Songs written or composed
Likht Bentshn (Goldstein) — ליכט בענטשן (גאָלדשטײַן)
- Author:
- Goldstein, Jennie — גאָלדשטייַן, דזשעני
- Composer:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- Genre:
- Theater/Lament
- Subject:
- Memory/Ritual/Candles
- Additional song notes:
- From the play "A Meydl Mit A Fargangenheyt"
- On album:
- G-004(b) (Jennie Goldstein Sings 14...Famous Yiddish Theatre Hits)
- Track ID:
- 18582
- Vocal:
- Goldstein, Jennie — גאָלדשטייַן, דזשעני
- First line:
- Ikh nem mir dermonen in tsaytn fun frier, gehat a familie...
- First line (Yiddish):
- איך מעם מיר דערמאָנען אין צײַטן פֿון פֿרייִער, געהאַט אַ פֿאַמיליע...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Language:
- Yiddish
- On album:
- 061i (Goldstein, Jennie/ Likht Bentshn/ Vi A Kholem Iz Ales Avek)
- Track ID:
- 30611
- Vocal:
- Goldstein, Jennie — גאָלדשטייַן, דזשעני
- First line:
- Ikh nem mir dermonen in tsaytn fun frier, gehat a familie…
- First line (Yiddish):
- איך מעם מיר דערמאָנען אין צײַטן פֿון פֿרייִער, געהאַט אַ פֿאַמיליע…
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
Mayn Yidishe Mame — מײַן ייִדישע מאַמע
- Author:
- Lillian, Isadore — ליליאַן, איסאַדאָר
- Composer:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- Related information in folder 567:
- Comments:
- 1 7/26/2006 Article from web by Anne S. Borden titled "Jewish Women in Comedy: Sophie Tucker 1884-1966". - j
2 Yiddish text, transliteration and translation of song with title, "Mayn Yidishe Mame" with text by Henry Lubin and music by Isadore Lillian. From a film of the same name. of the same name. This is not the Sophie Tucker song
3 Text of Sophie Tucker's English Monologue - 1925 Transcribed by Richard Linatsky from the recording.
4. Yiddish text of Mayn Yiddishe Mame
Vi A Kholem Iz Ales Avek — װי אַ חלום איז אַלעס אַװעק
- Author:
- Goldstein, Jennie — גאָלדשטייַן, דזשעני
- Composer:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- Genre:
- Theater/Memory/Lament
- Subject:
- Past/Prison/Family/Holidays/Remorse
- Additional song notes:
- From Max Gabel's production "A Girl With A Past"
- Sheet music:
- Folder:
- 226
- Series:
- 4
- Arranged for:
- Voice/Piano
- Texts:
- Transliteration/Yiddish
- Publisher:
- Trio Press, Inc.
- Publisher address:
- 28 E. 4th St. New York, NY
- Provenance:
- Schper-Rosenthal Sheet Music Collection, Gift of Faye & Jerry Rosenthal
- Mel & Shrifra Gold Project, NYBC Catlg #:
- 23
- First line:
- Ikh nem zikh dermonen in tseytn fun frirer gehat a familie..
- First line (Yiddish):
- איך נעם זיך נעם זיך דערמאָנען פֿון צייַטן פֿון פֿריער, געהאַט אַ פֿאַמיליע....
- Notes:
- Dark blue lettering in Yiddish and English. Inset photographs of Harry Lubin (music) and Max Gabel (Producer) and Jennie Goldstein (vocalist). Song is from show "A Girl With A Past" by A. Blum. Prologue and 3 acts of A. Blum's "Her Last Dance". Cast of characters listed on back.
- On album:
- G-004(b) (Jennie Goldstein Sings 14...Famous Yiddish Theatre Hits)
- Track ID:
- 18581
- Vocal:
- Goldstein, Jennie — גאָלדשטייַן, דזשעני
- First line:
- Un ven es fleg kumen di heylike yontovim, in shul fleg ikh..
- First line:
- און װען עס פֿלעגן קומען די הײליקע יום-טובֿים, אין שול פֿלעג...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- On album:
- 061i (Goldstein, Jennie/ Likht Bentshn/ Vi A Kholem Iz Ales Avek)
- Track ID:
- 30612
- Vocal:
- Goldstein, Jennie — גאָלדשטייַן, דזשעני
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
Di Eybike Mame (Peppler) — די אייביקע מאַמע
- Author:
- Rosenberg, Yisroel — רוזנבּרג, ישׂראל
- Composer:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- Genre:
- Theater/Lament
- Subject:
- Mother/Child/Sacrifice/Protector/Forgotten/Neglected
- Transliteration:
- Peppler 2 48
- Translation:
- Peppler 2 48
- Music:
- Peppler 2 48
- Additional song notes:
- The Eternal Mother
- Sheet music:
- Folder:
- 102
- Series:
- 4
- Arranged for:
- Piano/Voice
- Texts:
- Yiddish/Transliteration
- Publisher:
- Trio Press, Inc.,
- Publisher address:
- 38 E. 4th Street, New York
- Date:
- 1928
- Provenance:
- Gift of Robert & Molly Freedman, 1996
- First line:
- A mame tsu zayn iz yeder froys farlang,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ מאַמע צו זײַן איז יעדער פֿרויס פֿאַרלאַנג,
- Notes:
- Cover primarily in Yiddish "...gezungen mit groys erfolg fun Luci German in Misha German's oyffirung fun Kalmanovitsh's success 'Di Eybike Mame" Photo of Lucy German in costume. Photos of Yisroel Rosenberg and Harry Lubin and presumably Misha German. Price 30 cents. Back cover includes credits and cast in English and Yiddish.
- On album:
- K-010(g) (32 World Famous Artists Sing Oldies Of The Yiddish Theatre)
- Track ID:
- 21177
- Vocal/Piano:
- Peppler, Jane
- First line:
- A mame tsu zayn iz yede froys farlang, a mame tsu zayn iz a getlekher geshank,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 5:00
Other tracks with this artist
Kadish — קדיש
- Also known as:
- Kaddish
- Author:
- Shechter, Ayal — שכטר, אייל
- Genre:
- Religious/Liturgica/Sanctification
- Origin:
- Alb B-058(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-058(a)
- Translation:
- Vorbei 235/Alb B-058(a)
- On album:
- R-016(g) (A..Caravan..Stars Featuring Seymour Rechtzeit & Molly Picon)
- Track ID:
- 23649
- Composer:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Artist:
- Olshanetsky, Alexander — אָלשאַנעצקי, אַלעקסאַנדער
- First line:
- Ikh bet dikh, groyser gotenu, gib up a grus mayn tatenyu,
- First line:
- איף בעט דיך, גרױסער גאָטיניו, גיב אָפּ אַ גרוס מײַן טאַטעניו..
- Track comment:
- from film "Mayn Yidishe Mame" Initial line from Kadish
- Language:
- Aramaic/Yiddish
Raisins and Almonds
- Also known as:
- Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen
- Also known as:
- Shlof Mayn Kind Shlof
- Author:
- Goldfaden, Avrom — גאָלדפֿאַדען, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Goldfaden, Avrom — גאָלדפֿאַדען, אַבֿרהם
- On album:
- R-016(g) (A..Caravan..Stars Featuring Seymour Rechtzeit & Molly Picon)
- Track ID:
- 23650
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Conductor:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- First line:
- Unter Yideles vigele, shteyt a klor veys tsigele,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אונטער ייִדעלעס װיגעלע, שטײט אַ קלאָר װײס ציגעלע, דאָס ציגעלע…
- Track comment:
- From the operetta "Shulamis"
- Language:
- Yiddish
Fartraybt Di Zorgn — פֿאַרטרײַט די זאָרגן
- On album:
- R-016(g) (A..Caravan..Stars Featuring Seymour Rechtzeit & Molly Picon)
- Track ID:
- 23651
- Author:
- Kressyn, Miriam — קרעסן, מיריאַם
- Composer:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Conductor:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- First line:
- Fartraybt di zorgn, un trakht nit fun keyn morgen,
- First line:
- פֿאַרטרײַט די זאָרגן, און טראַכט ניט פֿון קײן מאָרגן,
Tango Margarita — טאַנגאָ מאַרגאַריטאַ
- Author:
- Rexsite, (Rekhtseyt) Jack — רעכטצײט, דזאַק
- Composer:
- Rexsite, (Rekhtseyt) Jack — רעכטצײט, דזאַק
- Genre:
- Tango/Concert
- Subject:
- Dance/Enchantment/Black Hair/Grine Eyes/Red Lips/Argentina/
- Transliteration:
- Alb T-028(b)
- Translation:
- Alb T-028(b)
- Additional song notes:
- Karsten Troyke designataes this as "Traditional" and does not credit author or composer
- On album:
- R-016(f) (Seymour Rechtzeit Yiddish Favorites)
- Track ID:
- 19119
- Author/Composer:
- Rexsite, (Rekhtseyt) Jack — רעכטצײט, דזאַק
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Conductor Ensemble:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- First line:
- Tango, tants mayn margarita, dayn tango fakisheft senorita
- First line (Yiddish):
- טאַנגאָ, טאַנץ מײַן מאַרגאַריטאַ, דײַן טאַנגאָ פֿאַרכּישופֿט סענאָריטאַ,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Tango
Mirele (Jacobs) — מירעלע (זשאַקאָבס)
- Author:
- Jacobs, Jacob — זשאַקאָבס, זשאַקאָב
- Composer:
- Olshanetsky, Alexander — אָלשאַנעצקי, אַלעקסאַנדער
- Genre:
- Theatre
- Subject:
- Love
- Additional song notes:
- From the play "Song of the Ghetto"
- On album:
- R-016(f) (Seymour Rechtzeit Yiddish Favorites)
- Track ID:
- 19127
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Conductor Ensemble:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- First line:
- Vi shloyme hamelekh hot shoyn fun frier, bazingen di...
- First line (Yiddish):
- װי שלמה המלך האָט שױן פֿון פֿריִער, באַזינגען די שירות מיט אַ...
- Track comment:
- From the play "Song of the Ghetto"
- Language:
- Yiddish
Bist Mir Mazldik Rukhele — ביסט מיר מזלדיק רחלעלע
- Author:
- Lillian, Isadore — ליליאַן, איסאַדאָר
- Composer:
- Olshanetsky, Alexander — אָלשאַנעצקי, אַלעקסאַנדער
- Genre:
- Theater
- On album:
- R-016(f) (Seymour Rechtzeit Yiddish Favorites)
- Track ID:
- 19128
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Conductor Ensemble:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- First line:
- Bist mir mazldik, rukhele (2x), hob ikh dir, darfst zikh...
- First line (Yiddish):
- ביסט מיר מזלדיק, רחלעלע (2), האָב איך דיר, דאַרפֿסט זיך...
- Track comment:
- From the play "Rukhele Vert A Kale"
- Language:
- Yiddish
Ikh Zing (Ellstein) — איך זינג (עלשטיין)
- Author:
- Picon, Molly — פּיקאָן, מאָלי
- Composer:
- Ellstein, Abe — עלשטײַן, אײב
- Genre:
- Theater/Love
- Subject:
- Love/Shir Hashirim/Heart/Dreams/Lonliness/Longing
- Transliteration:
- Warem 113/ Ephemera 1447
- Translation:
- Ephemera 1447
- Music:
- Warem 113
- Related information in folder 1447:
- Comments:
- 1 112/12/2014 Translation and Transliteration of the song text provided by Chava Kramer via email on December 12, 2014
- On album:
- R-016(f) (Seymour Rechtzeit Yiddish Favorites)
- Track ID:
- 19131
- Insturmental Ensemble:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- Instrumental Ensemble:
- Medoff, Sam
- Instrumental Ensemble:
- Rekhtseyt, Jack — רעכצײַט, דזאַק
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Instrumental Ensemble:
- Ellstein, Abe — עלשטײַן, אײב
- First line:
- Shloyme Hamelekh hot tsu shoyn zayn Shulamis gezungen a libes-shir, un punkt vi
- First line (Yiddish):
- שלמה המלך האָט צו זײַן שולמית געזונגען אַ ליבעס־שיר, און פּינקט ווי שלמה דאַן
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Theatrical
Reyzele — רײזעלע (ווידי
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Love/Courtship/Folk
- Subject:
- Love/Courtship
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 48/Alb L-023(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb B-007(b)Belarsky Fav 31
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 48/Alb L-023(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb R-001(a)/Belarsky Fav 15
- Translation:
- Alb R-001(a)/Alb H-006(a)/Alb R-033(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Belarsky Fav 15
- Music:
- ML MTAG 50/Gold Zem 186/Belarsky Fav 15
- Additional song notes:
- See Heskes 1, entries 2165, 2931, 3281 respecting sheet music.
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
- Related information in folder 731:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- L-047(a) (L'Chaim Music of the Jewish People)
- Track ID:
- 26523
- Vocalist:
- Oppenheim, Menashe — אָפּענהײם, מנשה
- Accomp:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- First line:
- Shteyt zikh dort in gesele, shtil fartrakht a hayzele,
- First line (Yiddish):
- שטײט זיך דאָרט אין געסעלע, שטיל פֿאַרטראַכט אַ הײַזעלע,
- Track comment:
- Recorded 1941
- Language:
- Yiddish
Raisins and Almonds
- Also known as:
- Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen
- Also known as:
- Shlof Mayn Kind Shlof
- Author:
- Goldfaden, Avrom — גאָלדפֿאַדען, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Goldfaden, Avrom — גאָלדפֿאַדען, אַבֿרהם
- On album:
- L-047(a) (L'Chaim Music of the Jewish People)
- Track ID:
- 26537
- Vocal:
- Rechtzeit, Seymour — רעכצײַט, סימאָר
- Conductor:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- First line:
- Unter Yideles vigele, shteyt a klor veys tsigele,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אונטער ייִדעלעס װיגעלע, שטײט אַ קלאָר װײס ציגעלע, דאָס ציגעלע…
- Track comment:
- Recorded 1942 From the operetta "Shulamis"
- Language:
- Yiddish
Es Kumen Gute Tsaytn — עס קומען גוטע צײַטן
- Author:
- Singer, Reverend Avrom — זינגער, אַבֿרהם
- Composer:
- Singer, Reverend Avrom — זינגער, אַבֿרהם
- Genre:
- Zionist
- Subject:
- Zionist/Hope/Peace/Fraternal
- Additional song notes:
- Asch Recordings 6002 - Includes version of Hine Ma Tov
- On album:
- L-050(a) (Martin Lorber Collection of 78 RPM Recordings)
- Track ID:
- 27647
- Vocalist:
- Waldman, Cantor Leybele — װאַלדמאַן, חזן לײבעלע
- Piano:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- First line:
- Es kumen gute tsaytn, vi es vayst zikh oys, shteyt nit fun der vaytens,
- First line:
- עס קומען גוטע צײַטן, װי עס װײַסט זיך אױס, שטײט ניט פֿון דער...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Asch Recordings 6002 - Includes version of Hine Ma Tov
- Language:
- Yiddish/Hebrew
- Style:
- Concert
Eykho — איכה
- Composer:
- Rumshinsky, Yosef — רומשינסקי, יאָסף
- Genre:
- Zionist/Lament
- Subject:
- Zionist/Jerusalem
- Additional song notes:
- Asch Recordings 6002
- On album:
- L-050(a) (Martin Lorber Collection of 78 RPM Recordings)
- Track ID:
- 27648
- Piano:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- Vocalist:
- Waldman, Cantor Leybele — װאַלדמאַן, חזן לײבעלע
- First line:
- azoy iz di shtot yerusholayim geblibn?
- First line:
- ...װי אַזױ אַיז די שטאָט ירושלים געבליבן?
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Asch Recordings 6002
- Language:
- Yiddish/Hebrew
- Style:
- Concert
Dray Tekhterlekh — דרײַ טעכטערלעך
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Family
- Subject:
- Wedding/Father/Daughters/Youngest
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 210/Gebir ML 70/Alb L-023(a)/Alb A-003(c)Gebir Lemm 152/Alb G-022(b)
- Transliteration:
- Alb A-003(c)/ML MTAG 210/Alb B-007(a)/Alb D-004(d)/Alb T-031(b)/Alb B-095(b)
- Translation:
- Alb A-003(c)/Alb L-023(a)/Gebir SIMC 72/ Alb T-031(b)/Alb G-022(b)/Alb B-095(b
- Music:
- Gebir ML 70/Gebir Lemm 151/Gebir MGZ 82
- Additional song notes:
- See Heskes 1, entry 2930 respecting sheet music.
- On album:
- L-050(a) (Martin Lorber Collection of 78 RPM Recordings)
- Track ID:
- 27651
- Piano:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- Vocal:
- Oppenheim, Menashe — אָפּענהײם, מנשה
- First line:
- Ven mit mazl, gezunt un lebn S'elste tekhterl mir veln oysgebn,
- First line (Yiddish):
- װען מיט מזל, געזונט און לעבן ס'עלסטע טעכטערל מיר װעלן...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Asch Recordings 78 - H 6004 - orig box 001
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk/Concert
Reyzele — רײזעלע (ווידי
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Love/Courtship/Folk
- Subject:
- Love/Courtship
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 48/Alb L-023(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb B-007(b)Belarsky Fav 31
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 48/Alb L-023(a)/Alb O-001(b)/Alb R-001(a)/Belarsky Fav 15
- Translation:
- Alb R-001(a)/Alb H-006(a)/Alb R-033(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Belarsky Fav 15
- Music:
- ML MTAG 50/Gold Zem 186/Belarsky Fav 15
- Additional song notes:
- See Heskes 1, entries 2165, 2931, 3281 respecting sheet music.
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
- Related information in folder 731:
- Comments:
- 1. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- L-050(a) (Martin Lorber Collection of 78 RPM Recordings)
- Track ID:
- 27652
- Vocalist:
- Oppenheim, Menashe — אָפּענהײם, מנשה
- Piano:
- Lubin, Harry — לובין, האַרי
- First line:
- Shteyt zikh dort in gesele, shtil fartrakht a hayzele,
- First line (Yiddish):
- שטײט זיך דאָרט אין געסעלע, שטיל פֿאַרטראַכט אַ הײַזעלע,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Asch Recordings 78 - H 6004 - orig box 001
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk/Concert