Naftules Freylekh — נפֿתּליס פֿריילעך
- Also known as:
- Niftys Freylekh
- Composer:
- Brandwein, Naftule — בראַנדװײַן, נפֿתּלי
- Genre:
- Klezmer/Instrumental/Freylekh
- On album:
- K-044(a) (L'CHAIM! The Joy Of Klezmer)
- Track ID:
- 10886
- Artist:
- L'chaim Klezmer Ensemble
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- On album:
- A-018(a) (Adama Chant, Danses Et Musiques Des Traditions Juives)
- Track ID:
- 10887
- Vocal:
- Adama, Maurice Zaoui
- Artist:
- Jackson, Marc, arr & cond
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Recording made in France
- On album:
- K-026(e)1 (Musique Des Klezmorim Vol 1 Duo Peylet-Cuniot)
- Track ID:
- 10888
- Artist:
- Peylet, Nano & Denis Cuniot
- Artist:
- Peylet, Nano, arr
- Track comment:
- Recorded in France
- On album:
- F-013(a) (Giora Feidman/ Nigunim of My People)
- Track ID:
- 10889
- Clarinet:
- Feidman, Giora — פיידמן, גיורא
- Arranger:
- Aldema, Gil — אלדמע, גיל
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- On album:
- K-063(a) (Kol Simcha Traditional Jewish Music)
- Track ID:
- 18330
- Artist:
- Kol Simcha (Switzerland) קול שׂימחה (שװײץ)
- On album:
- B-071(a) (Bagg Street Klezmer Band Go Meshuggah!)
- Track ID:
- 24094
- Artist:
- Bagg Street Klezmer Band
- Track comment:
- with Vu Bistu Geven Far Prohibition
- On album:
- K-068(c) (The Klezical Tradition/Mishpokhe Lider/Fraidy Katz, vocalist)
- Track ID:
- 24137
- Artist:
- Klezical Tradition
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Recorded under "Nifty's Freylekhs"
- On album:
- B-078(a) (Naftule Brandwein King of the Klezmer Clarinet)
- Track ID:
- 25523
- Clarinet:
- Brandwein, Naftule — בראַנדװײַן, נפֿתּלי
- Track comment:
- Recorded April 25, 1941
- On album:
- O-013(a) (Miriam Oldenberg / Vilda Nater vid alla tankbara tillfallen)
- Track ID:
- 27378
- Artist:
- Vilde Natter
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Recorded under "Niftys Freylekh" Vilde Natter=Wild Nights
- Style:
- Klezmer/Instrumental
- On album:
- K-026(l)1 (The Soul Of Klezmer/ Reve Et Passion/ Fantasy And Passion 1)
- Track ID:
- 27401
- Clarinet:
- Brandwein, Naftule — בראַנדװײַן, נפֿתּלי
- Track comment:
- From B-078(a) King of the Klezmer Clarinet