A Celebration of Women Writers

Newbery Honor Books and Medal Winners by Women, 1922-1964:
A Special Collection of Celebration Editions

From the Fifties and Sixties

silver Newbery Honor Seal blue book cover with black cat boy looking out at city with his cat gold John Newbery Medal
Newbery Honor Seal
(Silver, Honor books)
The Blue Cat of Castle Town It's Like This, Cat John Newbery Medal
(Gold, Medal winners)
by Catherine Cate Coblentz.
Newbery Honor Book, 1950
by Emily Cheney Neville.
Newbery Medal Winner, 1964

From the Forties

title page with portrait of head of Louis Agassiz boy in long overcoat and tricorn hat, carrying a case dragon and boy dancing
Runner of the Mountain Tops: The Life of Louis Agassiz The Quaint and Curious Quest of Johnny Longfoot, the Shoe King's Son My Father's Dragon
by Mabel Louise Robinson.
Newbery Honor Book, 1940
by Catherine Besterman.
Newbery Honor Book, 1948
by Ruth Stiles Gannett.
Newbery Honor Book, 1949

From the Thirties

book cover showing prairie house book cover showing ship at sea book cover showing boy and girl book cover showing a line of children on skates on a frozen canal
The Jumping-Off Place Spice and the Devil's Cave New Land A Day On Skates: The Story of a Dutch Picnic
by Marion Hurd McNeely.
Newbery Honor Book, 1930
by Agnes Hewes.
Newbery Honor Book, 1931
by Sarah Schmidt.
Newbery Honor Book, 1934
by Hilda Von Stockum.
Newbery Honor Book, 1935

From the Twenties

book cover showing boat with sail and high prow and stern boy and dancing goats book cover showing man and cats going over hills little girl outdoors three men talking
Tod of the Fens The Boy Who Was Millions of Cats The Runaway Papoose Clearing Weather
by Elinor Whitney Field.
Newbery Honor Book, 1929
by Grace T. (Grace Taber) Hallock.
Newbery Honor Book, 1929
by Wanda Gág.
Newbery Honor Book, 1929
by Grace Moon.
Newbery Honor Book, 1929
by Cornelia Meigs.
Newbery Honor Book, 1929
man, boy and two girls looking across the prairie illustration of man with bird frontispiece showing little boy illustration of man and sea horse blue cover with birds flying
The Windy Hill The Dream Coach Nicholas: A Manhattan Christmas Story The Wonder Smith and His Son Downright Dencey
by Cornelia Meigs.
Newbery Honor Book, 1922
by Anne Parrish.
Newbery Honor Book, 1925
by Anne Carroll Moore.
Newbery Honor Book, 1925
by Ella Young.
Newbery Honor Book, 1928
by Caroline Dale Snedeker.
Newbery Honor Book, 1928


The books shown above are titles whose copyrights have expired, in many cases because they were not renewed. Because they are in the public domain, these books can be legally reproduced online.

Other Celebration Editions
by Newbery Recipients

These books were written by women authors who received Newbery Honor or Medal awards for other works.

book cover showing garden and fountain boy and two men standing in the snow among trees Indian boy with arms outsretched Velveteen Rabbit Prudence Crandall, portrait of woman's head and shoulders
Master Simon's Garden.
by Cornelia Meigs.
New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916.
This Way to Christmas
by Ruth Sawyer.
New York & London: Harper & Brothers, 1916.
Lost Indian Magic
by Grace Moon.
New York, Frederick A. Stokes company, 1918.
The Velveteen Rabbit,
or, How Toys Become Real

by Margery Williams Bianco.
New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1922.
Prudence Crandall,
Woman of Courage

by Elizabeth Yates.
New York: Aladdin Books, 1955. Copyright not renewed.

Women who have been recognized for Newbery Honor and Newbery Medal books include:

Catherine Cate Coblentz, Cornelia Meigs, Mabel Louise Robinson, Catherine Besterman, Ruth Stiles Gannett, Agnes Hewes, Elizabeth Yates, Anne Parrish, Caroline Snedeker, Ella Young, Elinor Whitney, Grace Moon, Grace Hallock, Wanda Gâg, Hildegarde Swift, Julia Davis Adams, Alida Malkus, Elizabeth Coatsworth, Mary Gould Davis, Marjorie Allee, Eloise Lownsbery, Eunice Tietjens, Rachel Field, Dorothy P. Lathrop, Laura Adams Armer, Nora Burglon, Elizabeth Foreman Lewis, Ann Kyle, Marion Hurd McNeely, Sarah Lindsay Schmidt, Allena Best, Elsie Singmaster, Hilda Von Stockum, Constance Rourke, Elizabeth Seeger, Monica Shannon, Elizabeth Janet Gray, Kate Seredy, Carol Ryrie Brink, Margery Williams Bianco, Lois Lenski, Ruth Sawyer, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Jeanette Eaton, Phyllis Crawford, Florence Atwater, Elizabeth Enright, Anna Gertrude Hall, Mary Jane Carr, Doris Gates, Eva Roe Gaggin, Genevieve Foster, Mabel Leigh Hunt, Eleanor Estes, Elizabeth Yates, Julia Sauer, Esther Forbes, Alice Dalgliesh, Katherine Shippen, Christine Weston, Florence Crannell Means, Marguerite Henry, Eleanor Jewett, Mary Buff, Nancy Barnes, Carolyn Sherwin Bailey, Carolyn Treffinger, Claire Huchet Bishop, Marion Havighurst, Rebecca Caudill, Marguerite de Angeli, Clara Ingram Judson, Elizabeth Baity, Ann Weil, Eloise Jarvis McGraw, Ann Nolan Clark, Jennie Lindquist, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Jean Lee Latham, Virginia Sorensen, Mari Sandoz, Natalie Savage Carlson, Elizabeth George Speare, Carol Kendall, Jean Craighead George, Mary Stolz, Olivia Coolidge, Madeleine L'Engle, Ester Wier, Amina Luqman-Dawson, Andrea Beatriz Arango, Christina Soontornvat, Lisa Yee, Donna Barba Higuera, Rajani LaRocca, Darcie Little Badger, Andrea Wang, Tae Keller, Carole Boston Weatherford, Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, Erin Entrada Kelly, Alicia D. Williams, Jasmine Warga, Meg Medina, Catherine Gilbert Murdock, Veera Hiranandani, Renée Watson, Kelly Barnhill, Lauren Wolk, Victoria Jamieson, Pam Muñoz Ryan, Cece Bell, Jaqueline Woodson, Kate DiCamillo, Holly Black, Amy Timberlake, Katherine Applegate, Laura Amy Schlitz, Sheila Turnage, Thanhha Lai, Clare Vanderpool, Jennifer L. Holm, Margi Preus, Joyce Sidman, Rita Williams-Garcia, Rebecca Stead, Jacqueline Kelly, Grace Lin, Kathi Appelt, Margarita Engle, Jacqueline Woodson, Susan Patron, Cynthia Lord, Lynne Rae Perkins, Susan Campbell Bartoletti, Shannon Hale, Cynthia Kadohata, Gennifer Choldenko, Nancy Farmer, Patricia Reilly Giff, Ann M. Martin, Stephanie S. Tolan, Linda Sue Park, Polly Horvath, Marilyn Nelson, Joan Bauer, Sharon Creech, Audrey Couloumbis, Karen Hesse, Gail Carson, E. L. Konigsburg, Eloise McGraw, Megan Whalen Turner, Ruth White, Karen Cushman, Carolyn Coman, Carol Fenner, Lois Lowry, Jane Leslie Conly, Cynthia Rylant, Patricia McKissack, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, Janet Taylor Lisle, Suzanne Fisher Staples, Virginia Hamilton, Norma Fox Mazer, Marion Dane Bauer, Patricia Lauber, Patricia MacLachlan, Rhoda Blumberg, Robin McKinley, Mavis Jukes, Paula Fox, Beverly Cleary, Cynthia Voigt, Kathryn Lasky, Jean Fritz, Nancy Willard, Aranka Siegal, Katherine Paterson, Jane Langton, Joan W. Blos, Ellen Raskin, Mildred D. Taylor, Nancy Bond, Susan Cooper, Sharon Bell Mathis, Elizabeth Marie Pope, Bette Greene, Johanna Reiss, Zilpha Keatley Snyder, Ursula K. LeGuin, Miska Miles, Betsy Byars, Natalie Babbitt, Sylvia Louise Engdahl, Sulamith Ish-Kishor, Janet Gaylord Moore, Mary Q. Steele, Irene Hunt, Mary Hays Weik, Elizabeth Borton de Trevino, Maia Wojciechowska, and Sorche Nic Leodhas.