Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ
- Album ID:
- G-067(d)
- Format:
- Audio CD
- Publisher:
- Syncoop 5756 CD 201
- Date of issuance:
- 1996
- Playing time:
- 74:05
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Provenance:
- Purch. 11/2001 Workmen's Circle, Jewish Book Center
- Genre:
- Klezmer
- Where produced:
- Amsterdam, Holland
- Comment:
- Gift of Robert & Molly Freedman
- Number of tracks:
- 16
- Copyright information:
- 1996
In Odes, In Odes — אין אָדעס
- Author:
- Gilrod, Louis — גילראָד, לאָויס
- Composer:
- Sandler, Peretz — סאַנדלער, פּרץ
- Genre:
- Theatre/Place/Nostalgia
- Subject:
- Odessa/Prostitute/Moldovanke
- Song comment:
- From the Gilrod-Sandler musical "Volodke in Odes".
- Origin:
- Alb S-081(d)
- Transliteration:
- Alb S-081(d)/Alb B-075(a)/Peppler 2, p 112
- Translation:
- Alb S-081(d)/Alb K-074(a)/Alb B-075(a)/Ephemera 1273/Peppler 2, p 112
- Music:
- Ephemera 1273/Peppler 2, p 112
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31025
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle/Lead Vocal:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan"/Backup Vocals:
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Lead Vocal/Trombone:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet/Back-up Vocals:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle/Backup Vocals:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion/Backup Vocals:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- First line:
- in odes, in odes, oyf di moldovanke, krign zolstu dortn nit…
- First line:
- אין אָדעס, אין אָדעס, אױף די מאָלדאָװאַנקע, קריגן זאָלסטו דאָרטן ניט…
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 3:37
Second Avenue Square Dance
- Composer:
- Ellstein, Abe — עלשטײַן, אײב
- Genre:
- Klezmer/Instrumental
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31026
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan":
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- Style:
- Klezmer
- Length:
- 3:45
Motl Der Apreyter — מאָטל דער אַפּרײטער
- Author:
- Tauber, Chaim Shmuel (Shami) טױבער, חיים שמואל (שמאי)
- Composer:
- Tauber, Chaim Shmuel (Shami) טױבער, חיים שמואל (שמאי)
- Genre:
- Theater
- Subject:
- Labor/Tragedy/Labor/Strike/Violence/Occupation/Sweatshop
- Origin:
- Alt T-005(a)/ML PYS 248/Alb K-030(a)
- Transliteration:
- ML PYS 248/CD P-030(a)/Ephemera 1458
- Translation:
- Alb K-030(a)/CD P-030(a)/Ephemera 1458
- Music:
- ML PYS 248
- Additional song notes:
- Motel The Operator/ Ephemera 1458: See 2016 program for translat and translit
- Related information in folder 291:
- Document type:
- Translation
- Author:
- Gedaliah Magid
- Publisher:
- Forward
- Date:
- 5/21/1999
- Comments:
- Translation from "Der Yiddish Vinkl".
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31027
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle/Backup Vocals:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan"/Backup Vocals:
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Lead Vocal:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet/Back-up Vocals:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle/Backup Vocals/Trombon:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion/Backup Vocals:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- First line:
- Motl der apreyter, in shop dort shtendik neyt er…
- First line (Yiddish):
- מאָטל דער אַפּרײטער, אין שאָפּ דאָרט שטענדיק נײט ער, אַלע…
- Track comment:
- "er shvits bay der mizinke"(!)
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 3:17
Mayn Rue Plats — מײַן רוע פּלאַץ
- Also known as:
- Mekom Menukhati
- Also known as:
- Arbeter-Romans
- Author:
- Rosenfeld, Morris — ראָזענפֿעלד, מאָריס
- Composer:
- Rosenfeld, Morris — ראָזענפֿעלד, מאָריס
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Folk/Labor
- Subject:
- Factory/Sweatshop
- Song comment:
- Eng Translat from Forward - Ephemra 537
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 150/Alb Y-007(a)/Levin N 75/Belarsky 217/CD B-086(a)/Vinkov 4 33
- Transliteration:
- CD L-054(a)/CD B-086(a)/CD L-049(a)/Alb Y-007(a)/Alb L-004(a)/Levin N 75
- Translation:
- CD L-054(a)/Alb L-004(a)/Alb Y-007(a)/Alb A-036(a)/Alb K-029(e)/Vinkov 4 33/Ep
- Music:
- Sh Sh 158/Levin N 75/Belarsky 034/Alb Y-007(a)/Vinkov 4 33
- Additional song notes:
- My Resting Place / English Adaption Ephemra 537
Also translation and transliteration on Album B-126(a)
- Related information in folder 478:
- Document type:
- Translation
- Author:
- Aaron Kramer
- Comments:
- English translation by Aaron Kramer from volume titled "Morris Rosenfeld-Selections from his poetry and prose, edited by Itche Goldberg and Max Rosenfeld".
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31028
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle/Lead Vocal:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan"/Backup Vocals:
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Backup Vocals:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet/Back-up Vocals:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle/Backup Vocals:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion/Backup Vocals:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- First line:
- Nit zukh mikh, vu di mirtn grinen! gefinst mikh dortn nit…
- First line (Yiddish):
- ניט זוך מיך, װוּ די מירטן גרינען! געפֿינסט מיך דאָרטן ניט…
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 3:16
A Farshvartser Foygl Doyna un Hora — אַ פֿאַרשװאַרצער פֿױגל דױנאַ און האָראַ
- Genre:
- Klezmer Instrumental
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31029
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan":
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- Style:
- Klezmer/Concert
- Length:
- 4:12
Di Grine Kuzine — די גרינע קוזינע
- Also known as:
- Kuzine (Di Grine Kuzine)
- Author:
- Leyzerovitz, Yakov — לײזעראָװיץ, יעקבֿ
- Composer:
- Schwartz, Abe — שװאַרץ, אײב
- Genre:
- Immigration/Lament
- Subject:
- Immigration/Poverty/Occupation/Milliner/Aging/Disillusion
- Origin:
- Mayzl 600/Alb Z-012(a)/Levin N 92
- Transliteration:
- Levin N 92/Alb B-007(c)/Alb Z-012(a)/Gottlieb 290/Alb B-095(b)
- Translation:
- Levin N 92/Alb Z-012(a)/Alb B-007(c)/Gottlieb 290/Alb B-095(b)/Alb M-068(a)04
- Music:
- Warem 45/Alb Z-012(a)/Levin N 92
- Additional song notes:
- See "My Little Cousin" for American swing version.
Lyrics claimed by Hyman Prizant and others. Text is by Leyzerovitz as credited by Meizel. See Max Rosenfeld's papers re respecting Leyzerovitz's loss of copyright lawsuit.
See Gottlieb p. 147.
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
See also ephemera 1458 for tarnslit and translate
What's Not To Like 2017
- Related information in folder 408:
- Comments:
- 1. Letter from Shlomo Ben Israel in Yiddish Forverts of February 4, 1983 titled, "Interesante Faktn Vegn Y. Leyzerovitsh in zayn lid, Di Grine Kuzine".
2. 2. Original text with 8 verses
3. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31030
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle/Lead Vocal:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan"/Backup Vocals:
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Lead Vocal:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet/Back-up Vocals:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle/Backup Vocals/Trombon:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion/Backup Vocals:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- First line:
- Tsu mir iz gekumen a kuzine, sheyn vi gold iz zi geven…
- First line (Yiddish):
- צו מיר איז געקומען אַ קוזינע, שײן װי גאָלד איז זי געװען…
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 2:58
Vot Ken You Makh? Es Iz Amerike! — װאָט קען יו מאַך? עס איז אַמעריקע?
- Author:
- Jacobs, Jacob — זשאַקאָבס, זשאַקאָב
- Composer:
- Olshanetsky, Alexander — אָלשאַנעצקי, אַלעקסאַנדער
- Genre:
- Theater/Shund/Humor
- Subject:
- Customs/America/Europe/Life Style/
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-030(c)/Alb G-048(d)/Alb K-059(e)/Ephemera 1458
- Translation:
- Alb K-030(c)/Alb K-059(e)/Ephemera 1458
- Additional song notes:
- How do you figure it out ?
What can you do?
It's America
See Ephemera 1458 - Aaron lebedeff credited with lyrics
Sholom Secunda with music
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31031
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan"/Backup Vocals:
- Knaven, Vincent
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle/Lead Vocal:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Backup Vocals/Trombone:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet/Back-up Vocals:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle/Backup Vocals/Trombon:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion/Backup Vocals:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
Seven Forty — זיבן פֿערציק
- Also known as:
- 7:40 A.M.
- Also known as:
- 7:40
- Genre:
- Klezmer/Instrumental
- Subject:
- Train/Bars ??
- Additional song notes:
- Title refers to train schedule or time that bars open in Odessa See Ephemera 1406
- Related information in folder 1406:
- Comments:
- 1. 7/1/2014 Article provided by Chava Kramer, Israel and entered in Ephemera on July 1, 2014,explaining, among other things, that 7:40 was the scheduled arrival time of a train to Odessa.
2. /1/2014 Article provided by Chava Kramer, Israel and entered in Ephemera on July 1, 2014,explaining, among other things, that 7:40 was the departing time of a train from Odessa..
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31032
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan":
- Knaven, Vincent
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Trombone:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- Style:
- Klezmer/Concert
Rumenye, Rumenye — רומעניע, רומעניע
- Author:
- Lebedeff, Aaron — לעבעדאָװ, אהרן
- Composer:
- Lebedeff, Aaron — לעבעדאָװ, אהרן
- Genre:
- Theatre/Vaudville/Shund/Double Entendre/Skat/Humorous/Nostal
- Subject:
- Rumania/Place/Food/Women
- Origin:
- GYF 12
- Transliteration:
- Alb G-013(c)/CD K-068(e)/AAlb L-002(a)Alb L-023(a)/Alb J-24(a)1
- Translation:
- Alb J-024(a)1/GYF 12/Alb K-029(g)/Alb L-002(a)/Alb W-031(a)
- Music:
- Warem 175/GYF 12
- Related information in folder 397:
- Document type:
- Text
- Comments:
- Yiddish text with transliteration and English adaptation.
Also, various versions.
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31018
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle/Lead Vocal:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan"/Backup Vocals:
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Backup Vocals/Trombone:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet/Back-up Vocals:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle/Backup Vocals/Tromb.:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion/Backup Vocals:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- First line:
- ekh! rumenye, geven a mol a land a zise, a sheyne
- First line (Yiddish):
- עך, רומעניע, געװען אַ מאָל אַ לאַנד אַ זיסע, אַ שײנע
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 5:08
Araber Tants — אַראַבער טאַנץ
- Genre:
- Klezmer/Instrumental/Terkish/Oriental Sephardic Melody
- Music:
- Comp Klez 55
- Additional song notes:
- Arab Dance
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31019
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan":
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Trombone:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- Style:
- Klezmer/Concert
- Length:
- 8:03
Dos Keshenever Shtikele — דאָס קעשענעװער שטיקעלע
- Composer:
- Traditional
- Genre:
- Place/Folk
- Subject:
- Kishinev/Poverty/Troubles/Possessions/Riches/Celebration/
- Transliteration:
- K-029(a)/K-029(f)/S-022(e)/Alb T-031(b)
- Translation:
- K-029(a)/K-029(f)/Alb T-031(b)
- Additional song notes:
- Earliest recording of his song in the archive is is on a 78rpm performed by Moyshe Oysher (catlg 043p) is designated as a "folk song". Liner notes in some Some later recordings credit Oysher as composer and lyricist. Liner notes on Album L-029(a) (Klezmer Conservatory) indicate that the music is "Traditional" and the lyrics are Oysher's version of the folk song "Mayn Tayere Kishenev"
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31020
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle/Lead Vocal:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan"/Backup Vocals:
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Lead Vocal:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet/Back-up Vocals:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle/Backup Vocals:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion/Backup Vocals:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- First line:
- shpil zhe mir klezmorimlekh dos keshenever shtikele…
- First line (Yiddish):
- שפּיל זשע מיר קלעזמאָרימלעך דאָס קעשענעװער שטיקעלע...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 4:54
Di Sapozhkelekh — די סאַפּאָזקעלעך
- Also known as:
- Sapozhkelekh
- Genre:
- Folk/Love
- Subject:
- Love/Straw Boots/Sacrifice/Relationship
- Origin:
- Alb R-034(c)/Alb R-034(c)/Alb K-051(b)CD M-066(a)ML SOG 30/C-060(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb C-035(e)/Alb K-051(b)/Alb K-029(f)/Alb R-034(c)/Alb K-30(d)/ML SOG 30
- Translation:
- Alb K-029(f)/Alb K-042(b)//Alb F-036(a)/Alb L-038(a)/CD M-066(a)ML SOG 30
- Music:
- ML SOG 30
- Additional song notes:
- The Boots/ See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell. (A Klomke On A Tir)
- Related information in folder 738:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31021
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle/Lead Vocal:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan"/Backup Vocals:
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Backup Vocals:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet/Back-up Vocals:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle/Backup Vocas:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion/Backup Vocals:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- First line:
- Farkoyfn di sapozhkelekh un forn oyf di droshkelekh abi mit dir in eynem…
- First line (Yiddish):
- פֿאַרקױפֿן די סאַפּאָזהקעלעך און פֿאָרן אױף די דראָשקעלעך, אַבי מיט…
- Track comment:
- "feygele, ketsele mayns" instead of "ketsele, feygele mayns," "on a tishlekh"
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 4:46
Dos Fertsnte Yor — דאָס פֿערצנטע יאָר
- Also known as:
- Oyf Di Grine Velder Un Felder
- Also known as:
- Oyf Di Felder
- Also known as:
- Oyf Di Grine Felder
- Genre:
- Lament/Folk
- Subject:
- Soldier/Message/Bird/Mother/Sorrow/Death/War/Casualty
- Origin:
- Belarsky 243/ML MTAG 136/Alb B-090(x)
- Transliteration:
- Belarsky 243/ML MTAG 136/Alb 090(x)/Alb S-167(a)
- Translation:
- Alb S-167(a)
- Music:
- Belarsky 243/ML MTAG 136/
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31022
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle/Lead Vocal:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan"/Backup Vocals:
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Backup Vocals/Trombone:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet/Back-up Vocals:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle/Backup Vocals:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion/Backup Vocals:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- First line:
- oyf di felder, grine felder, oyf di felder, oy vey…
- First line (Yiddish):
- אױף די פּעלדער, גרינע פֿעלדער, אױ װײ…
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
In The Trenches
- Composer:
- Brandwein, Naftule — בראַנדװײַן, נפֿתּלי
- Genre:
- Klezmer/Instrumental/Doyne
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31023
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan":
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Trombone:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- Style:
- Klezmer Concert
Di Tsvey Mekhutenestes
- Also known as:
- Mekhuteneste Mayne
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31024
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle/Backup Vocals:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan"/Backup Vocals:
- Knaven, Vincent
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Backup Vocals:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Trumpet/Lead Vocal:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle/Backup Vocals:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion/Backup Vocals:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- First line:
- mekhuteneste mayne, mekhuteneste getraye, mir vern haynt…
- First line (Yiddish):
- מחותּנתטע מײַנע, מחותּנתטע געטרײַע, מיר װערן הײַנט אױף אײביק…
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Klezmer/Concert
- Length:
- 6:30
Doyne Invirita — דױנע אינװיריטאַ
- Genre:
- Klezmer Insrumental
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31015
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Trombone:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan":
- Knaven, Vincent
- Trumpet:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle/:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- Style:
- Klezmer/Concert
- Length:
- 2:31
Suite de Mutenie
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31016
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Trombone:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan":
- Knaven, Vincent
- Trumpet:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- Style:
- Klezmer/Concert
- Length:
- 1:46
- On album:
- G-067(d) (Di Gojim Fun Sjtetl un Sjtets — די גױיִם פֿון שטעטל און שטעץ)
- Track ID:
- 31017
- Clarinet/Alto Sax/Soprano Sax/Tin Whistle:
- Mulder, Jaap
- Contra-Bass/Violin/Banjo/Guitar/Backup Vocals/Trombone:
- Tseard, Nauta
- Drum/Vibraphone/"Toepan":
- Knaven, Vincent
- Trumpet:
- van der Reijden, Sjaak
- Bass Tuba/Bass Trombone/Violin/Whistle:
- Roelofsen, Eric
- Accordion:
- Sijtsma, Jacob
- Style:
- Klezmer/Concert
- Length:
- 2:37