Poi Poi (Russian)
- On album:
- G-006(g) (Russie Eternelle chansons russes et tsiganes Sarah Gorby)
- Track ID:
- 18844
- Vocal:
- Gorby, Sarah — גאָרבי, שׂרה
- Artist:
- Streha, Georges, orch & chorus
- Artist:
- Evsevsky, Nezo, orch arr
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Same melody as the Lebedov "Modi Ani" Ukrainian parody.
- On album:
- G-006(x) (Sarah Gorby Chansons russes et tziganes)
- Track ID:
- 22319
- Vocal:
- Gorby, Sarah — גאָרבי, שׂרה
- Artist:
- Streha, Georges, orch & chorus
- Artist:
- Evsevsky, Nezo, orch arr
- Track comment:
- Same melody as the Lebedov "Modi Ani" Ukrainian parody.