Tracks with this artist
Der Tats — דער טאַץ
- Also known as:
- The Cymbal
- Author:
- Waletzky, Josh — װאָלעטסקי, יהודה
- Composer:
- Waletzky, Josh — װאָלעטסקי, יהודה
- Genre:
- Instrumental/Bulgar
- Subject:
- Cymbal
- On album:
- W-029(b) (Crossing The Shadows/ New Yiddish Songs/ Words and Music by Joshua Waletzy — אַריבער די שאָטנס\װערטער און מוזיק פֿון דזשאַש (יהושוע) װעלעטסקי)
- Track ID:
- 28100
- Cymbals:
- Waletzky (Dovid Yudl), D. J. — װאַלעטצקי, דוד יודל
- Mandolin/Guitar/Percussion/Vocal:
- Warschauer, Jeff
- Violin/Vocal:
- Strauss, Deborah
- Lead Vocal/Piano:
- Waletzky, Josh — װאָלעטסקי, יהודה
- Style:
- Instrumental/Klezmer/Classical/Concert/Bulgar
- Length:
- 02:40