Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs
- Album ID:
- S-002(b)
- Format:
- 12" Alb 33 1/3 rpm
- Publisher:
- Tikva T-7
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Genre:
- Folk
- Where produced:
- New York
Shlof Mayn Kind Shlof Keseyder — שלאָף מײַן קינד, שלאָף כּסדר
- Also known as:
- Shir Eres (Shlof Mayn Kind… Keseyder)
- Genre:
- Lullaby/Marxist
- Subject:
- Poverty/Richess/Class/Houses/Sickness
- Origin:
- Lider Bukh 51/Alb O-001(b)/Vinkov 1 116/ML SOG 69/Kinderbuch 180
- Transliteration:
- Vinkov 1 116/CD L-051(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb T-088(a)/Alb W-010(a)/ML SOG 69
- Translation:
- CD L-051(a)/Vinkov 1 116/Alb O-001(b)/Alb T-018(a)/ML SOG 69/Kinderbuch 180
- Music:
- Kinderbuch 180/Vinkov 1 116/ML SOG 69
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 14012
- Vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Piano:
- Gould Tanya
- Artist:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flutist
- First line:
- Shlof mayn kind, shlof keseyder, zingen vel ikh dir a lid,
- First line (Yiddish):
- שלאָף מײַן קינד, שלאָף כּסדר, זינגען װעל איך דיר אַ ליד,
- Track comment:
- Not listed on album notes
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
Ay Ay Der Rebe Geyt — אײַ אַײַ דער רבּי גײט
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 1713
- vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Piano/Conductor:
- Gould Tanya
- Artist:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flutist
- First line:
- Ay ay, der rebe geyt (3x), zol er kumen gezunterheyd,
- First line:
- אײַ אײַ, דער רבּי גײט (3מ), זאָל ער קומען געזונטערהײד,
Der Rebe Elimelekh — דער רבּי אלימלך
- Also known as:
- Rabbi Eli, The King
- Also known as:
- The Merry Rebe Elie
- Author:
- Moyshe Nadir — משה נאַדיר
- Composer:
- Moyshe Nadir — משה נאַדיר
- Genre:
- Folk/Humorous
- Subject:
- Khasidim/Rebe/Klezmer/Musicians/Drinking
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 168/Alb R-022(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Metro Album 49/Sh Sh 361
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 168/Alb B-007(b)/Alb W-010(a)/Alb R-022(a)/Metro Album 44
- Translation:
- Alb B-007(b)/Alb O-001(a)/Alb R-022(a)/Alb R-033(a)/Alb W-010(a)/Sh Sh 360
- Music:
- ML MTAG 168/Metro Album 44
- Additional song notes:
- See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
- Related information in folder 733:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 3309
- vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Pianist:
- Gould Tanya
- Artist:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flutist
- First line:
- Un az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn zeyer freylekh,
- First line (Yiddish):
- און אז דער רבּי אלימלך איז געװאָרן זײער פֿרײלעך, איז געװאָרן...
- Track comment:
- Yiddish version of "Old King Cole".
- Language:
- Yiddish
Di Alte Kashe — די אַלטע קשיה
- Also known as:
- Fregt Di Velt An Alte Kashe
- Genre:
- Khasidic/Folk
- Subject:
- Question/Answer/Nigun/Eternal
- Origin:
- Braun TJM 9/Alb K-096(a)/Alb B-207(a)
- Transliteration:
- Ausubel Folk 656/Alb J-030(a)/Alb S-083(a)/Braun TJM 9/Alb K-096(a)
- Translation:
- Ausebel Folk 655/Alb S-083(a)/Braun TJM 9/Alb J-030(a)/Vorbei 375/Alb K-096(a)
- Music:
- Braun TJM 9/Ausubel Folk 655
- Additional song notes:
- The Old Question
See also Alb B-207(a) for Yiddish, Translit and Translat
- Related information in folder 741:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 3493
- vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Piano:
- Gould Tanya
- Artist:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flutist
- First line:
- Fregt di velt an alte kashe, tra di didi bom, entfert men...
- First line (Yiddish):
- פֿרעגט די װעלט אַן אַלטע קשיה, טראַ די דידי באָם, ענטפֿערט מען...
- Track comment:
- Arr by Peter Ury
- Language:
- Yiddish
Dos Broytele — דאָס ברױטעלע
- Author:
- Wasserman, Shneour — װאַסערמאַן, שניאר
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Children/Food/Mother/Poverty/Hunger
- Origin:
- Belarsky 211/Vinkov 3 230
- Transliteration:
- Belarsky 211/Vinkov 3 230
- Translation:
- Vinkov 3 230
- Music:
- Belarsky 014
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 4012
- vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Piano:
- Gould Tanya
- Artist:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flutist
- First line:
- Der tate hot a broytele in shtub arayngebrakht,
- First line (Yiddish):
- דער טאַטע האָט אַ ברױטעלע אין שטוב אַרײַנגעבראַכט,
- Track comment:
- Not listed on album notes
- Language:
- Yiddish
Eyngemakhts — אײנגעמאַכטס
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 5006
- vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Author:
- Fefer, Itsik — פֿעפֿער, איציק
- Composer:
- Schlein, Israel
- Pianist:
- Gould Tanya
- Artist:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flautist
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
Khatskele, Khatskele — חצקעלע, חצקעלע
- Also known as:
- Orem Iz Nit Gut
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 8200
- vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Piano:
- Gould Tanya
- Flute:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flautist
- First line:
- Khatskele, Khatskele, shpil mir a kazatskele, khotsh an...
- First line:
- חצקעלע, חצקעלע, שפּיל מיר אַ קאַזאַצקעלע, כאָטש אַן אָרימע, אַבי אַ..
Motele — מאָטעלע
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Father/Son/Behavoir/Discipline
- Origin:
- Gebir ML 20/ML MTAG 224/Alb G-022(a)/Gebir MGZ 40 /Lemm 63
- Transliteration:
- Alb W-001(a)/ML MTAG 224/Alb G-022(a)/Alb B-007(q)
- Translation:
- Alb G-022(a)/Gebir SIMC/Alb B-007(q)
- Music:
- ML MTAG 224/Gebir ML 20/Gebir MGZ 40/Lemm 63
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 10713
- vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Pianist:
- Gould Tanya
- Artist:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flutist
- First line:
- Vos vet der sof zayn, Motl, zog-zhe mir? Bist erger nokh...
- First line:
- װאָס װעט זײַן דער סוף זײַן, מאָטל, זאָג זשע מיר ? ביסט ערגער...
Margaritkelekh — מאַרגאַריטקעלעך
- Also known as:
- A Moment
- Also known as:
- Marganiot
- Also known as:
- Rakefet
- Author:
- Shneur, Zalman — שניאור, זלמן
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Love
- Subject:
- Seduction/Abandonment/Love/Forest/River/Dasies/Courting
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 41/Vinkov 1 66/Alb L-001(a)/Alb A-002(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Alb F-24(e)
- Transliteration:
- CD L-054(a)/ML MTAG 41/Vinkov 1 66/Alb K-059(d)/Gold Zem 184/Alb K-068(d)/
- Translation:
- CD L-054(a)/Alb K-068(d)/Vinkov 1 66/Alb Z-018(a)/Alb K-059(d)/Sh Sh 234/
- Music:
- ML MTAG 41/Vinkov 1 66/Netzer 22/Belarsky 065/
- Additional song notes:
- Daisies
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
Org, Translit & Translat on Alb B-211(a)
- Related information in folder 735:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 9767
- Vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Piano:
- Gould Tanya
- Flute:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flutist
- First line:
- In veldl baym taykhl, dort zaynen gevaksn margaritkelekh,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אין װעלדל בבײַם טײַכל, דאָרט זײַנען געװאַקסן מאַרגאַריטלעך עלנט...
- Track comment:
- Arr by Peter Ury
- Language:
- Yiddish
Raisins and Almonds
- Also known as:
- Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen
- Also known as:
- Shlof Mayn Kind Shlof
- Author:
- Goldfaden, Avrom — גאָלדפֿאַדען, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Goldfaden, Avrom — גאָלדפֿאַדען, אַבֿרהם
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 12925
- vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Piano:
- Gould Tanya
- Artist:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flutist
- First line:
- In dem beys-hamikdosh, In a vinkl kheyder, zitst di almone..
- First line (Yiddish):
- אין דעם בית־המקדש, אין אַ װינקל־חדר, זיצט די אַלמנה בת־ציון…
- Track comment:
- From the operetta "Shulamis" Arranged by Maurice Rausch
- Language:
- Yiddish
Vos Zhe Vilstu ? — װאָס זשע װילסטו ?
- Also known as:
- Mayn Tayer Kind
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Occupation/Husband/Mother/Daughter/Match
- Origin:
- Bugatch 106
- Transliteration:
- Silverman SJP 6/Alb R-001(a)/Gold Zem 156/Irza 17/Ephemera 1458
- Translation:
- Alb H-006(a)/Alb R-001(a)/Silverman SJP 7/Bugatch 106/Ephemera 1458
- Music:
- Silverman SJP 6/Gold Zem 155/Irza 17/Bugatch 106
- Additional song notes:
- See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
Ephemera 1458: See 2016 program for translat and translit
- Related information in folder 737:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 16740
- vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Piano:
- Gould Tanya
- Artist:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flutist
- First line:
- Vos zhe vilstu, a shuster far a man, a shuster far a man,
- First line:
- װאָס זשע װילסטו, אַ שוסטער פֿאַר אַ מאַן, אַ שוסטער פֿאָר אַ מאַן,
Vigndik A Fremd Kind — װיגנדיק אַ פֿרעמד קינד
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 16597
- vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Pianist:
- Gould Tanya
- Artist:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flutist
- First line:
- Zolst azoy lebn un zayn gezunt, ikh vel dir zitsn un vign...
- First line:
- זאָלסט אַזױ לעבן און זײַן געזונט, איך װעל זיצן און װיגן דאָס..
- Track comment:
- Published under title "Zolst Azoy Lebn Un Zayn Gezint"
Yome, Yome — יאָמע, יאָמע
- Also known as:
- Jome, Jome, spil mir
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Mother/Daughter/Desire
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 22/Alb K-014(a)/Alb G-026(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb R-007(b)/Vinkov 1 66
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 22/Alb K-014(a)/Alb G-026(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb R-007(b)/Alb T-018(a)/
- Translation:
- Kinderbuch 202/Alb K-014(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb R-007(b)/Alb T-018(a)/Vinkov 1 66
- Music:
- ML MTAG 23/Kinderbuch 202/Vinkov 1 66
- On album:
- S-002(b) (Martha Schlamme Sings Jewish Folk Songs)
- Track ID:
- 17759
- vocal:
- Schlamme, Martha
- Pianist:
- Gould Tanya
- Artist:
- Buchholz, Moshe, flutist
- First line:
- Yome, Yome, shpil mir a lidele, vos dos meydele vil;
- First line (Yiddish):
- יאָמע, יאָמע, שפּיל מיר אַ לידעלע, װאָס דאָס מײדעלע װיל:
- Track comment:
- Arr by Andre Asriel
- Language:
- Yiddish