Songs written or composed
Kol Dodi (Helfman) — קוֹל דוֹדי (העלפֿמאַן)
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Biblical/Song of Songs/Shir Hashirm
- Subject:
- Love
- Origin:
- Song of Songs 02:08/Alb S-063(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb C-005(d)/Alb S-063(a)
- Translation:
- Alb S-063(a)/Alb M042(c)
- On album:
- S-063(a) (American Jewish Art Songs Paulina Stark)
- Track ID:
- 8553
- Vocal:
- Stark, Paulina
- Piano:
- Shank, Nadine
- First line:
- The voice of my beloved, behold, he cometh, leaping upon...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Text, Translation and Transliteration with Album
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Art Song
Ma Tovu (Helfman) — מה-טבוּ (העלפֿמאַן)
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Biblical/Prayer
- Subject:
- Dwellings/Goodness/Numbers 024:05
- Origin:
- Alb B-033(g)
- Translation:
- Alb M-038(a)/CD G-056(b)Alb D-012(f)/Alb M-019(a)
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 9543
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line (Hebrew):
- מה-טבוּ אהליך יעקב. משכּנתיך ישׂראל: ואני בּרב חסדך. אבא ביתך.
- Track comment:
- "How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places..."
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Kiddush (Helfman) — קידוש (העלפֿמאַן)
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Liturgical/Religious
- Subject:
- Blessing/Wine/Sanctification
- Origin:
- Zim 11/Alb K-047(d)
- Transliteration:
- Zim 11/Alb K-047(d)/
- Translation:
- Alb M-030(a)Alb R-026(b)/Zim 11/Alb K-047(d)/CD B-076(a)/Vorbei 235
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 8416
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line:
- Barukh ata hashem eloheynu meylekh hoalam, borey pri hagafen
- First line (Hebrew):
- בּרוּך אתּה יי עלהינוּ מלך העוֹלם בּוֹרא פּרי הגפן
- Track comment:
- Blessed art thou, O Lord, King of the Universe, who has...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Adon Olam (Helfman) — אדון עוֹלם (העלפֿמאַן)
- Author:
- Ibn Gabirol, Solomon — שׁלמה אבּן-גבּירוֹל
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Religious/Hymn
- Origin:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 20
- Transliteration:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 20/S-046(b)/T-025(a)/A-034(a)/B-067(a)/Z-020(a)
- Translation:
- HAL 4/Zim 30/Levin N 21/Alb M-019(a)/Alb M-030(a)/Alb B-067(a)
- Additional song notes:
- "Lord of the Universe"/ See Nulman 3
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 909
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line:
- Adon olam asher malakh, Beterm kol yetsir nivra,
- First line (Hebrew):
- אדוֹן עוֹלם אשר מלך בּטרם כּל יִציר נברא. לעת נעשׂה בּחפצוֹ כּל...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Veneamar (Helfman) — ונאמר (העלפֿמאַן)
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Liturgy/Religious/Shabos/Biblical/Prophet
- Subject:
- Adoration/Zachariah/Unity/Soverignty
- Origin:
- Tanakh 2 1532
- Translation:
- Tanakh 2 1532/Alb M-030(a)/Alb M-019(a)
- Additional song notes:
- And the Lord shall be King over all the earth; in that day shall the Lord be One and his name one.
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 2127
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line (Hebrew):
- בּיוֹם ההוּא יהיה יהוֹה אחד וּשמוֹ אחד:
- Track comment:
- On that day the Lord shall be one and His name shall be one.
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Ani Ma'amin (Helfman)
- Also known as:
- Undzer Gloybn
- Author:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Faith/Survival/Strength
- Origin:
- Alb M-029(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb M-029(a)
- Translation:
- Alb M-029(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Same melody as traditional "Ani Ma'amin"
- On album:
- M-029(a) (Workmen's Circle Chorus Sings Songs of Freedom & Resistance — לידער פֿון פֿרײהײַט און װידערשטאַנד)
- Track ID:
- 1354
- Vocal:
- Workmen's Circle Chorus — אַרבעטער רינג כאָר
- Conductor/Piano:
- Mlotek, Zalmen — מלאָטעק, זלמן, (1951)
- Arranger:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line:
- Ani ma'amin, ani ma'amin, undzer gloybn, undzer gloybn, fest vi ayzn un shtol,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אני מאַמין, אני מאַמין, אונדזער גלױבן, אונדזער גלױבען, פֿעסט ווי אײַזן...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Choral
Ahavas Olam (Helfman) — אהבת עוֹלם (העלפֿמאַן)
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgical/Biblical/Deuteronomy 06:4-09
- Subject:
- Love/God/Heart/Mind/Teach/Children/Hand/Frontlets/Door Posts
- Origin:
- Tanakh v.1 437
- Transliteration:
- Ephemera 1124
- Translation:
- Tanakh v.1 437
- Additional song notes:
- Thou shall love thy Lord...
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 970
- Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Ahavas olam beys Yisroel amkho ahavto. Toyre umitsvos...
- First line (Hebrew):
- אהבת עולם בּית ישׂראל עמך אהבתּ. תּוֹרה וּמצווֹת חקים וּמשפּטים...
- Track comment:
- with Borkhu and Borukh Ato (Asher Bidvoro)
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Ashrey Hagafrur (Helfman) — אשרי הגפרוּר (העלפֿמאַן)
- Author:
- Senesh, Chana — סנש, חנה
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/ Metaphor (?)
- Subject:
- Match/Flame/Consumed
- Translation:
- Alb S-063(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Blessed Is The Match
- On album:
- S-063(a) (American Jewish Art Songs Paulina Stark)
- Track ID:
- 1538
- Vocal:
- Stark, Paulina
- Piano:
- Shank, Nadine
- First line:
- Ashrey hagafrur shenisraf vehitsit lehavot. Ashrey halehava sheba'ara besitrey..
- First line (Hebrew):
- אשרי הגפרוּר שנשׂרף והצית להבוֹת. אשרי הלהבה שבּערה בּסתרי לבבוֹת.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Translation and Transliteration with Album
- Language:
- Hebrew
Kol Kara (Helfman) — קול קרא (העלפֿמאַן)
- Author:
- Senesh, Chana — סנש, חנה
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Voice/Summons/Obeyed/Crossroads/Cold/Snow/Loss
- Transliteration:
- Alb S-063(a)
- Translation:
- Alb S-063(a)
- Additional song notes:
- A Voice Called
- On album:
- S-063(a) (American Jewish Art Songs Paulina Stark)
- Track ID:
- 8569
- Vocal:
- Stark, Paulina
- Piano:
- Shank, Nadine
- First line:
- Kol kara, vehalakhti, halakhti, ki kara hakol, halakhti l'val epol.
- First line (Hebrew):
- קןל קרא, והלכתי, הלכתי, כּי קרא הקול. הלכתי, לבל אפּול.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Translation and Transliteration with Album
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Art Song
- On album:
- M-068(a)49 (Milken/The Art of the Jewish Song)
- Track ID:
- 41304
- Vocal:
- Halveni, Ruth
- Piano:
- Hancox, William
- First line:
- Kol kara, vehalakhti, halakhti, ki kara hakol, halachti l'val epol
- First line (Hebrew):
- קןל קרא, והלכתי, הלכתי, כּי קרא הקול. הלכתי, לבל אפּול.
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Art Song/Concert
- Length:
- 3:02
Other tracks with this artist
Shir Hashirim 08:06 (Simeni...) — שׂימני כחוֹתם (שיר השירים ח)
- On album:
- xS-063(a)
- Track ID:
- 13899
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Stark, Paulina
- Piano:
- Shank, Nadine
- First line:
- Simeni kakhotam al libkha, kakhotam al zroakha,
- First line:
- שׂימני כיוֹתם על לבּך כּחוֹתם על זרוֹעך כּי עוּה כמות אהכה
- Track comment:
- Text, Translation and Transliteration with Album
Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern (Brodno) — תחת זעו כוכבי שמים / אונטער דײַנע װײַסע שטערן
- Also known as:
- Takhat zi kukhvi shomayim
- Also known as:
- Shema Koleynu
- Author:
- Sutzkever, Avrom — סוצקעװער, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Brudno, Avrom — ברודנאָ, אַבֿרהם
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Holocaust
- Subject:
- Faith/Prayer
- Song comment:
- Introduced in Vilna ghetto theatre-"Di Yogenish in Fas"
- Origin:
- Ephemera 1203/Kaczer 74/Alb V-001(a)/Alb D-004(g)/ML WAH 48/Alb N-026(a
- Transliteration:
- Ephemera 1204/ML WAH 48/Alb M-049(a)/Alb M-049(a)/Alb Z-010(g)/D-004(n)
- Translation:
- Alb Z-010(g)/Alb V-001(d) ML WAH 48/Alb G-040(a)/Alb M-049(a)/D-004(n)
- Additional song notes:
- First sung by Zlote Kaczerginski at Litter Art Theatre of Vilna Ghetto
Under Your White Stars./ Takhat Ziv Kokhvey Shamayim (Hebrew Adaptation)
Hebrew Text in album notes for V-001(b) and Ephemera 1203
English Adaptation with Album Notes and Ephemera 1204
- On album:
- P-002(h) (Jan Peerce/ The Art of the Cantor/ Chanukah/The Sabbath/High Holy Days)
- Track ID:
- 13619
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Peerce, Jan
- Conductor Orchestra and Choir:
- Kingsley, Gershon
- First line:
- Shema kolenu haShem Elokeynu, Hus v'rakhem olenu, V'kabel...
- First line (Hebrew):
- שמע קולנו ה' אלקנו חוס ודחם עלינו וקבּל בּרחמים וברצון את...
- Track comment:
- "Hear our prayer, mericiful God--Let our life not be so..."
- Language:
- Hebrew
Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern (Brodno) — תחת זעו כוכבי שמים / אונטער דײַנע װײַסע שטערן
- Also known as:
- Takhat zi kukhvi shomayim
- Also known as:
- Shema Koleynu
- Author:
- Sutzkever, Avrom — סוצקעװער, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Brudno, Avrom — ברודנאָ, אַבֿרהם
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Holocaust
- Subject:
- Faith/Prayer
- Song comment:
- Introduced in Vilna ghetto theatre-"Di Yogenish in Fas"
- Origin:
- Ephemera 1203/Kaczer 74/Alb V-001(a)/Alb D-004(g)/ML WAH 48/Alb N-026(a
- Transliteration:
- Ephemera 1204/ML WAH 48/Alb M-049(a)/Alb M-049(a)/Alb Z-010(g)/D-004(n)
- Translation:
- Alb Z-010(g)/Alb V-001(d) ML WAH 48/Alb G-040(a)/Alb M-049(a)/D-004(n)
- Additional song notes:
- First sung by Zlote Kaczerginski at Litter Art Theatre of Vilna Ghetto
Under Your White Stars./ Takhat Ziv Kokhvey Shamayim (Hebrew Adaptation)
Hebrew Text in album notes for V-001(b) and Ephemera 1203
English Adaptation with Album Notes and Ephemera 1204
- On album:
- S-063(a) (American Jewish Art Songs Paulina Stark)
- Track ID:
- 13620
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Stark, Paulina
- Piano:
- Shank, Nadine
- First line:
- Shema kolenu adonoy eloheynu, hus v'rakhem olenu, V'kabel...
- First line (Hebrew):
- שמע קולנו יי אלהינו, חוס ודחם עלינו וקבּל בּרחמים וברצון את...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Text, Translation and Transliteration with Album
- Language:
- Hebrew
Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern (Brodno) — תחת זעו כוכבי שמים / אונטער דײַנע װײַסע שטערן
- Also known as:
- Takhat zi kukhvi shomayim
- Also known as:
- Shema Koleynu
- Author:
- Sutzkever, Avrom — סוצקעװער, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Brudno, Avrom — ברודנאָ, אַבֿרהם
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Holocaust
- Subject:
- Faith/Prayer
- Song comment:
- Introduced in Vilna ghetto theatre-"Di Yogenish in Fas"
- Origin:
- Ephemera 1203/Kaczer 74/Alb V-001(a)/Alb D-004(g)/ML WAH 48/Alb N-026(a
- Transliteration:
- Ephemera 1204/ML WAH 48/Alb M-049(a)/Alb M-049(a)/Alb Z-010(g)/D-004(n)
- Translation:
- Alb Z-010(g)/Alb V-001(d) ML WAH 48/Alb G-040(a)/Alb M-049(a)/D-004(n)
- Additional song notes:
- First sung by Zlote Kaczerginski at Litter Art Theatre of Vilna Ghetto
Under Your White Stars./ Takhat Ziv Kokhvey Shamayim (Hebrew Adaptation)
Hebrew Text in album notes for V-001(b) and Ephemera 1203
English Adaptation with Album Notes and Ephemera 1204
- On album:
- B-056(b) (Halevi Choral Society/Orch Hall Concert Jacob Barkin, Tenor)
- Track ID:
- 13624
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Barkin, Cantor Jacob — באַרקין, חזן יעקבֿ
- Artist:
- Halevi Choral Society
- Artist:
- Reznick, Hyman, cond
- First line:
- Shema kolenu haShem Elokeynu, Hus v'rakhem olenu, V'kabel...
- First line (Hebrew):
- שמע קולנו ה' אלקנו חוס ודחם עלינו וקבּל בּרחמים וברצון את...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- "Hear our prayer, mericiful God--Let our life not be so..."
- Language:
- Hebrew
Aleynu — עלינוּ
- Genre:
- Religious/Prayer
- Subject:
- Supplication
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 1173
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Aleynu leshabeyekh ladon hakol. Lasays gedula leyotsayr...
- First line (Hebrew):
- עלינוּ לשבּח לאדוֹן הכּל. לתת גדלה ליוֹצר בּראשית.
- Track comment:
- Let us now praise the Lord of the universe and acclaim...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Barkhu — בּרכוּ
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 1941
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Barkhu et adonay hamvorokh
- First line (Hebrew):
- בּרכוּ את-יהוה המברך
- Track comment:
- with Borukh Ato (Asher Bidvoro) and Ahavas Olam
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Borukh Ato (Asher Bidvoro)
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 2542
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Track comment:
- with Borkhu and Ahavas Olam
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
- On album:
- D-008(c) (The Sound of the Shofar Conducted by Charles Davidson)
- Track ID:
- 2570
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Artist:
- Smolover, Cantor Raymond
- Narrator:
- Wiseman, Joseph
- Conductor:
- Davidson, Cantor Charles — דודסן, יחזקאל, חזן
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Part of "The Sound of the Shofer" - In Memorial
- Language:
- Hebrew
- On album:
- A-015(a) (The American Jewish Experience In Song)
- Track ID:
- 2796
- Author:
- Lazarus, Emma (1849-1887)
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Artist:
- Chicago B.J.E. Childrens Choir
- First line:
- Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...
- Track comment:
- Levin has Helfman born in 1906. Nulman gives 1901 as b.d.
- Language:
- English
Half Kadish (Khatsi Kadish, Heb)
- On album:
- xS-074(a)
- Track ID:
- 5999
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Track comment:
- Recorded under "Half Kadish"
- Language:
- Hebrew
Kadish — קדיש
- Also known as:
- Kaddish
- Author:
- Shechter, Ayal — שכטר, אייל
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgica/Sanctification
- Origin:
- Alb B-058(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-058(a)
- Translation:
- Vorbei 235/Alb B-058(a)
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 7729
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Yitgadal vyitkadash shemey rabo. Beolmo di...
- First line (Hebrew):
- יתגדל ויתקדש שמה רבּא. בּעלמא די ברה כרעוּתה. וימליך מלכוּתה...
- Track comment:
- with Kidush
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Khatsi Kadish (Half Kadish, Heb)
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 8195
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Track comment:
- Recorded under "Half Kadish"
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Ki Mitsion (Amiran) — כּי מציוֹן (עמירן)
- Also known as:
- Torah Dance
- Author:
- Amiran, Emanuel — עמירן, עמנואל
- Genre:
- Biblical/Religious/Prophets/Isaiah/
- Subject:
- Torah/Law/Zion/Jerusalem
- Origin:
- Pasternak CH 137/Alb S-056(a)/Alb B-032(a)
- Transliteration:
- Pasternak CH 15/Alb S-056(a)/Alb B-032(a)/HAL 34
- Translation:
- Pasternak CH 137/Alb B-03e2(a)/HAL 34
- On album:
- R-013(b) (Henry Rosenblatt Recital Jascha Zayde at the Piano Vol 2)
- Track ID:
- 8372
- Vocal:
- Rosenblatt, Henry — ראָזענבלאַט, הענרי
- Piano:
- Zayde, Jascha
- Arranger:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line:
- Ki miTsiun tetse torah, udvar adonoy miYerusholaim,
- First line (Hebrew):
- כּי מציוֹן תּצא תוֹרה וּדבר-יהוֹה מירוּשלם.
- Track comment:
- From out of Zion shall go forth the Law,
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Mi Khamokha — מי כמכה
- Also known as:
- Exodus 15:11
- Genre:
- Biblical/Exodus 15:11
- Subject:
- God/Power/Sovereignty/Eternity/Moses
- Origin:
- Tanakh v.1 161
- Translation:
- Tanakh v.1 161
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 10375
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Mi khamokha boaylim adonay. Mi kamokha nedor bakokosh.
- First line (Hebrew):
- מי כמכה בּאלם יהוֹה. מי כּמכה נאדר בּקדש. נוֹרא תהלת עשׂה-פלא.
- Track comment:
- Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among them acclaimed as...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Oleynu (Aleynu, Heb) — עלינוּ (עבֿרית)
- On album:
- xS-074(a)
- Track ID:
- 11435
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Artist:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line:
- Aleynu leshabeyekh ladon hakol. Lasays gedula leyotsayr...
- First line:
- עלינוּ לשבּח לאדוֹן הכּל. לתת גדלה ליוֹצר בּראשית.
- Track comment:
- Let us now praise the Lord of the universe and acclaim...
Shema (Helfman) — שמע (העלפֿמאַן)
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgy/Dueteronomy/Biblical/Tenet
- Subject:
- Unity of God/Affirmantion/Deutoronomy 06:04
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 13603
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- First line:
- Shema Yisroel, Adonay Elohenu, Adonay Ekhod.
- First line (Hebrew):
- שמע ישׂראל יהוֹה אלהינוּ יהוֹה אחד.
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Set Me As A Seal (Eng, Simeini..) — שׂימני כחוֹתם (ענגליש)
- On album:
- xS-063(a)
- Track ID:
- 13331
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Stark, Paulina
- Piano:
- Shank, Nadine
- First line:
- Simeni kakhotam al libkha, kakhotam al zroakha,
- First line:
- שׂימני כיוֹתם על לבּך כּחוֹתם על זרוֹעך כּי עוּה כמות אהכה
- Track comment:
- Text, Translation and Transliteration with Album
Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern (Brodno) — תחת זעו כוכבי שמים / אונטער דײַנע װײַסע שטערן
- Also known as:
- Takhat zi kukhvi shomayim
- Also known as:
- Shema Koleynu
- Author:
- Sutzkever, Avrom — סוצקעװער, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Brudno, Avrom — ברודנאָ, אַבֿרהם
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Holocaust
- Subject:
- Faith/Prayer
- Song comment:
- Introduced in Vilna ghetto theatre-"Di Yogenish in Fas"
- Origin:
- Ephemera 1203/Kaczer 74/Alb V-001(a)/Alb D-004(g)/ML WAH 48/Alb N-026(a
- Transliteration:
- Ephemera 1204/ML WAH 48/Alb M-049(a)/Alb M-049(a)/Alb Z-010(g)/D-004(n)
- Translation:
- Alb Z-010(g)/Alb V-001(d) ML WAH 48/Alb G-040(a)/Alb M-049(a)/D-004(n)
- Additional song notes:
- First sung by Zlote Kaczerginski at Litter Art Theatre of Vilna Ghetto
Under Your White Stars./ Takhat Ziv Kokhvey Shamayim (Hebrew Adaptation)
Hebrew Text in album notes for V-001(b) and Ephemera 1203
English Adaptation with Album Notes and Ephemera 1204
- On album:
- D-008(c) (The Sound of the Shofar Conducted by Charles Davidson)
- Track ID:
- 13626
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Artist:
- Smolover, Cantor Raymond
- Narrator:
- Wiseman, Joseph
- Conductor:
- Davidson, Cantor Charles — דודסן, יחזקאל, חזן
- First line:
- Shema kolenu haShem Elokeynu, Hus v'rakhem olenu, V'kabel...
- First line (Hebrew):
- שמע קולנו ה' אלקנו חוס ודחם עלינו וקבּל בּרחמים וברצון את...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Part of "The Sound of the Shofer" - Rosh Hashono
- Language:
- Hebrew
Simeni Kakhotam (Eng) — שׂימני כחוֹתם (ענגליש)
- On album:
- S-063(a) (American Jewish Art Songs Paulina Stark)
- Track ID:
- 14431
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Stark, Paulina
- Piano:
- Shank, Nadine
- First line:
- Set me as a seal upon thy heart. he cometh, leaping upon...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Text, Translation and Transliteration with Album
The Voice Of My Beloved (Kol Dodi)
- On album:
- xS-063(a)
- Track ID:
- 15252
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Stark, Paulina
- Piano:
- Shank, Nadine
- First line:
- The voice of my beloved, behold, he cometh, leaping upon...
- Track comment:
- Text, Translation and Transliteration with Album
Vayukhulu (Heb) — ויכולו (עבֿרית)
- On album:
- S-074(a) (The Holy Sabbath / Cantor Abraham Shapiro/ Composed and Conducted by Max Helfman — שׁבת קודשׁ זכור את יום השׁבת כּבד את)
- Track ID:
- 16283
- Composer/Conductor:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Shapiro, Cantor Abraham
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Cantorial
Roa Veroa — רוֹעה ורוֹעה
- Author:
- Shelem, Matetyahu — שלם, מתתיהו
- Composer:
- Shelem, Matetyahu — שלם, מתתיהו
- Genre:
- Israeli/Love/Occupation
- Subject:
- Shepherd/Shepherdess
- Song comment:
- Translated as "Shepherds and Maidens" or Shepherd and Shepardess
- Origin:
- Netzer 260/Bugatch 55Alb H-003(a)
- Transliteration:
- Bugatch 55/B-002(b)/Alb K-001(a)
- Translation:
- Alb D-002(a)/Alb K-001(a)/Alb G-009(a)
- Music:
- Netzer 260/Bugatch 55
- On album:
- G-009(a) (Edith Gordon / Raymond Oliver Yiddish - Israeli Duets)
- Track ID:
- 19153
- Vocal:
- Gordon, Edith, soprano
- Vocal:
- Smolover, Cantor Raymond
- Arranger:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line:
- Ey sham harkhek leven heharim, Roeh veroa leven adarim.
- First line (Hebrew):
- אי-שם הרחק לבין ההרים רועה ורועה לבין עדרים.
- Track comment:
- Somewhere for off amidst the hills a shepherd and...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Concert/Duet
Layla Hadmama (Silent Nighttime)
- On album:
- G-009(a) (Edith Gordon / Raymond Oliver Yiddish - Israeli Duets)
- Track ID:
- 19154
- Artist:
- Gordon, Edith, soprano
- Artist:
- Smolover, Cantor Raymond
- Artist:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Track comment:
- It's night and silence surrounds me, the cows are lowing,
Layle Pele (Heb) — לילה פּלא (עבֿרית)
- On album:
- G-009(a) (Edith Gordon / Raymond Oliver Yiddish - Israeli Duets)
- Track ID:
- 19151
- Author:
- Shenhar, Yitskhak — שנהר, יצחק
- Composer:
- Zeira, Mordecai — זעירא, מרדכי
- Artist:
- Gordon, Edith, soprano
- Artist:
- Smolover, Cantor Raymond
- Artist:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line:
- Elef layla veod layle, tati shay la, leartsi tsu...
- First line (Hebrew):
- אלף לילה ועוֹד לילה, תּתּי שׁי לה, לארצי זוֹ הקטנטנת--אך לא די ל
- Track comment:
- Bugatsh credits text to Postolski, Sh. .ש ,פּוסטולסקי
- Language:
- Hebrew
Beyom Kayits, Yom Kham — בּיוֹם קיץ יוֹם חם
- On album:
- G-009(a) (Edith Gordon / Raymond Oliver Yiddish - Israeli Duets)
- Track ID:
- 19152
- Author:
- Bialik, Khaim Nakhman — ביאַליק, חיים נחמן
- Composer:
- Saphir, A.
- Artist:
- Gordon, Edith, soprano
- Artist:
- Smolover, Cantor Raymond
- Artist:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- First line:
- Beyom keyits, yom kham, et hashemesh memerom
- First line (Hebrew):
- בּיוֹם קיץ, יוֹם חם, עת השמש ממרוֹם הרקיע תּלהט כּתּנוּר היוֹם,
- Track comment:
- On a hot summer's day, when the sun is on high,
- Language:
- Hebrew
A Mol Iz Geven (Helfman) — אַ מאָל איז געװען (העלפֿמאַן)
- On album:
- G-009(a) (Edith Gordon / Raymond Oliver Yiddish - Israeli Duets)
- Track ID:
- 19147
- Author/Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Artist:
- Gordon, Edith, soprano
- Artist:
- Smolover, Cantor Raymond
- First line:
- A mol iz geven a yidele, a yidele, a yidele, hot er gehat..
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ מאָל טיז געװען אַ ייִדעלע, א ייִדעלע, אַ ייִדעלע, האָט יר געהאַט...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- On album:
- W-024(a) (Paved With Gold Starring Gary & Janice Waldman)
- Track ID:
- 23675
- Vocal:
- Waldman, Gary
- Author:
- Lazarus, Emma (1849-1887)
- Composer:
- Helfman, Max — העלפֿמאַן, מאַקס
- Vocal:
- Waldman, Janice
- Accomp:
- Golden Land Klezmer Orchestra
- Piano/Conductor:
- Delfin, Jon
- First line:
- Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- with "Amerike, Hurrah For Unkle Sam" From "Paved With Gold"
- Language:
- English