Songs written or composed
Face Your Fears
- Author:
- Sidran, Ben
- Composer:
- Sidran, Ben
- Genre:
- Didactic/Inpirational
- Subject:
- Fears/Difficulties/Confrontation
Life's A Lesson
- Author:
- Sidran, Ben
- Composer:
- Rosolino, Frank
- Genre:
- Didactic
- Subject:
- Life/Spirit/Difficulties/
- Origin:
- Alb S-092(a)
Other tracks with this artist
Eliyahu Hanovi — אליהוּ הנביא
- Also known as:
- Elijah
- Genre:
- Holiday/Peysekh/Havdola
- Subject:
- Elijah/Prophet
- Origin:
- Alb M-029(a)/Coopersmith NJS 56/Alb Y-003(b)/Alb B-033(f)
- Transliteration:
- Alb M-029(a)/Coopersmith NJS 56/Alb Y-003(b)/Alb B-067(a)
- Translation:
- Alb M-029(a)/Coopersmith NJS 56/Alb B-067(a)
- Music:
- Coopersmith NJS 56
- Related information in folder 1118:
- Comments:
- 1. Article in American Music, Spring Issue 2011 by Michael Ochs titled "Welcoming Elijah in 1927: Medelssohn in Yiddish Socialist Clothing, describing an unusal version of Mendelssohn's "Elijah" performed by a left wing amateur chorous in Chicago on May 15th, 1927. The chorus, Freiheit Gezang Farein, was directed and founded by Jacob Schaeffer
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21563
- Vocal:
- Sidran, Ben
- Orchestrations:
- Goldstein, Gil
- Vocal:
- Lynette
- Track comment:
- May the prophet Elijah come soon, in our time, with the...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Instrumental/Jazz
Ose Shalom (Hirsh) — יעשׂה שלוֹם (הירש)
- Composer:
- Hirsh, Nurit — הירש, נורית
- Genre:
- Religious/Prayer
- Subject:
- Peace
- Origin:
- Alb C-003(j)
- Transliteration:
- HAL 28
- Translation:
- Alb C-003(j)
- Music:
- HAL 28
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21564
- Vocal:
- Sidran, Ben
- Artist:
- Gates of Heaven Children's Choir
- Vocal:
- Lynette
- First line:
- Ose shalom bimromov, hu ya'ase shalom olenyu, v'al kol...
- First line:
- עשׂה שלוֹם בּמרוֹמיו הוּא יעשׂה שלוֹם עלינוּ ועל כּל ישׂראל, ואיםרוּ...
Ani Ma'amin — אני מאמין
- Author:
- Maimomides
- Genre:
- Religious
- Subject:
- Faith/Credo/Belief/Meshiakh
- Origin:
- Alb V-001(c)/ML WAH 76/Alb B-003(a)/Alb M-038(a)/Alb M-041(a)/Ephemera 1203
- Transliteration:
- ML WAH 76/Alb R-001(b)/Alb Z-010(g)/Alb A-034(a)/Alb G-005(b)/Alb O-009(a)
- Translation:
- ML WAH 76/Alb L-021(b)/Alb R-001(b)/Alb B-003(a)/Alb Z-010(g)/Alb M-041(a)/
- Music:
- MG WAH 76
- Additional song notes:
- 12th Principle of faith formulated by Maimonides 12th Century/ See also for transliteration Albs S-092(a)/Alb S-002(e). For addl translations see Albs A34(a)/G-005(b)/ O-009(a)/T-015(a)/C-023(h)/A-018(a)/S-002(e)
See also song titled "Yidn Zingn Ani Ma'amin"
Hebrew text with Album Notes and Ephemera 1203
English Adaptation with Album Notes and Ephemera 1204
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21566
- Vocal:
- Lynette
- Keyboards:
- Sidran, Ben
- Drums:
- Gottlieb, Danny
- Bass:
- Richmond, Mike
- Orchestrations:
- Goldstein, Gil
- Bass Clarinet:
- Mintzer, Bob
- Guitar:
- Rivkin, David
- Harmonical:
- Levy, Howard
- Percussion:
- Dobkin, Deb
- First line:
- Ani ma'amin, be'emuno shleymo bevias hamoshiakh.
- First line (Hebrew):
- אני מאמין, בּאמונה שלמה בּביאת המשיח.
- Track comment:
- "I believe with full faith that the Messiah will come."
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 3:58
Ovinu Malkeynu (Unknown) — אבינו מלכּנו
- Author:
- Akiba, Rabbi
- Author:
- Amram Goan, Rabbi
- Genre:
- Religious/High Holy Days/Liturgical/Prayer
- Subject:
- Sin/Repentance/Confession/Forgivness
- Origin:
- Alb C-005(b)/Alb B-033(b)/Seder Avo 466
- Transliteration:
- Alb C-005(b)/Alb S-092(s)/alb M-129(a)
- Translation:
- Alb B-026(b)/Alb B-033(b)/Alb C-005(c)/Seder Avo 466
- Additional song notes:
- See Vorbei 293 for history of the text
See Alb S-202(b) for synopsis of text
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21567
- Vocal:
- Sidran, Ben
- Vocal:
- Lynette
- First line:
- Ovinu Malkeynu, chanenu v'anenu (2), ki ayn banu ma'asim, aseh imanu, tzadakah..
- First line (Hebrew):
- אבינוּ מלננוּ חננו ועננו (2), כי אין ננו מעשים עשה עמנו צדיקה וחסד...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 3:50
Etz Chayim (Silverman) — עץ חיים (סילווערמאַן)
- Genre:
- Liturgy/Religious
- Subject:
- Proverbs 03:18/Tree/Life/Torah/Lamentations 05:21
- Translation:
- Alb M-019(a)/Alb M-013(a)/Alb G-056(b)/Alb S-092(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Based upon Proverbs 03:18 and Lamentations 05:21
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21568
- Vocal:
- Gates of Heaven Children's Choir
- Keyboards:
- Sidran, Ben
- Drums:
- Gottlieb, Danny
- Bass:
- Richmond, Mike
- Orchestrations:
- Goldstein, Gil
- Flute:
- Steig, Jeremy
- Steel Drums:
- Narrell, Andy
- First line:
- It is a tree of life to them that hold fast to it and all..
- Language:
- English
- Length:
- 3:40
Berosh Hashana
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21570
- Vocal:
- Lynette
- Keyboards:
- Sidran, Ben
- Drums:
- Gottlieb, Danny
- Bass:
- Richmond, Mike
- Orchestrations:
- Goldstein, Gil
- Trumpet:
- Brecker, Randy
- Percussion:
- Dobkin, Deb
- First line:
- Berosh hashana yekatevu uvayom tsom kipur yekatevu,
- Track comment:
- On Rosh Hashana, inscribe us. On the day of our fast,...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 4:00
Eli Eli (Senesh) — אלי, אלי (סנש)
- Also known as:
- Halikha Lekesariya
- Author:
- Senesh, Chana — סנש, חנה
- Composer:
- Zehavi, David — זהבי, דוד
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Prayer/Israeli
- Subject:
- Prayer/Waters/Heavens/Sea
- Origin:
- Netzer 52
- Transliteration:
- Alb F-035(a)/Alb L-035(b)
- Translation:
- Alb F-035(a)/Alb L-035(b)
- Music:
- Netzzer 52
- Additional song notes:
- Published under "Halikha Lekesaria" (Walking to Caesaria). הליכה לקיסריה
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21571
- Keyboards/Vocal:
- Sidran, Ben
- Drums:
- Gottlieb, Danny
- Bass:
- Richmond, Mike
- Orchestrations:
- Goldstein, Gil
- Violin:
- Shtrum, Haim
- Vocal:
- Lynette
- First line:
- Eli, eli shelo yigamer leolam, hakhol vehayam, rishrush…
- First line (Hebrew):
- אלי אלי שלא יגמר לעוֹלם החוֹל והים, רשרוּש של המים,
- Track comment:
- O Lord, my God, I pray that these never end; the sand...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 4:24
Shofar Shogood
- Author:
- Rosenthal, Hannah
- Composer:
- Goldstein, Gil
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgy/Shofar
- Transliteration:
- Alb S-092(a)
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21572
- Vocal/Keyboard:
- Sidran, Ben
- Shofar:
- Goldstein, Miles
- Drums:
- Gottlieb, Danny
- Bass:
- Richmond, Mike
- Orchestrations/Keyboard:
- Goldstein, Gil
- First line:
- Barukh ata adonay eloheynu melekh ha'olam asher...
- Track comment:
- Commentary by Ben Sidran and Shofar Blowing
- Language:
- Hebrew/English
- Length:
- 2:30
Yedid Nefesh (Tsvayg) — ידיד נפש (צוויג)
- Author:
- Azkari, Rabbi Eliezer
- Composer:
- Zweig, Esther S.
- Composer:
- Zweig, Ehud
- Genre:
- Religious
- Subject:
- Servant/Slave/Obedience/Friend/Forgiveness/Animal
- Origin:
- HAL 8/Alb N-010(b)/Alb S-004(a)/Alb B-032(a)/Alb W-008(a)/Alb M-042(d)
- Transliteration:
- HAL 8/Alb N-008/Alb T-008(a)/Alb B-032(a)/Alb S-075(a)/Alb S-092(a)
- Translation:
- HAL 8/Alb N-010(b)/Alb B-032(a)/Alb Y-018(c)2/Alb M-042(d)
- Music:
- HAL 8
- Related information in folder 1453:
- Comments:
- !. 12/30/14 Hebrew text provided by Chava Kramer via internet on December 30, 2014
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21573
- Vocal/Keyboards:
- Sidran, Ben
- Vocal:
- Lynette
- Harmonica:
- Levy, Howard
- Guitar:
- Khan, Steve
- Orchestration:
- Goldstein, Gil
- Drums:
- Gottlieb, Danny
- Bass:
- Richmond, Mike
- First line:
- Yedid nefesh av harakhaman, Meshokh avdekha el retsonekha
- First line (Hebrew):
- ידיד נפש אב הרחמן משך עבדך אל רצוֹנך ירוּץ עבדך כּמוֹ איל
- Track comment:
- Heartful friend, forgiving Father, attracting your servant..
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Waltz
- Length:
- 4:27
Kol Nidre — כּל נדרי
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgical/Yom Kipur
- Subject:
- Vows
- Origin:
- Alb B-033(i)
- Translation:
- Alb R-009(b)/Alb B-026(b)/Alb B-033(b)/V0121
- Related information in folder 779:
- Comments:
- 1. English Translation
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21574
- Keyboards:
- Sidran, Ben
- Drums:
- Gottlieb, Danny
- Bass:
- Richmond, Mike
- Orchestrations/Accordion:
- Goldstein, Gil
- Trumpet:
- Soloff, Lou
- Soprano Sax:
- Liebman, David
- Track comment:
- All vows, bonds, obligations, promises, engagements,...
- Style:
- Instrumental
- Length:
- 4:42
Hashivenu — השיבנו
- Genre:
- Hymn/Religious/Prayer
- Subject:
- Repentance/Return
- Origin:
- Metro Album 49
- Transliteration:
- Alb S-092(a)/Metro Album 42
- Translation:
- Alb A-025(a)/Alb S-092(a)
- Music:
- Metro Sher 42
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21575
- Vocal:
- Lynette
- Keyboards:
- Sidran, Ben
- Drums:
- Gottlieb, Danny
- Bass:
- Richmond, Mike
- Orchestrations:
- Goldstein, Gil
- Soprano Saxophone:
- Liebman, David
- First line:
- Hashivenu eylekho v'noshuvo, khadash yomeynu k'kedem.
- First line (Hebrew):
- השיבנו אליך ונשובה, חדש ימינו כקדם.
- Track comment:
- Help us to return to you, God. Then we will truly return...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Jazz
- Length:
- 3:43
Hatikva — התקוה
- Author:
- Imber, Naftali Herz — אימבּר, נפתלי ה.
- Genre:
- Anthem/Zionist
- Subject:
- Hope
- Song comment:
- Yiddish Translation Ephemera 455
- Origin:
- Netzer 5/Alb G-056(b)/Coopersmith SOZ 229/Metro Scher 31/Metro Album 36
- Transliteration:
- Netzer 5/Alb G-056(b)/Alb S-092(a)/Alb B-067(a)/Vorbei 426/Metro Scher 28/
- Translation:
- Alb B-067(a)/Alb J-007(a)/Alb S-092(a)/Vorbei 426/Binder 40
- Music:
- Netzer 5/Coopersmith SOZ 229/Metro Scher 28/Binder 40/
- Additional song notes:
- Remember that text changed after establishment of the State of -
Israel. See Heskes 1, index for various entries respecting sheet -
musi/ See also Vorbei 211 and 426 for history of the song. One Samuel Cohen set the text to a Moldavian Melody, "Carul ca Boi" (The Wagon and the Ox).
- Related information in folder 410:
- Document type:
- Article
- Author:
- Isacaar Fater
- Publisher:
- Yiddish Forward
- Date:
- 1/5/2001
- Comments:
- Article titled, "Vi Azoy Hatikva Iz Gevorn Der Himen Fun Folk Un Medina".
- Document type:
- Text
- Author:
- Berele Chagy
- Comments:
- 2. Yiddish adaptation by Berele Chagy published in Yiddishe Folks Lieder, Berlin, 1918.
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21576
- Piano/Accordion/Ochestrations:
- Goldstein, Gil
- Vocal:
- Lynette
- Keyboards:
- Sidran, Ben
- Drums:
- Gottlieb, Danny
- Bass:
- Richmond, Mike
- First line:
- Kol od balevav penima, Nefesh yehudi homiya, Ulfa'atey...
- First line (Hebrew):
- כּל עוֹד בּלבב פּנימה, נפש יהוּדי הוֹמיה. וּלפאתי מזרח קדימה עין...
- Track comment:
- "So long as still within the inmost heart a Jewish spirit...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 2:45
Hine Ma Tov — הנה מה טוֹב
- Also known as:
- Psalm 133:01
- Genre:
- Psalm/Biblical/Brotherhood/Fraternal
- Subject:
- Brotherhood/Fraternal/Unity
- Origin:
- Alb L-001(a)/Bugatch 134/Pasternak CH 142/Coopersmith SOZ 132
- Transliteration:
- Alb D-08(d)2/Pasternak CH 48/Zim 48/Alb N-010(b)/Coopersmith SOZ 132
- Translation:
- Coopersmith NJS 77/Alb L-021(b)/Pasternak CH 142/Alb S-033(a)
- Music:
- Coopersmith SOZ 132
- Additional song notes:
- Psalm 133
- Related information in folder 1615:
- Comments:
- 1. 228/2018 Article from Wikipedia containing lyrics in Hebrew, transliteration and translation as well as other information.
- On album:
- S-092(a) (Ben Sidran Life's A Lesson featuring Lynette)
- Track ID:
- 21578
- Vocal:
- Lynette
- Vocal:
- Gates of Heaven Children's Choir
- Keyboards:
- Sidran, Ben
- Drums:
- Gottlieb, Danny
- Bass:
- Richmond, Mike
- Orchestrations:
- Goldstein, Gil
- Tenor Sax:
- Redman, Josh
- Sopronno Sax:
- Liebman, David
- Alto Sax:
- Konitz, Lee
- Guitar:
- Khan, Steve
- Flugel:
- Brecker, Randy
- Harmonica:
- Levy, Howard
- Clarinet:
- Daniels, Eddie
- Bass Clarinet:
- Mintzer, Bob
- First line:
- Hine, hine, hine, ma tov uma noyim, shevet akhim gam yakhat.
- First line:
- הנה מה טוֹב וּמה נעים, שבת אחים גם יחד.
- Track comment:
- How good it is for all people to dwell together in unity.