alb Z-012(a)/Alb B-007(a)/Vinkov 4 45
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-007(a)/Kinderbuch 104/Alb C-015(a)/Alb D-016(a)/Alb L-023(b)/Kinderland
- Translation:
- Kinderbuch 104/Alb L-048(a)/Alb O-001(a)/Alb B-007(a)/Kinderland/Schwartz 6
- Music:
- ML PYS 175/Kinderbuch 104/Z-012(a)/Vinkov 4 45/Schwartz 6
- Additional song notes:
- See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
See also Ephemera 918 for original text, translation and Transliteration
- On album:
- E-029(a) (Jake Ehrenreich/ Yiddish Unplugged)
- Track ID:
- 33796
- Vocal/Arrangement:
- Ehrenreich, Jake
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Lanzbom, C,
- First line:
- Oyfn furl ligt dos kelbl, ligt gebunden mit a shtrik, inem himl flit a shvelbl,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אױפֿן פֿורל ליגט דאָס קעלבל, ליגט געבונדן מיט אַ שטריק, אינעם הימל פֿליט אַ ..
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk
- Length:
- 2:47
Yankele — יאַנקעלע
- Also known as:
- Shlof Mayn Yankele
- Also known as:
- Shlof Shoyn Mayn Yankele
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Folk/Lullabye
- Subject:
- Child/Sleep/Teeth/Crying/Student/Wet/Khosn
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 08/Alb K-014(a)/GYF 60/Alb L-022(a)/Alb F-024(e)/
- Transliteration:
- GYF 63/ML MTAG 08/Alb R-007(f)1/Alb R-001(a)/Alb P-001(a)/Alb L-022(a)
- Translation:
- Alb H-006(a)/Alb G-022(a)/Alb K-014(a)/GYF 63/Alb O-001(c)/Alb P-001(a
- Music:
- ML MTAG 09/GYF 61/
- Additional song notes:
- See also Ephemera 918 for Yiddish text, translation and transliteration
- Related information in folder 745:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- E-029(a) (Jake Ehrenreich/ Yiddish Unplugged)
- Track ID:
- 33797
- Vocal/Arrangement:
- Ehrenreich, Jake
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Lanzbom, C,
- First line:
- Shlof zhe mir shoyn, Yankele, mayn sheyner, di eygelekh, di shartzinke makh tsu
- First line (Yiddish):
- שלאָף זשע מיר שױן, יאַנקעלע, מײַן שײנער, די אײגעלעך, די שוואַרטצינקע מאַך צו
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk
- Length:
- 2:28
Zog Nit Keyn Mol — זאָג ניט קײן מאָל
- Also known as:
- Shir Hapartizanim
- Also known as:
- Partisaner Lid
- Also known as:
- Partisan Song
- Also known as:
- Al Na Tomar
- Also known as:
- Never Say
- Author:
- Glik, Hirsh — גליק, הירש (1922-1944)
- Composer:
- Pokras, Dan — פּאָקראַס, דאַן
- Composer:
- Pokras, Dimitri — פּאָקראַס, דימעטרי
- Genre:
- World War II/Holocaust/Resistance
- Subject:
- Survival/Resistance/Hope
- Origin:
- Ephemera 1203/ Kaczer 3/ML WAH 94/Alb M-029(a)/Alb V-001(a)/Vinkov 4 65
- Transliteration:
- ML WAH 94/Alb G-010(g)/Alb S-083(a)/Alb F-018(b)/Alb G-005(b)/Vinkov 4 65
- Translation:
- Ephemera 1204/Alb G-006(b)/ML WAH 94/Alb S-083(a)/Alb D-004(g)/Vonkov IV 65
- Music:
- ML WAH 94/Alb Z-012(a)/Rubin Voi 85/Vinkov 4 65/Kaczer 361
- Additional song notes:
- Never Say
Hebrew Adaptation with Album Notes V-001(b) and Ephemera 1203
- On album:
- E-029(a) (Jake Ehrenreich/ Yiddish Unplugged)
- Track ID:
- 33788
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Ehrenreich, Jake
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Lanzbom, C,
- First line:
- Zog nit keyn mol az du geyst dem letstn veg, khotch himlen blayene farshteln…
- First line (Yiddish):
- זאָג ניט קײן מאָל אַז דו גײסט דעם לעצטן װעג. כאָטש הימלען בלײַענע פֿאַרשטעלן
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk
- Length:
- 2:37
Zol Zayn (Papernikov) — זאָל זײַן (פּאַפּערניקאָוו)
- Author:
- Papernikov, Yosef — פּאַפּערניקאָװ, יוסף
- Composer:
- Papernikov, Yosef — פּאַפּערניקאָװ, יוסף
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Goals/Attempt/Optomisn/Persistence
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 186/Alb L-002(a)
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 186/Alb L-002(a)/Alb M-049(a)
- Translation:
- Alb T-015(e)/Alb M-049(a)/Alb 129(a)&(b)/Alb P-038€
- Music:
- ML MTAG 186
- Additional song notes:
- Let It Be So
- Related information in folder 749:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- E-029(a) (Jake Ehrenreich/ Yiddish Unplugged)
- Track ID:
- 33789
- Vocal/Arrangement:
- Ehrenreich, Jake
- Guitar/Arranger:
- Lanzbom, C,
- First line:
- Zol zayn az ikh boy in der luft mayne shleser, zol zayn az mayn got iz in gantsn
- First line (Yiddish):
- זאָל זײַן אַז איך בױ אין דער לופֿט מײַנע שלעסער, זאָל זײַן אַז מײַן גאָט איז
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk
- Length:
- 2:32
One Stone
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38296
- Artist:
- Rothman, Chana
- Artist:
- Lanzbom, C,
- Artist:
- Pelton, Shawn
- Artist:
- Castro, Jamba
- Artist:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- Artist:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- Artist:
- Nir, Nimrod
- First line:
- I throw one stone in the water, and I'm free
- Language:
- English
Walk a mile
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38297
- Artist:
- Rothman, Chana
- Artist:
- Lanzbom, C,
- Artist:
- Pelton, Shawn
- Artist:
- Castro, Jamba
- Artist:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- Artist:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- Artist:
- Nir, Nimrod
- First line:
- You can't raise a nation on money alone, just take a look around at the seeds
- Language:
- English
Lay Down Your Swords
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38298
- Artist:
- Rothman, Chana
- Artist:
- Lanzbom, C,
- Artist:
- Pelton, Shawn
- Artist:
- Castro, Jamba
- Artist:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- Artist:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- Artist:
- Nir, Nimrod
- First line:
- From where I stand, Across the sea, I can't understand, Can't let it be
- First line (English):
- זה כואב לי בלב האם זה שווה את כל הכאב
- Language:
- English
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- Subject:
- Camp Song / Camp ends
- On album:
- R-092(a) (Chana Rothman / Beautiful Land)
- Track ID:
- 38283
- vocals, acoustic guitar:
- Rothman, Chana
- electric guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- upright bass:
- Richards, Dave
- percussion:
- Haynes, Jeff
- vocal harmonies:
- Miller, Kim
- keys:
- Lavitz, T.
- First line:
- you like sweet things, but what the future brings, is a pair of wings
- Language:
- English
- Length:
- 2:21
Beautiful Land
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- Subject:
- Environmentalisim /
- On album:
- R-092(a) (Chana Rothman / Beautiful Land)
- Track ID:
- 38284
- vocals, acoustic guitar:
- Rothman, Chana
- electric guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- upright bass:
- Richards, Dave
- percussion:
- Haynes, Jeff
- vocal harmonies:
- Miller, Kim
- keys:
- Lavitz, T.
- First line:
- well if you take, you have to give something back, you can give it out
- Language:
- English
- Length:
- 4:25
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- Subject:
- Body Image/Social Pressure / Cirtique of American Dream
- On album:
- R-092(a) (Chana Rothman / Beautiful Land)
- Track ID:
- 38285
- vocals, acoustic guitar:
- Rothman, Chana
- electric guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- upright bass:
- Richards, Dave
- percussion:
- Haynes, Jeff
- keys:
- Policar, Dan
- First line:
- I have scabs on my skin and knots in my hair, and my chest feel tight
- Language:
- English
- Length:
- 3:33
Come on Home
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(a) (Chana Rothman / Beautiful Land)
- Track ID:
- 38286
- percussion:
- Haynes, Jeff
- electric guitar, backing vocals:
- Lanzbom, C,
- keys:
- Policar, Dan
- upright bass:
- Richards, Dave
- vocals, acoustic guitar:
- Rothman, Chana
- First line:
- Birds are singing outside my window, why are they singing, do they know somethin
- Language:
- English
- Length:
- 3:58
Baby do That Dance
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- Subject:
- Dance
- On album:
- R-092(a) (Chana Rothman / Beautiful Land)
- Track ID:
- 38287
- percussion:
- Haynes, Jeff
- electric guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- keys:
- Policar, Dan
- upright bass:
- Richards, Dave
- vocals, acoustic guitar:
- Rothman, Chana
- First line:
- My baby dose a dance for me, he's not afraid for the world to see
- Language:
- English
- Length:
- 2:30
Remember Your Name
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(a) (Chana Rothman / Beautiful Land)
- Track ID:
- 38288
- percussion:
- Haynes, Jeff
- electric guitar and slide guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- keys:
- Policar, Dan
- upright bass:
- Richards, Dave
- vocals, acoustic guitar:
- Rothman, Chana
- First line:
- Music man, child of song, how this world, has done you wrong, dancing boy, child
- Language:
- English
- Length:
- 4:06
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38289
- Vocals, acoustic guitar, slide guitar, flute:
- Rothman, Chana
- electric guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- drums:
- Pelton, Shawn
- bass:
- Castro, Jamba
- First line:
- Deliver us, we are broken, be our rock, there's no soild gound, and lift us up
- Language:
- English
We can Rise
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38290
- Vocals, acoustic guitar, slide guitar, flute:
- Rothman, Chana
- acoustic guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- drums:
- Pelton, Shawn
- bass:
- Castro, Jamba
- electric guitar:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- First line:
- I lift my eyes up to the sun, where on earth wil my help come from?
- First line (English):
- אשא עיניי אל ההרים מאין יבוא מאין יבוא עזרי
- Language:
- English
More then One Way
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38291
- Vocals, acoustic guitar, slide guitar, flute:
- Rothman, Chana
- electric guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- drums:
- Pelton, Shawn
- bass:
- Castro, Jamba
- First line:
- I look to the mountain, I look to the sea, I look to the faces of all around me
- Language:
- English
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38292
- Vocals, acoustic guitar, slide guitar, flute:
- Rothman, Chana
- electric guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- drums:
- Pelton, Shawn
- bass:
- Castro, Jamba
- mandolin:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- First line:
- I put my bike away for the winter, Outside there's snow on my car,
- Language:
- English
Gates of Justice
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38293
- Vocals, acoustic guitar, slide guitar, flute:
- Rothman, Chana
- electric guitar:
- Lanzbom, C,
- drums:
- Pelton, Shawn
- bass:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- Artist:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- Artist:
- Nir, Nimrod
- First line:
- In my corner of my train, there's so much going on in between these membranes.
- Language:
- English
Draw a Circle
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38294
- Artist:
- Rothman, Chana
- Artist:
- Lanzbom, C,
- Artist:
- Pelton, Shawn
- Artist:
- Castro, Jamba
- Artist:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- Artist:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- Artist:
- Nir, Nimrod
- First line:
- Draw a circle that looks liek this Around those people that you miss
- Language:
- English
The Wind
- Genre:
- Pop/American Folk/ Acoustic
- On album:
- R-092(b) (Chana Rothman / We Can Rise)
- Track ID:
- 38295
- Artist:
- Rothman, Chana
- Artist:
- Lanzbom, C,
- Artist:
- Pelton, Shawn
- Artist:
- Castro, Jamba
- Artist:
- Fruchter, Yoshie
- Artist:
- Weisenberg, Joey
- Artist:
- Nir, Nimrod
- First line:
- The wind she blows me close to you I say these words, I pray they're true,
- Language:
- English