Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02
- Album ID:
- G-013(d)1
- Publisher:
- Jew People's Univ of Air GL1&2
Shlof Mayn Kind Mayn Kroyn (Kovanovsky) — שלאָף מײַן קינד, מײַן קרױן (קאָוואַנאָווסקי)
- Also known as:
- Shlof Mayn Kind Mayn Treyst
- Also known as:
- Shir Eres (Shlof Mayn Kind Mayn Treyst)
- Also known as:
- Sholom Aleichem Viglid
- Author:
- Sholom Aleichem — שלום עליכם
- Composer:
- Kovanovsky, David — קאָװאַנאָװסקי, דוד
- Genre:
- Folk/Viglid/Literary Origin/Lullaby
- Subject:
- Family/Mother/Father/Separation/Immigration/America
- Song comment:
- Two primary melodies, folk, one by D. Kovanovsky
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 152/Gin Mar 74/Alb R-007(a)/Alb A-002(a)/Rub Oak 89/ ML PYP 85/Sh Sh 7
- Transliteration:
- Alb G-052(a)/Gold Zem 24/Alb R-07(f)5/Alb L-004(d)/Alb Y-018(c)/Rub Oak 60
- Translation:
- Alb P-001(a)/Alb R-007(f)5/Alb L-004(d)/Vinkov 1 109/Sh Sh 77/Rub Oak 60
- Music:
- Vinkov 1 109/Gold Zem 23/ML MTAG 152/Rub Oak 60
- Additional song notes:
- See also Graf 293 for melody by Yosef Rumshinsky
Org, Translit & Translt on Alb B-211(a)
Ephemera 1458 See 2012 & 2017 programs for translat and translit. Alb V0290-- What's Not To Like -- 2012
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 13994
- Vocal:
- Belarsky, Sidor — בעלאַרסקי, סידאָר
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- Vocal:
- Benya, Masha — בעניע, מאַשאַ
- First line:
- In amerike iz der tate, dayner zunenyu, du bist nokh a...
- First line (Yiddish):
- אין אמעריקע איז דער טאַטע, דײַנער זונעניו, דו ביסט נאָך אַ...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Part of lecture. Song of the Golden Land, Songs of Parting
- Language:
- Yiddish
Hot Rakhmones — האָט רחמנות
- Author:
- Frug, Shimon Shmuel — פֿרוג, שמעון שמואל
- Composer:
- Lefkowitch, Henry — לעפֿקאָװיטש, הענרי
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Lament
- Subject:
- Mercy/Relief/Help/Fear/Hunger/Helplessness/Pogrom
- Origin:
- Frug 48/Levin N 119
- Transliteration:
- Levin N 119
- Music:
- Levin N 119
- Additional song notes:
- Have Pity
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 6858
- Artist:
- Gorovets, Emil (Rakhmil) Iakovlevich — גאָראָװעץ, עמיל
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- First line:
- Shtromen blut un taykhn trern, zidn flisn tif un breyt;
- First line:
- שטראָמען בלוט און טײַכן טרערן שידן פֿליסן טיף און ברײט...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- From Songs of the Golden Land lecture series
Her Nor Du Sheyn Meydele — הער נאָר דו שײן מײדעלע
- Also known as:
- Zog Mir Du Sheyn Meydele
- Also known as:
- Her nor, du schejn Mejdele
- Also known as:
- Zog Mir Sheyn Meydele
- Genre:
- Love/Privation/Emigration
- Subject:
- Journey/Depravation/Emigration
- Origin:
- Alb K-023(a)/ML MTAG 32/Alb K-075(a)/
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 32/Alb R-001(a)/Alb K-075(a)/Alb N-020(a)/
- Translation:
- Alb R-001(a)/Alb N-020(a)/Alb K-075(a)/G-069(a)
- Music:
- ML MTAG 32
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 6425
- Artist:
- Belarsky, Sidor — בעלאַרסקי, סידאָר
- Artist:
- Katsman, Dr. Jacob, narration
- First line:
- Her nor, du sheyn meydele, her nor, du fayn meydele,
- First line (Yiddish):
- הער נאָר, דו שײן מײדעלע, הער נאָר דו פֿײַן מײדעלע, װאָס װעסטו...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Lecture 2, Song of the Golden Land, Songs of Parting
- Language:
- Yiddish
Lecture 01, Intro and Background
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 8949
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- From Jewish University of the Air Lecture Series
Lecture 02, Songs Of Parting
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 8950
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Lecture Series, Jewish University of the Air
A Brivele Der Mamen — אַ בריוועלע דער מאַמען
- Also known as:
- Mikhtav Le'ima
- Author:
- Smulewitz, Solomon — שמוליװטש, שלמה
- Composer:
- Smulewitz, Solomon — שמוליװטש, שלמה
- Composer:
- Smulewitz, Solomon — שמוליװטש, שלמה
- Genre:
- Theater
- Subject:
- Mother/Son/Parting/Letter/Emigration/Class/Neglect/
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 144/GYF 28/Levin N 65
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 144/GYF 28/Levin N 65/Alb G-013(c)/Alb L-009(a)/SM Moskow 54
- Translation:
- Silverman YSB 145/Alb D-004(k)/Alb D-016(a)/Levin N 65/Alb M-068(a)55
- Music:
- ML MTAG 144/GYF 28/Levin N 65/SM Moskow 54
- Additional song notes:
- A letter To Mother
See also for translit and translate What's Not To Like Ephemera 1458 ---2017
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 43
- Vocalist:
- Benya, Masha — בעניע, מאַשאַ
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- First line:
- A brivele der mamen, zolstu nit farzamen, shrayb geshvind...
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ בריװעלע דער מאַמען, זאָלסטו ניט פֿאָרזאַמען, שרײַב געשװינד...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Part of lectures, Song of the Golden Land, Songs of Parting
- Language:
- Yiddish
A Leyterl Tsum Himl — אַ לײטערל צום הימל
- Genre:
- Folk/Lament
- Subject:
- Seamstress/Separation/Conscription/Soldier/Ladder/Heaven
- Origin:
- Vinkov 3 241/Epelboym 101
- Transliteration:
- Vinkov 3 241/Epelboym 101
- Translation:
- Vinkov 3 241
- Music:
- Vinkov 3 241/Epelboym 101
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 387
- Vocal:
- Gorovets, Emil (Rakhmil) Iakovlevich — גאָראָװעץ, עמיל
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- First line:
- A leyterl tsum himl vel ikh shteln, tsu got vel ikh oyfkrikhn,
- First line:
- אַ לײטערל צום הימל װעל איך שטעלן, צו גאָט װעל איך אױפֿקריכן
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Part of lecture, Song of the Golden Land, Songs of Parting
Dos Lidl Fun Goldenem Land — דאָס לידל פֿון גאָלדענעם לאָנד
- Author:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Composer:
- Gebirtig, Mordkhe — געבירטיג, מרדכי
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Nostalgia/Childhood/Mother/Memory/Security
- Origin:
- Gebir ML 40/Levin 53/Belarsky 237Gebir Lemm 99
- Transliteration:
- ML MTAG 208/Levin 53/CD O-016(a)
- Translation:
- CD O-016(a)/Gebir SIMC 40
- Music:
- Levin 53/Belarsky22/Gebir Lemm 99/Gebir ML 40
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 4113
- Artist:
- Gorovets, Emil (Rakhmil) Iakovlevich — גאָראָװעץ, עמיל
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- First line:
- Oy, nem, guter klezmer, dayn fidl in hant un shpil mir dos..
- First line (Yiddish):
- אױ, נעם גוטער קלעזמער, דײַן פֿידל אין האַנט אין שפּיל מיר דאָס...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Part of Lecture, Song of Golden Land, Intro and Background
- Language:
- Yiddish
Di Poylishe Yidn — די פּױלישע ייִדן
- Subject:
- Persecution/Faith/Joy/Poverty/Hope
- Transliteration:
- Kremer 46
- Music:
- Kremer 46
- Additional song notes:
- The Polish Jews
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 3752
- Vocal:
- Kremer, Isa — קרעמער, איסאַ
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- First line:
- Az men zopt fun undz dos blut aroys, Un mitshet mikh...
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַז מען זאַפּט פֿון אונדז דאָס בלוט אַרױס, און מוטשעט מיך פּאַמעלעך,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- From Song of the Golden Land lectures, Intro and Background
- Language:
- Yiddish
Eyn Zakh Vel Ikh, Got, Bay Dir... — אײן זאַך װעל איך, גאָט, בײַ דיר בעטן
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 5001
- Artist:
- Gorovets, Emil (Rakhmil) Iakovlevich — גאָראָװעץ, עמיל
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- First line:
- Eyn zakh vel ikh, got, bay dir beytn, az es zol bay mir...
- First line:
- איין זאָך װעל איך, גאָט, בײַ דיר בעטן, אַז עס זאָל בײַ מיר...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Part of Lecture, Song of Golden Land, Intro and Background
Mayn Man Iz Geforn Keyn Amerike — מײַן מאַן איז געפֿאָרן קײן אַמעריקע
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 9891
- Artist:
- Gorovets, Emil (Rakhmil) Iakovlevich — גאָראָװעץ, עמיל
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- First line:
- Mayn mayn iz geforn gliken zukhn, in kolumbuses land,
- First line:
- מײַן מאַן איז געפֿאָרן גליקען זוכן, אין קאָלומבוסעס לאַנד,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Part of lecture, Song of the Golden Land, Songs of Parting
Oyfn Pripetshik (Warshavsky) — אױפֿן פּריפּעטשיק (וואַרשאַווסקי)
- Also known as:
- Der Alef Beys
- Also known as:
- In The Fireplace
- Also known as:
- Afn Pripetshik
- Also known as:
- Oifm Pripezik
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Author:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Composer:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Composer:
- Warshavsky, Mark M. — װאַרשאַװסקי, מאָרק מ.
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Children/Alphabet/Education/Learning/Rebbe/Kheyder/School
- Origin:
- ML MTAG 2/Alb K-014(a)/GYF 24/Alb A-001(h)/Alb G-026(a)/Alb R-022(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb R-022(a)/ML MTAG 2/Alb B-004(c)/Alb C-015(a)/Alb D-016(a)
- Translation:
- Alb S-083(a)/Alb L-024(b)/GYF 27/Kinderbuch 167/Alb G-017(a)/Sh Sh 196/
- Music:
- ML MTAG 2/GYF 25/SM Scher 13/Lefko Folk 72
- Additional song notes:
- At The Fireplace
See Ephemera 80 for singable English adapation by Edith Finell.
Translation and Transliteration at Ephemera 1269
Org, Translit & Translt on Alb B-211(a)
Ephemera 1458 See 2012 program for translat and trqqnslit. Alb V0290-- What's Not To Like -- 2012/ Eng Translit - Alb P-038€
- Related information in folder 332:
- Document type:
- Translation
- Author:
- Max Rosenfeld
- Comments:
- Singable English adaptation by Max Rosenfeld.
2. Soviet version, reflecting changes from the original text, from Anna Sternshis's book "Soviet and Kosher."
3. Transliteration and singable Yiddish translation by Edith Finell.
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 11899
- Vocal:
- Peerce, Jan
- Conductor:
- Golschmann, Vladimir
- Arranger:
- DeCormier, Robert
- First line:
- Oyfn pripetshik brent a fayerl, un in shtub iz heys.
- First line (Yiddish):
- אױפֿן פּריפּעטשיק ברענט אַ פֿײַערל, און אין שטוב איז הײס.
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- From lecture series - Intro and Background,
- Language:
- Yiddish
Tsu Fus Keyn Amerike Veln Mir... — צו פֿוס קײן אַמעריקע װעלן מיר גײן
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 15653
- Artist:
- Gorovets, Emil (Rakhmil) Iakovlevich — גאָראָװעץ, עמיל
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- First line:
- Tsu fus geyen amerika, tsu erloybn dort a shtikele broyt...
- First line:
- צו פֿוס גײען אַמעריקע, צו ערלױבן דאָרט אַ שטיקעלע ברױט צו...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Part of Lecture, Song of Golden Land, Intro and Background
Vos Hostu Mir Opgeton ? — װאָס האָסטו מיר אָפּגעטאָן ?
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 16701
- Vocal:
- Rubin, Ruth — רובין, רותּ
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- First line:
- Vos hostu mir opgeton, tayer lebn mayn, Vos mayn harts iz...
- First line:
- װאָס האָססטו מיר אָפּגעטאָן, טײַער לעבן מײַן, װאָס מײַן האַרץ איז...
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Song of the Golden Land, Songs of Parting
Vu Forstu Mayn Zis Lebn — װוּ פֿאָרסטו מײַן זיס לעבן
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 16802
- Artist:
- Gorovets, Emil (Rakhmil) Iakovlevich — גאָראָװעץ, עמיל
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- First line:
- Vu forstu, mayn zis lebn, vu forstu fun mir avek,
- First line:
- װוּ פֿאָרסטו, מײַן זיס לעבן, װוּ פֿאָרסטו פֿון מיר אַװעק,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Part of lecture, Song of the Golden Land, Songs of Parting
Yoshke Fort Avek — יאָשקע פֿאָרט אַװעק
- Genre:
- Folk
- Subject:
- Separation/Conscript/Soldier/Lament/Love
- Origin:
- Rubin Oak 87/Vinkov 3 261/ML PYS 106/
- Transliteration:
- Vinkov 3 261/Alb K-059(e)/Alb O-007(d)/Rubin Oak 76/Alb K-26(d)2/Alb S-098(b)
- Translation:
- Silverman SJP26/Alb K-030(a)/Alb K 26(d)2/Alb O-007(d)/Alb K-059(e)/ S-098(b)
- Music:
- Vinkov 3 261/ML PYS 106/
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 17805
- Artist:
- Belarsky, Sidor — בעלאַרסקי, סידאָר
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- Vocalist:
- Benya, Masha — בעניע, מאַשאַ
- First line:
- O zay zhe mir gezunt, mayn tayerer kale, nokh dir vel ikh...
- First line (Yiddish):
- אָ זײַ זשע מיר געזונט, מײַן טײַערער כּלה, נאָך דיר װעל אַיך בענקען
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Lecture 2, Song of the Golden Land, Songs of Parting
- Language:
- Yiddish
Zayt Zhe Mir Gezunt — זײט זשע מיר געזומט
- On album:
- G-013(d)1 (Song of the Golden Land Lectures 01 and 02)
- Track ID:
- 17954
- Artist:
- Gorovets, Emil (Rakhmil) Iakovlevich — גאָראָװעץ, עמיל
- Piano:
- Gunther, William
- Narration:
- Katzman, Dr. Jacob
- First line:
- Zayt zhe mir gezunt, oy zay zhe mir gezunt, mayn liber foter
- First line:
- זײט זשה מיר דעזונט, אױ זײ זשה מיר געזונט, מײַן ליבער פֿאָטער,
- Audio:
- Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)
- Track comment:
- Lecture Series, Song of the Golden Land. Songs of Parting