Tracks with this artist
Kinder Mir Hobn Simkhes Toyre — קינדער מיר האָבן שׂימחת תּורה
- Also known as:
- Simkhes Toyre (Warshavski)
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Composer:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Composer:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Genre:
- Folk/Holiday
- Subject:
- Simkhes Toyre/Family/Children/Wife
- Origin:
- Warsh Ye Yid 37/Alb P-019(b)/Alb G-017(a)/Vinkov 2 194/ML YT 21
- Transliteration:
- ML YT 21/Alb G-017(a)/Alb K-051(d)/Alb P-019(b)/Vinkov 2 194
- Translation:
- Vinkov 2 194/Alb P-019(b)/Alb K-051(d)/Alb G-017(a)/
- Music:
- Vinkov 2 194/MD YL 20
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26108
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Artist:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Kinder, mir hobn simkhes toyre, simkhas toyre oyf der...
- First line:
- קינדער, מיר האָבן שׂימחת תּורה, שׂימחת תּורה אױף דער גאַנצע װעלט,
Khanike Iz Freylekh — חנוכּה איז פֿרײליך
- Author:
- Kaminsky, Yehoyshue (Jacob)
- Genre:
- Children/Holiday/Khanike
- Subject:
- Joy/Celebraion/Candles/Dreydle/Gelt/Jews
- Transliteration:
- Alb C-042(c)
- Translation:
- Alb C-042(c)
- Additional song notes:
- Chanuke is Joyous
Composer may be Yosef Shrogin
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26110
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Artist:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Khanike iz freylekh, khanike iz sheyn, khanike iz a yon...
- First line:
- חנוכּה איז פֿרײלעך, חנוכּה איז שײן, חנוכּה איז אַ יום־טובֿ פֿאַר...
Tsindt On Likhtlekh — צינגט אָן ליכטלעך
- Author:
- Rivesman, Mordkhe — ריװעסמאַן, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Holiday/Khanike
- Subject:
- Candles/'Lighting/Sparkle/Dreydle/Coins/Illumination
- Transliteration:
- Alb C-042(c)
- Translation:
- Alb C-042(c)
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26111
- Author:
- Rivesman, Mordkhe — ריװעסמאַן, מרדכי
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Artist:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Tsint on likhtlekh, dinike, sheyne, zey zoln brenen,
- First line:
- צינט אָן ליכטלעך, דיניקע, שײנע, זײ זאָלן ברענען, אײנע נאָך אײנע
Khanike Oy Khanike — חנוכּה אױ חנוכּה
- Also known as:
- Khanike Days
- Also known as:
- Khanike Khag Yafe
- Also known as:
- Khanike Li Yesh
- Also known as:
- Latke Song (Khanike Oy Khanike)
- Also known as:
- Yemi Khanike
- Also known as:
- Chanike Oy Chanike
- Also known as:
- Jemej haChanuka (Heb)
- Author:
- Rivesman, Mordkhe — ריװעסמאַן, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Holiday/Children
- Subject:
- Khanike/Games/Dreydl/Food/Latkes/Children/Dance
- Origin:
- ML YT 25/Alb B-004(c)/Alb G-017(a)/Coopersmith HCB 18
- Transliteration:
- Alb G-017(a)/Alb B-004(c)/Vinkov 2 197/Coopersmith HCB 18/Alb C-042(c)
- Translation:
- Vinkov 2 197/Alb B-004(c)/Alb W-022(a)/Alb G-017(a)//Coopersmith HCB 18/
- Music:
- ML YT 24/Coopersmith HCB 18
- Additional song notes:
- Also translation is in Alb C-042(c)
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26114
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Artist:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Oy, khanike, oy, khanike, a yontev a sheyner, a lustiker...
- First line (Yiddish):
- אױ, חנוכּה, אױ, חנוכּה, אַ יום-טובֿ אַ שײנער, אַ לוסטיקער...
- Language:
- Yiddish
Khag Purim — חג פּורים
- Author:
- Kipnis, Lewin — קיפניס, לוין
- Genre:
- Holiday/Children
- Subject:
- Purim/Grogger/Song/Celebration
- Origin:
- Coopersmith NJS 42
- Transliteration:
- Coopersmith NJS 42
- Translation:
- Coopersmith NJS 42
- Music:
- Coopersmith NJS 42
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26117
- Author:
- Kipnis, Lewin — קיפניס, לוין
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Artist:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Khag purim, khag purim, hag gadol hu layehudim,
- First line:
- חג פּורים, חג פּורים, חג גדול הוּא ליהוּדים,
Shoshanas Yaakov — שוֹשנת יעקב
- Also known as:
- Shoshanat Yaakov
- Genre:
- Religious/Holiday/Merriment
- Subject:
- Purim/Mordecai/Haman/Victim/Garb
- Origin:
- Coopersmith NJS 51/S-004(a)/Belarsky 253/Pasternak CH 150/S-104(a)/C-005(m)
- Transliteration:
- Alb L-041(a)/Pasternak CH 102/Coopersmith NJS 51/Belarsky 253/Alb C-005(m)
- Translation:
- Vorbei 242/Pasternak CH 150/Alb J-034(a)
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26118
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Artist:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Barukh mordekhay hayelodim, Shoshanat yaakov tsahala...
- First line (Hebrew):
- בּרוך מרדכּי הילדים, שוֹשנת יעקבֿ צהלה ושׂמחר בּראותמ יחד תּכלת...
- Language:
- Hebrew
Tshiribim Tshiribom — טשיריבים (לאָמיר זינגען קינדערלעך)
- Genre:
- Folk/Humorous
- Subject:
- Holiday/Khasidim/Food/Rebe/Chelm
- Origin:
- GYF 32/Alb F-024(e)/
- Transliteration:
- GYF 35/Alb L-048(a)/Gold Zem 269
- Translation:
- GYF 35/Alb L-048(a)/
- Music:
- GYF 33/Gold Zem 267/
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26119
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Artist:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Lomir zingen, kinderlekh, a zemerl tsuzamen, a nigundl...
- First line (Yiddish):
- לאַמיר זינגען, קינדערלעך, אַ זמרל צוזאַמען, אַ ניגונדל אַ...
- Language:
- Yiddish
Homen Tashn — המן טאַשן
- Also known as:
- Hop Mayne Homentashn
- Also known as:
- Yakhne Dvoshe
- Author:
- Pirozhnikov, M. — פּיראָזשניקאָװ, מ.
- Genre:
- Humorous/Folk/Holiday/Children
- Subject:
- Purim/Homen Tashn/Baking/Shalakh Mones
- Origin:
- ML YT 47/Alb R-007(b)/Alb B-004(c)/Alb B-007(b)/Alb C-015(a)Album L-038(d)/
- Transliteration:
- ML YT 47/Alb G-017(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Alb B-004(c)/Ephemera 1458/Album L-038(d)/
- Translation:
- Alb B-007(b)/Kinderbuch 73/Alb R-007(b)Alb R-001(b)/Schwartz 10/Album L-038(d)
- Music:
- ML YT 46/Kinderbuch 73/Schwartz 10
- Additional song notes:
- Ephemera 1458: See 2015 program for translat and translit
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26120
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Artist:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Yakhne dvoshe fort in shtot, halt zikh in eyn pakn;
- First line (Yiddish):
- יאַכנע דװאָשע פֿאָרט אין שטאָט, האַלט זיך אין אײן פּאַקן,
- Language:
- Yiddish
Avodim Hayinu — עבדים היינו
- Genre:
- Holiday/Peysekh/Passover
- Subject:
- Slaves/Egypt/Memory
- Origin:
- Alb M-029(a)/
- Transliteration:
- Alb M-029(a)/
- Translation:
- Alb M-029(a)/
- Additional song notes:
- Once we were slaves in Egypt
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26122
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Artist:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Avdim hayinu, hayinu. Ata bney khorin, bney khorin,
- Track comment:
- Once we were slaves to Pharoe in Egypt,
Az Ikh Vel Zingen "Lekha Dodi" — אַז איך װעל זינגען "לכה דודי"
- Genre:
- Folk/Sabbath/Shabos
- Subject:
- Song/Melody/Response
- Origin:
- Boiberik Z 34/ML PYS 157/Alb B-007(a)
- Transliteration:
- ML PYS 157/Alb B-007(a)/Ephemera 1435/Ephemera 1458 See 2013
- Translation:
- Alb B-067(a)/Ephemera 1435/Ephemera 1458 See 3013
- Music:
- ML PYS 157/Moskow SM 53
- Additional song notes:
- If I Sing "Lekha Dodi"
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26124
- Composer:
- Lemm, Manfred
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Artist:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Az ikh vel zogn "Lekho Dodi", zolt ir zogn tshiri biri bom,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַז איך װעל זאָגן "לכה דודי" זאָלט איר זאָגן "טשירי בירי באָם,
- Language:
- Yiddish
Shabos Oyf Der Gantse Velt — שבּת אױף דער גאַנצע װעלט
- Also known as:
- Sholem
- Genre:
- Sabbath/Peace
- Subject:
- Sabbath/Peace/Holiday
- Origin:
- Vinkov 2 225/Alb B-004(c)/Alb K-075(a)
- Transliteration:
- Vinkov 2 225/Alb B-007(c)/Alb O-009(a)/Alb L-38(a)/Alb L-038(b)/Ephemera 1458
- Translation:
- Alb L-038(a)/Vinkov 2 225/Alb O-009(a)/Alb B-007(c)/AlbL-038(b)/Ephemera 1458
- Music:
- Vinkov 2 225/
- Additional song notes:
- Sabbath Over The Entire World
Org, Translit & Translt on Alb B-211(a)
Ephemera 1458 See 2012 program for translat and trqqnslit. Alb V0290-- What's Not To Like -- 2012
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26125
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Vocal:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Shabos (6x), zol zayn brider shabos, shabos zol zayn,
- First line:
- שבּת (6), זאָל זײַן ייִדן ברידער שבּת, שבּת זאָל זײַן,
Ose Shalom (Hirsh) — יעשׂה שלוֹם (הירש)
- Composer:
- Hirsh, Nurit — הירש, נורית
- Genre:
- Religious/Prayer
- Subject:
- Peace
- Origin:
- Alb C-003(j)
- Transliteration:
- HAL 28
- Translation:
- Alb C-003(j)
- Music:
- HAL 28
- On album:
- L-025(g) (Manfred Lemm & Ensemble Schabessim un Lojgesang — שבתים און לױבגעזאַנג)
- Track ID:
- 26127
- Artist:
- Manfred Lemm Ensemble
- Artist:
- Childrens' Chorus
- First line:
- Ose shalom bimromov, hu ya'ase shalom olenyu, v'al kol...
- First line:
- עוֹשׂה שלוֹם בּמרוֹמיו הוּא יעשׂה שלוֹם עלינוּ ועל כּל ישׂראל, ואיםרוּ..
- Track comment:
- Der Friden stiflet in seinen Himmelshohen,
- Language:
- Hebrew/German
Geyt A Grine Katshke (Di Grine..) — גײט אַ גרינע קאַטשקע (די גרינע...)
- On album:
- T-027(b) (Di Grine Katshke The Green Duck — די גרינע קאַטשקע)
- Track ID:
- 26241
- Vocal:
- Childrens' Chorus
- Author:
- Maud, Zuni (1891-1956) מאַוד, זוני (1891-1956)
- Vocal:
- Sapoznik, Henry — סאַפּאָזניק, הענעך
- First line:
- Geyt a grine katshke mit a royte noz, vil zi shmekn tabak,
- First line:
- גײט אַ גרינע קאַטשקע, מיט אַ רױטער נאָז, װיל זי שמעקן טאַבאַק,
- Track comment:
- Recorded under "Di Grine Katshke"
Di Grine Katshke (Geyt A Grine..) — די גרינע קאַטשקע (גײט אַ גרינע...)
- On album:
- xT-027(b)
- Track ID:
- 26242
- Vocal:
- Childrens' Chorus
- Author:
- Maud, Zuni (1891-1956) מאַוד, זוני (1891-1956)
- Vocal:
- Sapoznik, Henry — סאַפּאָזניק, הענעך
- First line:
- Geyt a grine katshke mit a royte noz, vil zi shmekn tabak,
- First line (Yiddish):
- גײט אַ גרינע קאַטשקע, מיט אַ רױטער נאָז, װיל זי שמעקן טאַבאַק,
- Track comment:
- Recorded under "Di Grine Katshke"
- Language:
- Yiddish