Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2
- Album ID:
- B-138(b)
- Publisher:
- Wendy Dreskin
- Language:
- Yiddish/English
- Provenance:
- Cassette Courtesy of Wendy Dreskin, Daughter of Martin Birenbaum, July 2011
- Genre:
- Field Recording/Literary Origin/Spoken Word
- Where produced:
- Number of tracks:
- 11
- Additional notes:
- This album has not been catalogued at the title or track level.
- Penn library link:
- to be catalogued
Birnbaum Memorial /Gotinu I Am Willing To Die
- Author:
- Birnbaum, Martin — ביררנבוים, מאַרטין
- Genre:
- Literary origin / Spoken Word / Field Recording/Humorous
- Subject:
- Death/No Appropriate Season/Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring
- Additional song notes:
- Translation of one of Birnbaum's Poems: Title Not Accounced
- On album:
- B-138(b) (Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2)
- Track ID:
- 36651
- Vocal:
- Suhl, Yuri — סול, יורי
- First line:
- Gotinyu, I am willing to die, but not in the most beautiful season of the year,
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Spoken Word
- Length:
- 4:10
Birnbaum Memorial / I Yearn
- Author:
- Birnbaum, Martin — ביררנבוים, מאַרטין
- Genre:
- Literary origin / Spoken Word / Field Recording
- Subject:
- Child/Music/Memory/Life/Redemption
- Additional song notes:
- Translations of one of Birnbaum's Poems/ Title not announced
- On album:
- B-138(b) (Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2)
- Track ID:
- 36652
- Vocal:
- Suhl, Yuri — סול, יורי
- First line:
- I yearn to recognise the stream of tears and in a smile the purity of..
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Spoken Word
- Length:
- 3:25
Birnbaum Memorial / Ruth Rubin / Remarks
- Author:
- Rubin, Ruth — רובין, רותּ
- Genre:
- Literary origin / Spoken Word / Field Recording
- On album:
- B-138(b) (Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2)
- Track ID:
- 36644
- Vocal:
- Rubin, Ruth — רובין, רותּ
- First line:
- Martin, dear friend, talented poet, wonderful teacher, vibrant person,...
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Spoken Word
- Length:
- 3:50
Birnbaum Memorial / Guitare — גיטאַרע
- Genre:
- Folk/Love/Lament
- Subject:
- Mother/Daughter/Courting/Rejection/Guitar
- Origin:
- Album R-007(c)/Vinkov 1 10
- Transliteration:
- Album R-007(c)/Vinkov 1 10
- Translation:
- Album R-007(c)/Vinkov 1 10
- Music:
- Vinkov 1 10
- On album:
- B-138(b) (Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2)
- Track ID:
- 36645
- First line:
- Ikh zits un shpil mir oyf der guitare, un zing mir a lid...
- First line (Yiddish):
- איך זיטס און שפּיל מיר אױף דער גיטאַרע, און זינג מיר אַ ליד...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk/Acapella
- Length:
- 3:05
Birnbaum Memorial / Baym Opsheyd — בײַם אָפּשייד
- Genre:
- Literary origin / Field Recording
- Subject:
- Parting/
- On album:
- B-138(b) (Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2)
- Track ID:
- 36646
- First line:
- Ven endikn vestu dayn lange nesiye, un kumen besholom aheym, dertsayl dort...
- First line (Yiddish):
- װען ענדיקן װעסטו דײַן לאַנגע נסיעה, און קומען בּשלום אַהײם,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk/Acapella
- Length:
- 4:05
Birnbaum Memorial / Eynzam — אײנזאַם
- Author:
- Manger, Itzik — מאַנגער, איציק
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Lonliness/Alienation/Mice/Drunkeness/Wine/Tavern
- Origin:
- Alb L-001(a)/ML MTAG 162/Manger 183/R-024(d)/W-035(a
- Transliteration:
- Alb L-001(a)/ML MTAG 162/R-07(f)4/R-024(d)/Alb S-098(b)/W-035(a)
- Translation:
- Leftwich GP 569/R-07(f)4/B-069(a)/R-024(d)/Alb S-098(b)/W-035(a)
- Music:
- ML MTAG 163/Manger Roz 324/
- Additional song notes:
- Lonely
- On album:
- B-138(b) (Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2)
- Track ID:
- 36647
- Vocal:
- Rubin, Ruth — רובין, רותּ
- First line:
- Keyner veyst nisht vos ikh zog, keyner vos ikh vil,
- First line (Yiddish):
- קײנער װײסט נישט װאָס איך זאָג, קײנער װאָס איך װיל,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk/Acapella
- Length:
- 3:14
Birnbaum Memorial / Di Vor — די וואָר
- Author:
- Birnbaum, Martin — ביררנבוים, מאַרטין
- Genre:
- Literary origin / Spoken Word / Field Recording
- Subject:
- Furrier/Occupation/Reverie/Imagination/Prisoner/Wander/Road
- Additional song notes:
- The Truth
- On album:
- B-138(b) (Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2)
- Track ID:
- 36648
- Vocal:
- Goldberg, Dovid — גאָלדבערג, דוד
- First line:
- Nem bruder, zak un pak, un loz zikh iber shliakh, Vayl dakh farshtelt...
- First line:
- נעם ברידער זאַק און פּאַק און נעם זיך איבערן שליאַך, ווײַל דאַך פֿאַרשטעלט...
- Language:
- Yiddish/English
- Style:
- Spoken Word
- Length:
- 4:09
Birnbaum Memorial / Gut Geven — גוט געווען
- Genre:
- Literary origin / Spoken Word / Field Recording
- Subject:
- Sweatshop/Prisoner/Spring/Wasted Life/Love
- Additional song notes:
- It Was Good
- On album:
- B-138(b) (Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2)
- Track ID:
- 36649
- Vocal:
- Goldberg, Dovid — גאָלדבערג, דוד
- First line:
- Itst vet friling hot zikh in mayn blut tsuzingen, manyien felder, stav mit...
- First line:
- איצט וועט פֿרילינג האָט אין מײַן בלוט צוזינגען, מאַניען פֿעלדער, סטאַוו מיט...
- Language:
- Yiddish/English
- Style:
- Spoken Word
- Length:
- 2:53
Birnbaum Memorial / Uri Suhl Tape
- Author:
- Suhl, Yuri — סול, יורי
- Genre:
- Literary origin / Spoken Word / Field Recording
- Subject:
- Martin Birnbaum/Memory/Common Experiences/Friendship
- On album:
- B-138(b) (Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2)
- Track ID:
- 36650
- Vocal/English Adaptation:
- Suhl, Yuri — סול, יורי
- Vocal:
- Unknown Speaker
- First line:
- Yuri Suhl, Martin's nuenste khaver a gants lebn kon nit zayn do..
- First line:
- יורי סוהל, מאַרטינס מוענצע חבֿר אַ גאַנץ לעבן קען מיט זײַן דאָ...
- Language:
- Yiddish/English
- Style:
- Spoken Word
- Length:
- 3:39
Birnbaum Memorial / Ven Iz A Dikhter Modern? — ווען איז אַ דיכטער מאָדערן
- Author:
- Birnbaum, Martin — ביררנבוים, מאַרטין
- Genre:
- Literary origin / Spoken Word / Field Recording
- Subject:
- Poetry/Author/Relevance/Modernity/Definite/Critics
- Origin:
- LVL 48
- Additional song notes:
- When Is An Author Modern?
- On album:
- B-138(b) (Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2)
- Track ID:
- 36653
- Vocal:
- Fein, Yoni — פֿײַן, יוני
- First line:
- Ven iz a dikhter modern -- in plonter fun verter-vervarn? Ven men horkht un...
- First line (Yiddish):
- ווען איז אַ דיכטער מאָדערן – אין פּלאָנטער פֿון ווערטער־ווערוואַרן? ווען מען...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Spoken Word
- Length:
- 3:06
Birnbaum Memorial / Remarks (An Appreciation)
- Genre:
- Literary origin / Spoken Word / Field Recording
- Subject:
- Martin Birnbaum/Poetry
- On album:
- B-138(b) (Martin Birenbaum / Memorial Service / Disk 2)
- Track ID:
- 36654
- Vocal:
- Unknown Speaker
- First line:
- Martin, dear Martin, our Martin was a miracle poet, in a world of modern poetry,
- Language:
- English
- Style:
- Spoken Word
- Length:
- 7:30