Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום
- Album ID:
- S-066(a)
- Publisher:
- Shir Hadash VSY 2GB (Cassette)
- Date of issuance:
- 1987
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Where produced:
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Number of tracks:
- 12
Sim Sholom (Rabinowitz) — שׂים שלום
- Composer:
- Rabinowitz, Myrna
- Genre:
- Religious/Prayer
- Subject:
- Peace
- Origin:
- Alb B-033(g)/HAL 24/Zim 27/Alb C-003(j)/Alb K-047(d)
- Transliteration:
- Goldfarb 1 214/HAL 24/Zim 26/CD K-047(d)
- Translation:
- Alb P-002(g)/Alb M-042(c)/HAL 24/Zim 27/Alb B-033(g)/Alb C-003(j)/Alb V-004(a)
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 14402
- Vocal:
- Shir Hadash
- First line:
- Sim shalom tova uvrakha khen vekhesed verakhamim,
- First line (Hebrew):
- שׂים שלוֹם טוֹבה וּברכה חן וחסד ורחמים עלינוּ ועל כּל ישׂראל עמך.
- Track comment:
- Bestow peace, happiness and blessing, grace and compassion..
- Language:
- Hebrew
Hallelu Et Adonay Kol Goyim — הללוּ את יהיה כּל גוים
- Also known as:
- Psalm 117
- Composer:
- Siegel, Hannah Tiferet
- Genre:
- Biblical/Psalm 117
- Subject:
- Praise/God/Love/Truth/Everlasting/Nations/Peoples
- Transliteration:
- Alb S-066(a)
- Translation:
- Alb S-066(a)
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 5958
- Artist:
- Shir Hadash
- Lead Vocal:
- Siegel, Hanna Tiferet
- Vocal:
- Rabinowitz, Myrna
- Vocal:
- Rothstein, Harley
- First line:
- Hallelu et hashem kol goyim, shahahu kol ha'umim
- First line (Hebrew):
- הללוּ את השם כּל גוים שבּחוּהוּ כּל האמים,
- Track comment:
- Praise the Holy One, all nations and people
- Language:
- Hebrew
Hatov (Heb)
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 6209
- Artist:
- Shir Hadash
- Composer:
- Rabinowitz, Myrna
- First line:
- Hatov ki lo khalu rekhamemkha vehamraym...
- Track comment:
- Holy One of Goodness whose mercy is all embracing...
- Language:
- Hebrew
Luley He'emanti (Psalm 027:13) — לוֹלא האמנתּי (תהלים כז)
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 9481
- Composer:
- Rothstein, Harley
- Artist:
- Shir Hadash
- First line:
- Luley he'emanti lirot betuv hashem be'erets khaim,
- First line (Hebrew):
- לוֹלא האמנתּי לראוֹת בּטוֹב-יהוֹה בּארץ חיים: קוּה אל-הוה חזק...
- Track comment:
- I have faith that I shall see God's goodness in the land...
- Language:
- Hebrew
Nishmat Kol Khay (Siegel) — נשמת כּל חי (סיגעל)
- Genre:
- Prayer/Religious
- Subject:
- Praise
- Translation:
- Alb G-022(a)/Alb S-066(a)/Alb B-009(f)
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 11152
- Vocal:
- Shir Hadash
- First line:
- Nishmat kol khay teverakh et simkha adonay eloheynu,
- First line (Hebrew):
- נשמת כּל חי תּברך את שמך יי אלהינוּ. ורוּח כּל־בּשׂר תּפאר...
- Track comment:
- "The soul breath of all that lives will bless the Name of...
- Language:
- Hebrew
Mi Khamokha — מי כמכה
- Also known as:
- Exodus 15:11
- Genre:
- Biblical/Exodus 15:11
- Subject:
- God/Power/Sovereignty/Eternity/Moses
- Origin:
- Tanakh v.1 161
- Translation:
- Tanakh v.1 161
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 10379
- Composer:
- Siegel, Hannah Tiferet
- Artist:
- Shir Hadash
- First line:
- Mi khamokha boaylim adonay. Mi kamokha nedor bakokosh.
- First line (Hebrew):
- מי כמכה בּאלם יהוֹה. מי כּמכה נאדר בּקדש. נוֹרא תהלת עשׂה-פלא.
- Track comment:
- Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among them acclaimed as...
- Language:
- Hebrew
Ose Shalom (Rabinowitz, Heb) — יעשׂה שלוֹם
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 11583
- Composer:
- Rabinowitz, Myrna
- Artist:
- Shir Hadash
- First line:
- Ose shalom bimromov, hu ya'ase shalom olenyu, v'al kol...
- First line (Hebrew):
- עוֹשׂה שלוֹם בּמרוֹמיו הוּא יעשׂה שלוֹם עלינוּ ועל כּל ישׂראל, ואיםרוּ..
- Language:
- Hebrew
Etz Chayim (Siegel) — עץ חיים (סיגעל)
- Genre:
- Liturgy/Religious
- Subject:
- Proverbs 03:18/Tree/Life/Torah/Lamentations 05:21
- Translation:
- Alb M-019(a)/Alb M-013(a)/Alb G-056(b)/Alb S-092(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Based upon Proverbs 03:18 and Lamentations 05:21
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 12385
- Composer:
- Siegel, Hanna Tiferet
- Artist:
- Shir Hadash
- First line:
- Etz chayim hi lemshazikim ba vetomkha me'ushar…
- First line:
- עץ חיים היא למחזיקים בה ותומכיה מאשר דרכיה דרכי נעם וכל...
- Track comment:
- She is a tree of life more precious than gold,
- Language:
- Hebrew/English
Oyr Khadash (Shenker) — אור חדש (שענקער)
- Composer:
- Shenker, Ben Tsion — שענקער, בּן־ציון
- Genre:
- Prayer/Religious
- Subject:
- New Light
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 12003
- Vocal:
- Shenker, Ben Tsion — שענקער, בּן־ציון
- Conductor:
- Winternitz, Dr. Khanan — וינטרניץ, ד"ר חנן
- Chorale Conductor:
- Lev Ran, Menashe — לב-רן, מנשה
- Arranger:
- Winternitz, Dr. Khanan — וינטרניץ, ד"ר חנן
- First line:
- Or hadash al tsivon ta'ir venizkekh khulanu meheyreu leoro.
- Track comment:
- Cause a New light to shine upon Zion and may we all be...
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Khasidic/Cantorial
Yih'yu Leratson (Psalm 019:15) — יהיוּ לרצוֹן (תהלים יט)
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 17570
- Composer:
- Siegel, Hanna Tiferet
- Artist:
- Shir Hadash
- First line:
- Yih'yu l'ratson imrey fi v'hegyon libi l'fonekha...
- First line (Hebrew):
- יהיוּ לרצוֹן אמר-פי והגיוֹן לבּי לפניך. יי צוּרי וגוֹאלי:
- Track comment:
- "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart.."
- Language:
- Hebrew
Vihi No'am (Psalm 090:17) — ויהי נעם (תהלים צ)
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 16599
- Composer:
- Siegel, Hanna Tiferet
- Artist:
- Shir Hadash
- First line:
- Vihi no'am adonay aleynyu uma'ase yadenu konne aleynu.
- First line (Hebrew):
- ויהי נעם אדני אלהינוּ עלינוּ וּמעשׂה ידינוּ כּוֹננה עלינוּ
- Track comment:
- May God's beauty be upon us. And establish for us the work..
- Language:
- Hebrew
Ve'ahavta (Levy) — ואהבתּ (לבי)
- Composer:
- Levy, Hannah
- On album:
- S-066(a) (Or Shalom by Shir Hadash Songs of the Heart — אור שלום)
- Track ID:
- 16290
- Composer:
- Siegel, Hanna Tiferet
- Artist:
- Shir Hadash
- First line:
- Ve'ahavta lereyekha hamokha am hashem.
- Track comment:
- And you shall have love in your heart, for yourself...
- Language:
- Hebrew/English