Tracks with this artist
Shir Ha'emek (Alterman) — שיר העמק (אלתּרמן)
- Also known as:
- Ba'a Menukha
- Author:
- Sambursky, Daniel — סמבּורסקי, ד.
- Composer:
- Alterman, Natan — אלתּרמן, נתן
- Genre:
- Jewish Agency Song/Israeli/Pioneer/Folk
- Subject:
- Emek/Valley/Place/Jezerel/Rest/Night
- Origin:
- Netzer 20/Vorbei 431/Bugatch 63/Ephemera 1407
- Transliteration:
- Netzer 20/CD J-030(a)/Bugatch 63
- Translation:
- CD J-030(a)/Vorbei 430/Alb S-083(d)
- Music:
- Netzer 20/Bugatch 63
- On album:
- V-015(h) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 8/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31544
- Vocal:
- Kipnis, Chana
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- Conductor:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- First line:
- Ba'a menukha layagea umargoa le'amel. Layla khiver mistrea al sedorot emek...
- First line (Hebrew):
- באה מנוחה ליגע ומרגע לעמל, לילה חור משתרע על שדות עמק יזרעאל.
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Length:
- 3:17
Kumah Echa — קוּמה אחא
- Author:
- Shenhar, Yitskhak — שנהר, יצחק
- Composer:
- Postolski, Sholom — פּוסטולסקי, שלום
- Genre:
- Jewish Agency/Israeli/Zionist/
- Subject:
- Pioneer/Labor/Work/Return
- Origin:
- Bugatch 50/Alb O-001(d)/Alb N-014(a)/Alb N-014(b)/Metro Album 48
- Transliteration:
- Alb L-009(a)/Vorbei 432/Alb O-001(d)/Alb N-014(a)/Alb N-01 4(b)/Alb C-016(a)/
- Translation:
- DeRoy13/Vorbei 432/Alb S-006(a)/Alb C-016(a)
- Music:
- Bugatch 50/Nath 33/Metro Album 21
- On album:
- V-015(h) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 8/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31545
- Vocal:
- Kipnis, Chana
- Orchestra Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- First line:
- Kuma acha sov vasov, al tanucha, shuva sov! Eyn kan rosh, v'eyn kan sof,
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Horah
- Length:
- 2:47
Al Tira (Zeira) — אל תּירא (זעירא)
- Also known as:
- Don't Be Afraid
- Author:
- Harusi, Emanuel — הרוּסי, עמנואל
- Composer:
- Zeira, Mordecai — זעירא, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Israeli/Zionist
- Subject:
- Dream/Strength
- Origin:
- Bugatch 34
- Transliteration:
- Bugatch 34
- Translation:
- Alb C-018(a)
- Music:
- Bugatch 34
- Additional song notes:
- Text inspired by 28th chapter of Genesis - Jacob's ladder dream/ See also "Omar Hashem L'Yaakov" and "Al Tira Avdi Yaakov"
- On album:
- V-015(h) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 8/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31546
- Vocal:
- Kipnis, Chana
- Orchestra Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Hora
- Length:
- 2:40
Ole Regl — אולי רגל
- Author:
- Shenhar, Yitskhak — שנהר, יצחק
- Composer:
- Zeira, Mordecai — זעירא, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Israeli/Yemenite/Jewish Agency
- Subject:
- Pilgrim
- On album:
- V-015(h) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 8/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31547
- Vocal:
- Kipnis, Chana
- Orchestra Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Yemenite
- Length:
- 3:51
Selection Of Palestinian Folk..Test #1
- Genre:
- Folk/Israeli Pioneer
- Subject:
- Pioneer/Desert/Camels/Wonders/Rachel/Spring
- Transliteration:
- Vorbei 449
- Translation:
- Vorbei 449
- Additional song notes:
- Medley
- On album:
- V-015(h) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 8/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31556
- Vocal:
- Roth, Mordecai — ראָט, מרדכּי
- Orchestra Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Medley/Concert/
- Length:
- 3:21
Shir Ha'emek (Alterman) — שיר העמק (אלתּרמן)
- Also known as:
- Ba'a Menukha
- Author:
- Sambursky, Daniel — סמבּורסקי, ד.
- Composer:
- Alterman, Natan — אלתּרמן, נתן
- Genre:
- Jewish Agency Song/Israeli/Pioneer/Folk
- Subject:
- Emek/Valley/Place/Jezerel/Rest/Night
- Origin:
- Netzer 20/Vorbei 431/Bugatch 63/Ephemera 1407
- Transliteration:
- Netzer 20/CD J-030(a)/Bugatch 63
- Translation:
- CD J-030(a)/Vorbei 430/Alb S-083(d)
- Music:
- Netzer 20/Bugatch 63
- On album:
- V-015(i) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 9/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31565
- Vocal:
- Roth, Mordecai — ראָט, מרדכּי
- Dorector Orchestra and Choir:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- First line:
- Ba'a menukha layage'a, umargoa le'amel - layla khiver…
- First line (Hebrew):
- בּאה מנוּחה ליגע, וּמרגוֹע לעמל - לילה חוּר משתּרע, על שׂדוֹת עמק…
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Concert/Orchestral/Choral
- Length:
- 2:45
Horas Potpourri, I Part — זר הורות חלק א
- Genre:
- Israeli/Pioneer/Instrumental/Medley
- Additional song notes:
- El Yivne Hagalil/Veshavtim Mayim/Eyze Pele/Havu Levanim
- On album:
- V-015(j) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 10/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31596
- Orchestra Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- Arranger:
- Wilensky, Moshe — וילנסקי, משה
- Style:
- Instrumental
- Length:
- 3:09
Horas Potpourri IInd Part — זר הורות חלק ב
- Genre:
- sraeli/Pioneer/Instrumental/Medley
- Additional song notes:
- Kuma Ekha/Hora Hai Hai/Halleluya/Emek Emek
- On album:
- V-015(j) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 10/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31597
- Orchester Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- Arranger:
- Wilensky, Moshe — וילנסקי, משה
- Style:
- Instrumental
- Length:
- 3:13
Palestine Horas
- Genre:
- Medley
- Subject:
- Place/Jerusalem/Pioneer/Build/Tel Aviv
- On album:
- V-15(i)
- Track ID:
- 31572
- Vocal:
- Roth, Mordecai — ראָט, מרדכּי
- Director Orchestra and Choir:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Concert/Medley
- Length:
- 2:47
Selection Of Palestinian Folk Songs #1 — זר שירים א"י (חלק א')
- Genre:
- Folk/Israeli Pioneer
- Subject:
- Pioneer/Desert/Camels/Wonders/Rachel/Spring
- Transliteration:
- Vorbei 449
- Translation:
- Vorbei 449
- Additional song notes:
- Medley
- On album:
- V-015(h) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 8/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31557
- Vocal:
- Roth, Mordecai — ראָט, מרדכּי
- Orchestra Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Medley/Concert
- Length:
- 3:09
Selection Of Palestinian Folk Songs #2 — זר שירים א"י (חלק ב')
- Genre:
- Folk/Israeli Pioneer
- Subject:
- Pioneers/Workers/Immigration/Place Galilee/Ship/Homeland
- Transliteration:
- Vorbei 449/50
- Translation:
- Vorbei 449/50
- Additional song notes:
- Medley
- On album:
- V-015(h) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 8/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31558
- Vocal:
- Roth, Mordecai — ראָט, מרדכּי
- Orchestra Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Concert/Medley
- Length:
- 3:00
Kadima Hapoel
- Genre:
- Israeli Pioneer
- Subject:
- Pioneers/Workers/Immigration
- Transliteration:
- Vorbei 450
- Translation:
- Vorbei 450
- On album:
- V-015(h) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 8/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31559
- Vocal:
- Roth, Mordecai — ראָט, מרדכּי
- Orchestra Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- First line:
- Kadima, kadima, kadima hapoel, hey hey…
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Concert
Bagalil Haelyon
- Author:
- Zeev, Aharon
- Composer:
- Levi-Tanai, Sarah
- Genre:
- Israeli Pioneer
- Subject:
- Place/Upper Galilee/Shepherd/Child/Rain/Holiday
- Transliteration:
- Vorbei 450
- Translation:
- Vorbei 450
- Additional song notes:
- "In Upper Galilee" Vorbei credits Zeev and Levi-Tanai with text and music. Chajes is credited as composer on S-063(a) for song titled "Galil" - seems to be the same song.
- On album:
- V-015(h) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 8/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31560
- Vocal:
- Roth, Mordecai — ראָט, מרדכּי
- Orchestra Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- First line:
- Bagalil Haelyon galshu isim mehar azmon, galshu mehar azmon,
- Language:
- Hebrew
- Style:
- Concert/Medley
Ikh For Aheym (Meyerovitz) — איך פֿאָר אַהײם (מײעראָװיץ)
- Also known as:
- I'm Going Home
- Author:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Composer:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Genre:
- Zionist/Theater
- Subject:
- Palestine/United States/Emigration/Return/Homeland
- Origin:
- Ephemera 1365 (Yiddish)
- Transliteration:
- Estella 34/Peppler 2 96
- Translation:
- /Peppler 2 96
- Music:
- Estella 34/Peppler 2 96
- Additional song notes:
- I'm Going Home
Also see "Mir Forn Aheym"
- Related information in folder 836:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliterated text
2. Translation
- On album:
- V-015(i) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 9/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31566
- Vocal:
- Alexander, Edgar
- Orchestra Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- First line:
- Mazl tov aykh yidn, mit mazl zol es zayn, ikh veys ir zent tsufriden,
- First line (Yiddish):
- מזל טובֿ אייִך ייִדן, מיט מזל זאָל עס זייִן, איך ווייס איר זענט צופֿרידען…
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 2:41
Der Rebe Elimelekh — דער רבּי אלימלך
- Also known as:
- Rabbi Eli, The King
- Also known as:
- The Merry Rebe Elie
- Author:
- Moyshe Nadir — משה נאַדיר
- Composer:
- Moyshe Nadir — משה נאַדיר
- Genre:
- Folk/Humorous
- Subject:
- Khasidim/Rebe/Klezmer/Musicians/Drinking
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 168/Alb R-022(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Metro Album 49/Sh Sh 361
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 168/Alb B-007(b)/Alb W-010(a)/Alb R-022(a)/Metro Album 44
- Translation:
- Alb B-007(b)/Alb O-001(a)/Alb R-022(a)/Alb R-033(a)/Alb W-010(a)/Sh Sh 360
- Music:
- ML MTAG 168/Metro Album 44
- Additional song notes:
- See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
- Related information in folder 733:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- V-015(i) (Vorbei… Beyond Recall, CD 9/ A Record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-1938)
- Track ID:
- 31567
- Vocal:
- Alexander, Edgar
- Orchestra Leader:
- Petruschka, Sigmund
- Artist:
- Petruschka Orchestra — אָרקעסטער פּעטרושקאַ
- First line:
- Az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn zeyer freylekh, iz gevorn..
- First line (Yiddish):
- אז דער רבּי אלימלך איז געװאָרן זײער פֿרײלעך, איז געװאָרן זײער…
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 2:37