Tracks with this artist
Di Grine Kuzine — די גרינע קוזינע
- Also known as:
- Kuzine (Di Grine Kuzine)
- Author:
- Leyzerovitz, Yakov — לײזעראָװיץ, יעקבֿ
- Composer:
- Schwartz, Abe — שװאַרץ, אײב
- Genre:
- Immigration/Lament
- Subject:
- Immigration/Poverty/Occupation/Milliner/Aging/Disillusion
- Origin:
- Mayzl 600/Alb Z-012(a)/Levin N 92
- Transliteration:
- Levin N 92/Alb B-007(c)/Alb Z-012(a)/Gottlieb 290/Alb B-095(b)
- Translation:
- Levin N 92/Alb Z-012(a)/Alb B-007(c)/Gottlieb 290/Alb B-095(b)/Alb M-068(a)04
- Music:
- Warem 45/Alb Z-012(a)/Levin N 92
- Additional song notes:
- See "My Little Cousin" for American swing version.
Lyrics claimed by Hyman Prizant and others. Text is by Leyzerovitz as credited by Meizel. See Max Rosenfeld's papers re respecting Leyzerovitz's loss of copyright lawsuit.
See Gottlieb p. 147.
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
See also ephemera 1458 for tarnslit and translate
What's Not To Like 2017
- Related information in folder 408:
- Comments:
- 1. Letter from Shlomo Ben Israel in Yiddish Forverts of February 4, 1983 titled, "Interesante Faktn Vegn Y. Leyzerovitsh in zayn lid, Di Grine Kuzine".
2. 2. Original text with 8 verses
3. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 42888
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Style:
- Instrumental/Orchestral
- Length:
- 2:10
Lekhaim (Almani) — לחיים (אלמוני)
- Subject:
- Jerusalem/Toast
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 9018
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- Style:
- Instrumental
A Yidishe Mame — אַ ייִדישע מאַמע
- Also known as:
- Yiddishe Mame
- Author:
- Yellen, Jack
- Author:
- Pollack, Lou — פּאָלעק, לאָו
- Composer:
- Pollack, Lou — פּאָלעק, לאָו
- Composer:
- Yellen, Jack
- Genre:
- Memory/Family
- Subject:
- Mother/Constancy/Devotion/Immigration
- Origin:
- GYF 80/Alb F-024(e)/Alb K-007(b)/ Vinkov 5 301
- Transliteration:
- Alb F-042(a)/Alb L-048(a)/Alb H-006(a)/Alb K-007(b)/GYF 83/Al K-022(b)
- Translation:
- GYF 83/Alb I-013(a)/Alb H-006(a)/Alb R-009(b)/Alb K-059(d)/Vinkov 4 301
- Music:
- GYF 81/Gold Zem 310/Vinkov 5 301
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 761
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- First line:
- Ver bashitst un bashirent dos kind, fun der shvartser tog...
- First line:
- װער באַשיצט און באַשירענט דאָס קינד פֿון דער שװאַרצער טאָג און...
- Style:
- Instrumental
Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn
- Author:
- Jacobs, Jacob — זשאַקאָבס, זשאַקאָב
- Author:
- Cahn, Sammy
- Author:
- Chapin, Harry
- Composer:
- Secunda, Sholom — סעקונדאַ, שלום
- Genre:
- Theatre/American/Pop/Swing
- Subject:
- Love/Beauty/Appearance
- Origin:
- GYF 40/Alb F-024(e)/Alb K-029(e)/Alb G-035(b)
- Transliteration:
- Estella 4/Alb K-007(a)/GYF 43/Alb K-059(d)/
- Translation:
- GYF 43/
- Music:
- Estalla 4/GYF 41/
- Additional song notes:
- English Version
- Related information in folder 165:
- Document type:
- Article
- Author:
- Chana Mlotek
- Publisher:
- Yiddish Forward
- Date:
- 7/9/2004
- Comments:
- 1.7/9/2004 Article in the Yiddish Forverts of July 9, 2004 by Khana Mlotek titled "Leyner Betn Dos Lid 'Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn'" (Readers Requst the Song "Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn".) Article contains Yiddish text.
2. 4/17/2006 Translation of Yiddish text from the internet site "Zemerl" as of April 17, 2006
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 2070
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- Style:
- Instrumental
Di Grine Kuzine — די גרינע קוזינע
- Also known as:
- Kuzine (Di Grine Kuzine)
- Author:
- Leyzerovitz, Yakov — לײזעראָװיץ, יעקבֿ
- Composer:
- Schwartz, Abe — שװאַרץ, אײב
- Genre:
- Immigration/Lament
- Subject:
- Immigration/Poverty/Occupation/Milliner/Aging/Disillusion
- Origin:
- Mayzl 600/Alb Z-012(a)/Levin N 92
- Transliteration:
- Levin N 92/Alb B-007(c)/Alb Z-012(a)/Gottlieb 290/Alb B-095(b)
- Translation:
- Levin N 92/Alb Z-012(a)/Alb B-007(c)/Gottlieb 290/Alb B-095(b)/Alb M-068(a)04
- Music:
- Warem 45/Alb Z-012(a)/Levin N 92
- Additional song notes:
- See "My Little Cousin" for American swing version.
Lyrics claimed by Hyman Prizant and others. Text is by Leyzerovitz as credited by Meizel. See Max Rosenfeld's papers re respecting Leyzerovitz's loss of copyright lawsuit.
See Gottlieb p. 147.
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
See also ephemera 1458 for tarnslit and translate
What's Not To Like 2017
- Related information in folder 408:
- Comments:
- 1. Letter from Shlomo Ben Israel in Yiddish Forverts of February 4, 1983 titled, "Interesante Faktn Vegn Y. Leyzerovitsh in zayn lid, Di Grine Kuzine".
2. 2. Original text with 8 verses
3. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- B-028(j) (Shalom The Barry Sisters)
- Track ID:
- 3606
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- First line:
- Es iz tsu mir gekumen a kuzine, sheyn vi gold iz zi geven di grine, bekelekh...
- First line (Yiddish):
- עס איז צו מיר געקומען אַ קוזינע, שײן װי גאָלד איז זי געװען, די גרינע, בעקעלעך
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Does this version have variant verses?
- Language:
- Yiddish
Eyshes Khayil (Lillian, Rumshinsky) — אשת חיל (ליליאַן, רומשינסקי)
- Author:
- Lillian, Isadore — ליליאַן, איסאַדאָר
- Composer:
- Rumshinsky, Yosef — רומשינסקי, יאָסף
- Genre:
- Theatre/Biblical
- Subject:
- Wife/Constancy/Love/Shabos/Home
- Origin:
- Metro Scher 29
- Transliteration:
- Alb D-004(k)/Metro Scher 6
- Translation:
- Alb D-0004(k)
- Music:
- Metro Scher 6
- Additional song notes:
- A Woman of Valor
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 5045
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- Style:
- Instrumental
Ikh Hob Dikh Tsu Fil Lib — איך האָב דיך צו פֿיל ליב
- Also known as:
- I Love You Much Too Much
- Author:
- Tauber, Chaim Shmuel (Shami) טױבער, חיים שמואל (שמאי)
- Composer:
- Olshanetsky, Alexander — אָלשאַנעצקי, אַלעקסאַנדער
- Genre:
- Theater/Lament
- Subject:
- Anger/Love/Rejection/Fool/Revenge
- Origin:
- Alb T-005(c)/Metro Scher 29
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-007(b)/Alb K-029(f)/Alb K-022(b)/Alb J-024(a)1/CD B-075(a)/CD F-042(a)/
- Translation:
- Alb K-022(b)/Alb T-015(c)/Alb K-029(f)/Alb J-025(a)1/CD B-075(a)/CD F-042(a)
- Music:
- SM Scher 2
- Additional song notes:
- I Love You Much To Much
Transliteration and translation in Ephemera 1552
From the play "Di Katerinshtshik" (The Organ Grinder), 1934/ See Heskes 2533
Translate - Alb P-038(a)
- Related information in folder 122:
- Document type:
- Email
- Author:
- Olshanetsky, Alexander
- Publisher:
- Friedman, RA
- Comments:
- Transliterated songtext from original sheet music.
Also, Yiddish text from Yiddish Forward , June 27,2003.
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 7167
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- First line:
- Ikh hob dikh tsufil lib, tsu zayn oyf dir in kas,
- First line:
- איך האָב דיך צו פֿיל ליב, צו זײַן אױף דיר אין כּעס,
- Style:
- Instrumental
Hava Nagila (Nathanson) — הבה נגילה
- Also known as:
- Kene Hora (Hava Nagila)
- Also known as:
- Living With the H Tune
- Author:
- Nathanson, Moshe
- Genre:
- Folk/Hora
- Subject:
- Dance/Celebration/Joy
- Song comment:
- See Page 130 for extended info on the song
- Origin:
- Coopersmith NJS 111/Nath 15/Alb S-033(a)/Alb Z-013(a)/Alb N-014(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb N-014(a)/Coopersmith NJS 111/Alb N-014(b)/Alb S-033(a)/Alb K-007(a)
- Translation:
- Coopersmith NJS 111/Alb S-033(a)/Alb Z-013(a)/Alb N-014(b)/Alb B-032(a)
- Music:
- Coopersmith NJS 111/Nath 15/Pasternak BHN 130/Metro Scher 15
- Additional song notes:
- Originally Chassidic Sadigurer (Bukovina, Poland) nigun. Text -
claimed by Idelsohn, but text usually attributed to Moshe -
Nathanson. See Pasternak's "Beyond Hava Nagila" p 130: Nulman, p -
- Related information in folder 832:
- Comments:
- 1. 10/26/2007 Article by Leah Hochbaum Rosner in English Forward, Oct. 26, 2007, titled "Singing 'Happy Birthday' to 'Hava Nagila' as Party Classic nears 100".
2. 8/28/2008 Article published on the internet as of August 28, 2008 by James Loeffler titled "Hava Nagila's Long, Strange Trip: The unlikely history of a Hasidic melody.
3. 7/20/212 Article from the Forward of July 20, 2012 by Renee Ghert-Zand titled "From Ukraine to You Tube: How 'Hava Nagila' Became a Global Hit"
4. 2/24/2017 Article from Wikipedia as of February 24, 2017 titled Hava Nagila
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 6275
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- Style:
- Instrumental
Hatikva — התקוה
- Author:
- Imber, Naftali Herz — אימבּר, נפתלי ה.
- Genre:
- Anthem/Zionist
- Subject:
- Hope
- Song comment:
- Yiddish Translation Ephemera 455
- Origin:
- Netzer 5/Alb G-056(b)/Coopersmith SOZ 229/Metro Scher 31/Metro Album 36
- Transliteration:
- Netzer 5/Alb G-056(b)/Alb S-092(a)/Alb B-067(a)/Vorbei 426/Metro Scher 28/
- Translation:
- Alb B-067(a)/Alb J-007(a)/Alb S-092(a)/Vorbei 426/Binder 40
- Music:
- Netzer 5/Coopersmith SOZ 229/Metro Scher 28/Binder 40/
- Additional song notes:
- Remember that text changed after establishment of the State of -
Israel. See Heskes 1, index for various entries respecting sheet -
musi/ See also Vorbei 211 and 426 for history of the song. One Samuel Cohen set the text to a Moldavian Melody, "Carul ca Boi" (The Wagon and the Ox).
- Related information in folder 410:
- Document type:
- Article
- Author:
- Isacaar Fater
- Publisher:
- Yiddish Forward
- Date:
- 1/5/2001
- Comments:
- Article titled, "Vi Azoy Hatikva Iz Gevorn Der Himen Fun Folk Un Medina".
- Document type:
- Text
- Author:
- Berele Chagy
- Comments:
- 2. Yiddish adaptation by Berele Chagy published in Yiddishe Folks Lieder, Berlin, 1918.
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 6204
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- First line:
- Kol od balevav penima, Nefesh yehudi homiya, Ulfa'atey...
- First line:
- כּל עוֹד בּלבב פּנימה, נפש יהוּדי הוֹמיה. וּלפאתי מזרח קדימה עין...
- Track comment:
- "So long as still within our breasts, The Jewish heart..."
- Style:
- Instrumental/Orchestral
Papirosn — פּאַפּיראָסן
- Also known as:
- A Kalte Nakht
- Also known as:
- A Kalte Nakht (Papirosn)
- Also known as:
- El Chiclerito
- Also known as:
- Freylekhe Yidelekh
- Also known as:
- Sigaryot
- Also known as:
- Kupite Papirosy
- Author:
- Yablakoff, Herman — יאַבלאַקאָף, הערמאַן
- Composer:
- Yablakoff, Herman — יאַבלאַקאָף, הערמאַן
- Genre:
- Theatre/Lament
- Subject:
- Occupation/Cigarette Seller/Misfortune/Family
- Origin:
- Levin N 90/GYF 16/Alb L-023(a)/ML PYS 267/Alb F-024(e)/Alb G-035(b)
- Transliteration:
- Levin N 90/Alb L-023(a)/Alb K-007(b)/GYF 19/Alb F-042(a)/Alb L-048(a)
- Translation:
- Alb G-013(c)/GYF 19/Alb B-046(a)/Alb L-023(a)/Alb F-036(a)/Alb A-036(a
- Music:
- Levin N 90/Estella 10/GYF 17/ML PYS 267
- Additional song notes:
- Cigarettes/Author was inspired to write song after seeing child peddlers during German occupation of Grodno in WWI. See liner notes Alb S-083(a)
Ephemera 1458: See 2016 program for translat and translit. Alb P-038(e) - translate
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 12099
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- First line:
- A kalte nakht, a nebldike finster umetum, shteyt a…
- First line:
- אַ קאַלטע נאַכט, אַ נעפלדיקע פינסטער אומעטום, שטײט א יִנגעלע...
- Style:
- Instrumental
Rumenye, Rumenye — רומעניע, רומעניע
- Author:
- Lebedeff, Aaron — לעבעדאָװ, אהרן
- Composer:
- Lebedeff, Aaron — לעבעדאָװ, אהרן
- Genre:
- Theatre/Vaudville/Shund/Double Entendre/Skat/Humorous/Nostal
- Subject:
- Rumania/Place/Food/Women
- Origin:
- GYF 12
- Transliteration:
- Alb G-013(c)/CD K-068(e)/AAlb L-002(a)Alb L-023(a)/Alb J-24(a)1
- Translation:
- Alb J-024(a)1/GYF 12/Alb K-029(g)/Alb L-002(a)/Alb W-031(a)
- Music:
- Warem 175/GYF 12
- Related information in folder 397:
- Document type:
- Text
- Comments:
- Yiddish text with transliteration and English adaptation.
Also, various versions.
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 13065
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- First line:
- Ekh! Rumania, geven a mol a land a zise, a sheyne.
- First line (Instrumental):
- עך, רומעניע, געװען אַ מאָל אַ לאַנד אַ זיסע, אַ שײנע.
- Language:
- Instrumental
Tumbalalajka — טום בלליקה
- Also known as:
- Tum Balalayke
- Also known as:
- Twistin' The Freylekhs (Instr)
- Also known as:
- Play Balalaike
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 15815
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- First line:
- Shteyt a bokher un er trakht, Trakht un trakht a gantse...
- First line:
- שטײט אַ בחור און ער טראַכט, טראַכט און טראַכט אַ גאַנצע נאַכט,
- Style:
- Instrumental
Vos Geven Iz Geven Un Nito — װאָס געװען איז געװען און ניטאָ
- Also known as:
- Vos Geven Iz Nishtu
- Author:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Composer:
- Meyerowitz, David — מײעראָװיץ, דוד
- Genre:
- Theatre/Vaudeville/Lament
- Subject:
- Aging/Memory
- Origin:
- ML PYS 274
- Transliteration:
- Warem 224/ML PYS 274/Alb J-024(a)1/Estella 8
- Translation:
- Alb T-015(a)/Alb J-024(a)1/Alb M-068(a)04
- Music:
- Warem 224/ML PYS 275/Estella 8
- Additional song notes:
- What Was Once Is No More
- On album:
- J-009(a) (Soul of a People Arranged and Conducted by Gordon Jenkins)
- Track ID:
- 16688
- Artist:
- Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
- Arranger/Conductor:
- Jenkins, Gordon
- Style:
- Instrumental