Asch, Sholom
Name (Yiddish):
אַש, שלום
Nov 1,1880 (Kutno, Poland)
July 10, 1957 (London, England)
Related information in folder 995:
1. 3/5/2010 Article in Yiddish Forverts , March 5-11, 2010, by Genadi Estraykh (New York), titled "Sholom Asch in New York in 1910".

2. 10/30/2015 Article in Yiddish Forverts of October 30 by Genadi Estraykh titled "Sholom Asch - 135" wfitten on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of Asch's birth.

3. 11/27/2015 Article from Wikipedia as of November 27, 2015

4 6/3/2016 Article in the Forward of June 3, 2016 by Joshua Furst titled "This was Yiddish Theater's Greatest Scandal, Is it Stil?

5. 1/ 2017 Article in Yiddish Forverts of January 2017 by Jordan Kutsik titled "Nokh 110 Yor Ken 'Got Fun Nekome' Nokh Alts Shokirn" (After 110 Years Can God of Vengence Still Shock?)

6 2/2017 Article in Yiddish Forverts of February 2017 by Yoel Matveiv titled "A Vornung: Zet Nit Di Piese 'Got Fun Nekume'" (A Warning: Don't see the drama "God Of Vengence)

7. April 2017 Article in the Yiddish Forverts of April 2017 by Edi Mahlar titled "Hot Sholom Asch Opgevarfn Zayne Faryosemte Plimenikes?) Did Sholom Asch Abandon His Orphaned Nieces And Nephews?)

8 5/5/2017 Article in the Fowrard of May 5, 2017 by Jesse Oxfeld titled "This Play Is Far Less 'Indecent' Than Its Title Suggests".

9 7/2017 Article in the Yiddish Forverts of July 2017 by Eddi Mahlar titled "Di Piese 'Oysgelasn': Yidish-teater Oyf Brodvey" (The Yiddish Drama "Indecent" on Broadway)

10 June 21, 2017 Articles in the Summer Issue 2017 of the Pakentreger titled "Sholem Asch in Whitechapel" and "From My Earliest Childhood Years"

11 7/21/2017 (Summer - Fall Edition of Oyfn Shvel) by Noakh Bareda titled "'Oys Toyre' Vi Sholom Asch Hot Kritikert Dos Oysbitsn Say di Toyre Say Mentshn In Zayn Piese 'Got Fun Nekume'" (How Sholom Asch Had Critisized The use of Toyre and People in his Drama "God of Vengence

Songs written or composed

Dos Heylige Shnayderl — דאָס הײליגע שנײַדערל

Also known as:
Kiddush Hashem (Excerpt)
Asch, Sholom — אַש, שלום
Achron, Yosef — אחרון, יוסף
Tailor/Lamed Vov/Faith
Song comment:
From the play based on novel of same name "Kiddish Hasem".


On album:
S-003(a) (Maurice Schwartz in Scenes and Episodes From Plays)
Track ID:
Schwartz, Maurice
Mercur, Wolf — מערקור, װאָלף
Rothpearl, Rochelle — ראָטפּערל, ראָשעל
First line:
Bin ikh mir a shnayderl, trog ikh in a torbele,
First line (Yiddish):
בין איך מיר אַ שנײַדערל, טראָג איך אין אַ טאָרבעלע,
Track comment:
Excerpt from the play "Kidush Hashem"
Incidental Theatre Music/Recitation/
On album:
S-003(b) (Maurice Schwartz)
Track ID:
Schwartz, Maurice
First line:
Men ruft mir dos heylige shnayderl, ikh bin bakant in ale...
First line (Yiddish):
מען רופֿט מיר דאָס הײליגע שנײַדערל, איך בין באַקאָנט אין אַלע…
Track comment:
Excerpt from the play "Kidush Hashem"
Spoken Word

Other tracks with this artist

Shimshon Hagiber (Yid) — שמשון הגיבור (ייִדיש)

On album:
E-004(a) (Readings In Yiddish by Ya'akov Einstein — יעקב אײנשטײן לײנט שאַפֿונגען אין ייִדיש)
Track ID:
Asch, Sholom — אַש, שלום
Eynshteyn, Yakov — אײנשטײן, יעקבֿ
First line:
Di regns hobn a bisl nokhgelost, oder men hot gor tsu zey...
First line:
די רעגנס האָבן אַ ביסל נאָכגעלאָסט, אָדער מען האָט גאָר צו זײ...
Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
Track comment:
From the novel, "Song Of The Valley" Chapt XIV