Psalm 148:13 — תהלים קמח
- Also known as:
- Hodo Al Erets (Bugatch)
- Also known as:
- Hodo Al Erets (Kalmanoff)
- Also known as:
- Hodo Al Erets (Lewandowski)
- Also known as:
- Hodo Al Erets (Neumann)
- Also known as:
- Hodo Al Erets (Bloch)
- Additional song notes:
- See "Hodo Al Erets (Kalmanoff")
- On album:
- xM-030(a)
- Track ID:
- 12492
- Composer:
- Kalmanoff, Martin
- Artist:
- Milnes, Sherill
- Artist:
- American Symphony Orch & Chorus
- Conductor:
- Westenburg, Richard
- First line:
- הוֹדוֹ על-ארץ ושמים
- Track comment:
- His glory is in the earth and in the heavens.
- On album:
- B-009(c) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Ernest Bloch Conducting)
- Track ID:
- 6681
- Conductor:
- Bloch cond London Philharm Orch
- Vocal:
- Rothmiller, Marko
- Vocal:
- London Philharmonic Choir
- Audio:
- Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries
- Track comment:
- Part IV - Avodath Hakodesh
- Language:
- English
- On album:
- K-004(d) (Cantor Moshe Koussevitzky HaTorah HaKedoshah)
- Track ID:
- 24496
- Vocal:
- Koussevitzky, Cantor Moyshe — קאָוסעװיצקי, חזן משה
- Conductor:
- Bugatch, (Shmuel) Samuel — בוגאַטש, שמואל
- First line (Hebrew):
- הוֹדוֹ על-ארץ ושמים
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- With Yehalelu
- Language:
- Hebrew
- On album:
- B-009(b) (Sacred Service by Ernest Bloch Leonard Bernstein Conducting — עבודת הקודש)
- Track ID:
- 6682
- Conductor, New York Philharmonic:
- Bernstein, Leonard
- Vocal:
- Merrill, Robert, Cantor
- Vocal:
- Choirs, Metro Synag & Comm Church
- First line (Hebrew):
- הוֹדוֹ על-ארץ ושמים
- Track comment:
- Part IV - Avodath Hakodesh
- Language:
- Hebrew
- On album:
- J-002(a) (Judishe Gesang Voices of Israel Chorale Oratorio de Paris)
- Track ID:
- 6683
- Artist:
- Oratio de Paris
- Director:
- Neumann, Max
- First line (Hebrew):
- הוֹדוֹ על-ארץ ושמים
- Language:
- Hebrew
- On album:
- D-008(e) (Congregation Adath Jeshurun 125th Anniversary Service Celeb)
- Track ID:
- 6684
- Artist:
- Concert Solists of Philadelphia
- Choirmaster:
- Davidson, Frances
- Vocal:
- Davidson, Cantor Charles — דודסן, יחזקאל, חזן
- Artist:
- Davidson, Cantor Charles and Cong
- Vocal:
- Adath Jeshurun Choir
- Artist:
- Painter, Dr. Temple
- Organist/Conductor Concert Soloists:
- Painter, Dr. Temple
- Choirmaster:
- Davidson, Frances
- First line (Hebrew):
- הוֹדוֹ על-ארץ ושמים
- Language:
- Hebrew
- On album:
- M-030(a) (Merrill Milnes The Joy Of Prayer by Martin Kalmanoff)
- Track ID:
- 6685
- Composer:
- Kalmanoff, Martin
- Vocal:
- Milnes, Sherill
- Artist:
- American Symphony Orch & Chorus
- Conductor:
- Westenburg, Richard
- First line:
- Hodu al-eretz veshamayim
- First line (Hebrew):
- הוֹדוֹ על-ארץ ושמים, וירם קרן לעמו תהלה,
- Track comment:
- His glory is in the earth and in the heavens.
- Language:
- Hebrew