Songs written or composed
S'iz Finster In Gas — ס,איז פֿינסטער אין גאַס
- Author:
- Charats, Meyer — חרץ, מאיר
- Composer:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Darkness/Street/Song/Distance/Land
- Origin:
- Album L-038(d)/Alb K-111(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-095(a)/Album L-038(d)/Alb K-111(a)
- Translation:
- Alb B-095(a)/Album L-038(d)/Alb K-111(a)
- Additional song notes:
- It's Dark in the Street
- On album:
- B-095(a) (Hilda Bronstein sings Yiddish songs old and new)
- Track ID:
- 33388
- Vocal:
- Bronstein, Hilda — בראָנשטײַן, הילדאַ
- Violin:
- Hamilton, Meg
- Artist:
- Merlin Shepherd Quartet
- Clarinet, Bass Clarinet:
- Shepherd, Merlin — שעפּהערד, מערלין
- Accordion/Keyboard:
- Shepherd, Polina — שעפּהערד, פּאָלינאַ
- Double Bass:
- Russell, Simon C.
- First line:
- S'iz finster in gas, s'iz finster un nas, un ikh hob a veg nokh a vaytn,
- First line (Yiddish):
- ס'איז פֿינסטער אין גאַס, ס'איז פֿינסטער און נאַס, און איך האָב אַ וועג נאָך אַ ווײַטן,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert/Waltz/Folk
- Length:
- 2:26
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42041
- Vocal:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Double Bass:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Piano:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Drums:
- Schalom, Guy
- Guitar/Mandolin:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- Bb & C Clarinets/Flutes (Moldavian Flutes):
- Spehl, Bernd
- First line:
- S'iz finster in gas, s'iz finster un nas, un ikh hob a veg nokh a vaytn, ikh gey
- First line (Yiddish):
- ס'איז פֿינסטער אין גאַס, ס'איז פֿינסטער און נאַס, און איך האָב אַ וועג נאָך אַ ווײַטן,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert/Waltz/Folk
- Length:
- 2:24
- On album:
- L-038(d) (Shura Lipovsky: Ensemble Novaya/ Vaytinke)
- Track ID:
- 41608
- Vocal:
- Lipovsky, Shura
- Pianist/Arranger:
- Prenen, Paul
- Cellist:
- Roelofs, Maaike
- Recorder:
- van Roon, Marjolijn
- Violin:
- Vos, Bert
- Arranger:
- Shira, Novaya
- Artist:
- Novaya Shira Ensemble
- First line:
- S'iz finster in gas, s'iz finster un nas, un ikh hob a veg nokh a vaytn,…
- First line (Yiddish):
- ס'איז פֿינסטער אין גאַס, ס'איז פֿינסטער און נאַס, און איך האָב אַ וועג נאָך אַ ווײַטן,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert/Waltz/Folk
- Length:
- 2:59
Ven Der Regn Zipt In Droysn — ווען דער רעגן זיפּט אין דרויסן
- Author:
- Lifshits, Mendl
- Composer:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Drizzle/Wine/Friends/Melancholy/Love/Loss/Place/Memory
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-095(a)
- Translation:
- Alb B-095(a)
- Additional song notes:
- When The Rain Drips Outside
- On album:
- B-095(a) (Hilda Bronstein sings Yiddish songs old and new)
- Track ID:
- 33391
- Vocal:
- Bronstein, Hilda — בראָנשטײַן, הילדאַ
- Violin:
- Hamilton, Meg
- Artist:
- Merlin Shepherd Quartet
- Clarinet, Bass Clarinet:
- Shepherd, Merlin — שעפּהערד, מערלין
- Accordion/Keyboard:
- Shepherd, Polina — שעפּהערד, פּאָלינאַ
- Double Bass:
- Russell, Simon C.
- First line:
- Ven der regn zipt in droysn, in der luft kumt harbst arayn,
- First line (Yiddish):
- ווען דער רעגן זיפּט אין דרויסן, אין דער לופֿט קומט האַרבסט אַרײַן,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 2:44
Tsigele-Migele (Harats) — ציגעלע־מיגעלע (האַראַץ)
- Author:
- Kharatz, Meir — חרץ, מאיר
- Composer:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Chidren Nonsense Rhymes/
- Subject:
- Pets/Animals/Food/Dnce/Goat/Kittens/Potatoes/Bowls
- Origin:
- Alb P-065(a)/Alb K-111(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb P-065(a)/Alb K-111(a)
- Translation:
- Alb P-065(a)/Alb K-111(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Little Goat
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42036
- Vocal:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Double Bass:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Drums:
- Schalom, Guy
- Bb &c Clarinets, Flutes (Moldavian Flutes):
- Spehl, Bernd
- Piano:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Vocal/Guitar/Mandolin:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- First line:
- Tsigele-megele kotenay, royte pomerantsn, kokh mir seks cartofl op, gey ikh…
- First line (Yiddish):
- ציגעלע־מיגעלע קאָטענײַ, רויטע פאָמראַנצן, קאָך מיר זעקס קאַרטאָפֿל אָפ, גיי איך באַלד..
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert/Klezmer
- Length:
- 3:15
Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראָבער
- Author:
- Charats, Meyer — חרץ, מאיר
- Composer:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Memory/Place
- Subject:
- Moldova/Towns/Occupation/Kolhoz/Collective Farm/USSR
- Origin:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb B-095(b)/Alb K-111(a)_
- Translation:
- Alb B-095(b)/Alb K-111(a)
- Additional song notes:
- We Bessarabians
- On album:
- B-095(b) (Hilda Bronstein Sings Yiddish Songs With Chutzpah!)
- Track ID:
- 35956
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Bronstein, Hilda — בראָנשטײַן, הילדאַ
- Artist:
- Chutzpah
- Violin/Viola:
- Hamilton, Meg
- Percussion:
- Kozokaro, Ronen
- Double Bass:
- Moylan, Paul
- Keyboard/Accordion:
- Schleider, Yair
- Clarinet:
- Shulman, David
- First line:
- Mir vos mir forn aroys in fartogn, firn dos gantse farmegn in vogn, shlepn di...
- First line (Yiddish):
- מיר וואָס מיר פֿאָרן אַרויס אין פֿאַרטאָגן פֿירן דאָס גאַנצע פֿאַרמעגן אין וואָגן
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert/Art Song/Bessarabian Melody
- Length:
- 4:58
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42026
- Vocal:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Double Bass:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Piano:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Drums:
- Schalom, Guy
- Guitar/Mandolin:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- Bb & C Clarinets/Flutes (Moldavian Flutes):
- Spehl, Bernd
- First line:
- Mir, vos forn aroys in fartogn, firn di gantse farmegn in vogn, shlepn di broytn
- First line (Yiddish):
- מיר, וואָס פֿאָרן אַרויס אין פֿאַרטאָגן, פֿירן דאָס גאַנצע פֿאַרמעגן אין וואָגן, שלעפן די
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert/Music Mimics Wagon Wheels - see text
- Length:
- 4:30
A Bisele Shpayz — אַ ביסעלע שפּײַז
- Author:
- Charats, Meyer — חרץ, מאיר
- Composer:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Food/Bosrsht/Herring/Toast/Kasha/Shmaltz/Soup/Tsimes/Guest
- Origin:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb C-035(e)/Ephemera 1458/Alb K-111(a)
- Translation:
- Alb C-035(e)/Ephemera 1458/Alb K-111(a)
- Additional song notes:
- A Little Bit of Food
Ephemera 1458: See 2015 program for translat and translit
- On album:
- C-035(e) (Adrienne Cooper / Enchanted/ A New Generation of Yiddishsong)
- Track ID:
- 36200
- Vocal:
- Cooper, Adrienne — קאָפּער, חנה־פֿריידע
- Vocals:
- Gordon, Sarah Mina
- Music Director/Clarinet/Keyboard/Arranger:
- Winograd, Michael — ווינאָגראַד, מ.
- Piano:
- Lerner, Marilyn
- Trumpet:
- London, Frank
- Drums/Percussion:
- Wollensen, Kenny, Drums
- Guitars/Back Up Vocal:
- Rosen, Avi Fox
- Marimba/Glokenspiel/Percussion:
- Singer, Jon
- Trombone:
- Blacksberg, Dan
- Saxaphone:
- Cancura, Petr
- Banjo:
- Seabrook, Brandon
- Trumpet:
- Holmes, Ben
- Back Up Vocals:
- Gottlieb, Ayelet Rose
- First line:
- Dos bisele borsht mit kroyt, dos shtikele hering mit broyt, dos telerl retekh..
- First line (Yiddish):
- דאָס ביסעלע באָרשט מיט קרויט, דאָס שטיקעלע הערינג מיט ברויט, דאָס טעלערל רעטעך..
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42035
- Vocal:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Double Bass:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Drums:
- Schalom, Guy
- Bb &c Clarinets, Flutes (Moldavian Flutes):
- Spehl, Bernd
- Piano:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Guitar/Mandolin:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- First line:
- Dos bisele borsht mit kroyt, dos shtikele hering mit broyt, dos telerl retekh..
- First line (Yiddish):
- דאָס ביסעלע באָרשט מיט קרויט, דאָס שטיקעלע הערינג מיט ברויט, דאָס טעלערל רעטעך..
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert/Klezmer
- Length:
- 4:23
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42019
- Vocal:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Double Bass:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Drums:
- Schalom, Guy
- Bb &c Clarinets, Flutes (Moldavian Flutes):
- Spehl, Bernd
- Piano:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Guitar/Mandolin:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- First line:
- Dos bisele borsht mit kroyt, dos bisele hering mit broyt, dos bisele retekh mit
- On album:
- V0290(4)a (What's Not to Like, (Oct 18,2015): A Yiddish Songfest (Video) [Separated]- Subtitles)
- Track ID:
- 43159
- Vocal:
- Rosenthal, Amy
- Piano:
- Berman, Gary
- Violin:
- Li, Jenny
- Vio;in:
- Lin, Michael
- Viola dagamba:
- Thomsen, Fred
Margolin, Connie
- First line:
- Dos bisele borsht mit kroyt, dos shtikele hering mit broyt, dos telerl retekh mit zalts, dos tepele kashe mit shmalts…
- First line (Yiddish):
- דאָס ביסעלע באָרשט מיט קרויט, דאָס שטיקעלע הערינג מיט ברויט, דאָס טעלערל רעטעך מיט שמאַלץ, דאָס טעלערל לאָקשן
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
A Song Book: My Family/A Lider Bukh — מײַן פֿאַמיליע\ אַ לידער בוך
- Author:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Author:
- Charats, Meyer — חרץ, מאיר
- Composer:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Composer:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Collage/Folk
- Subject:
- Songs/Family/Memory/Emotions/Joy/Sorrows
- Transliteration:
- Alb C-035(e)
- Translation:
- Alb C-035(e)
- Additional song notes:
- Sound Collage of Famiy Voicesl
- On album:
- C-035(e) (Adrienne Cooper / Enchanted/ A New Generation of Yiddishsong)
- Track ID:
- 36195
- Vocal:
- Cooper, Adrienne — קאָפּער, חנה־פֿריידע
- Vocals:
- Gordon, Sarah Mina
- Music Director/Clarinet/Keyboard:
- Winograd, Michael — ווינאָגראַד, מ.
- Piano/Creater: Sound Collage of Family Voices:
- Lerner, Marilyn
- Trumpet/:
- London, Frank
- Drums/Percussion:
- Wollensen, Kenny, Drums
- Guitars/Back Up Vocal:
- Rosen, Avi Fox
- Marimba/Glokenspiel/Percussion:
- Singer, Jon
- Trombone:
- Blacksberg, Dan
- Saxaphone:
- Cancura, Petr
- Banjo:
- Seabrook, Brandon
- Trumpet:
- Holmes, Ben
- Back Up Vocals:
- Gottlieb, Ayelet Rose
- First line:
- A lider bukh, a troyer bukh, a tunkl groyer umet bukh, a sheyner bukh,...
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ לידער בוך, אַ טרויער בוך, אַ טונקל גרויער אומעט בוך, אַ שיינער בוך,...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 4:56
Grine Oygn — גרינע אָויגן
- Author:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Literary Origin
- Subject:
- Eyes/Night/Day/Dance/Fire/Colors
- Translation:
- Ephemera 1114
- Additional song notes:
- Green Eyes
- On album:
- F-068(a) (Benjy Fox Rosen/ Tick Tock — טיק־טאָק)
- Track ID:
- 36489
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Fox-Rosen, Benjy
- First line:
- Grine oygn hot der boym, shvartse oygn oyf der nakht, bloye oygn af der himl,...
- First line (Yiddish):
- גרינע אויגן האָט דער בוים, שוואַרצע אָויגן אויף דער נאַכט, בלויע אויגן אַף...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Klezmer/Polka/Rhymed Couplets/Fusion
- Length:
- 2.17
Tsigele Migele — ציגעלע מיגעלע
- Author:
- Charats, Meyer — חרץ, מאיר
- Composer:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Klezmer/Jazz/Fusion/LiteraryOrigin/rhymed Couplets
- Subject:
- Goat/Oranges/Potatoes/Dance/Table/Butter
- Origin:
- Alb G-112(a)
- Translation:
- Alb G-112(a)
- On album:
- G-112(a) (The Gonifs — די גנבֿים)
- Track ID:
- 36957
- Violin:
- Segelstein, Cookie
- Vocal/Accordion/Arranger:
- Lewicki, Jeanette
- Drums:
- Kierbel, Aaron
- Trumpet:
- Johnston, Darren
- Clarinet:
- Jacques, Peter
- Toy Piano:
- Horowitz, Joshua
- Bass:
- Fabricant, Daniel
- Glockenspiel:
- Brotman, Stuart
- Arranger:
- The Gonifs — די גנבֿים
- First line:
- Tsigele-Migele, kotenay, royte pomeratsn, kokh mir zeks cartofl op,…
- First line (Yiddish):
- ציגעלע־מיגעלע, קאָטענײַ, רויטע פּאָמעראַנצן, קאָך מיר זעקס קאַרטאָפֿל אָפּ,…
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Klezmer/Freylekhs/Jazz/Fusion/Rhyming Couplets
- Length:
- 03:40
Di Verone — די וועראָנע
- Author:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Composer:
- Traditional
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Concert
- Subject:
- Crow/Children/Black Nose/Nest/Staw/Leaves/Winters/Shelter
- Origin:
- Alb L-038(d)
- Transliteration:
- Alb L-038(d)
- Translation:
- Alb L-038(d)
- Additional song notes:
- The Crow
Music characterized as "Tradional Moldavian
- On album:
- L-038(d) (Shura Lipovsky: Ensemble Novaya/ Vaytinke)
- Track ID:
- 41613
- Vocal:
- Lipovsky, Shura
- Artist:
- Novaya Shira Ensemble
- Pianist/Arranger:
- Prenen, Paul
- Cellist:
- Roelofs, Maaike
- Recorder:
- van Roon, Marjolijn
- Violin:
- Vos, Bert
- First line:
- Zitst verone oyfn dakh, hot zi kinderlekh a sakh, tidl di ti ti ti, un zi hot
- First line (Yiddish):
- זיצט אַ וועראָנע אויפֿן דאַך, האָט זי קינדערערלעך אַ סך, טיטל די טי טי טי טי,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 2:48
A Gutn Ovent — אַ גוטן אָוונט
- Author:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Composer:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Klezmer/Concert
- Subject:
- Greeting/Pleasure/Joy/Luck/health/Sustanence/bride/groom
- Origin:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Translation:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Good Evening
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42017
- Vocal:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Double Bass:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Drums:
- Schalom, Guy
- Bb &c Clarinets, Flutes (Moldavian Flutes):
- Spehl, Bernd
- Piano:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Guitar/Mandolin:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- First line:
- A gutn ovent a mekhaye (3) far dem lebn far dem nayem, ya-ba-ba-bay, mazl tov,
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ גוטן אָווענט,אַ מחיה(3), פֿאַר דעם לעבן, פֿאַר דעם נײַעם, יאַ־באַ־באָ־באָ בײַ, מזל־טובֿ.
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Klezmer/Pop/Concert
- Length:
- 1:14
Sara Mandrika — סאַראַ מאַנדריקאַ
- Author:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Klezmer/Pop/Concert
- Origin:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Translation:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Joyous Evening
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42037
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Double Bass/Arranger:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Arranger:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Piano/Arranger:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Drums//Arranger:
- Schalom, Guy
- Guitar/Mandolin//Arranger:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- First line:
- Sara mandrika, 'dinka(2), Sara mandrika ' dinka 'drai..i, khava trinkt a kava…
- First line (Yiddish):
- סאַראַ מאַנדריקע, 'דריקאַ(2 ), סאַראַ מאַנדריקע, 'דריקאַ 'דרײַ.. חוה טרינקט אַ קאַווע,...
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Klezmer/Concert
- Length:
- 1:44
Monarkhishe Idiie — מאָנאַרכישער אידיליע
- Author:
- Charats, Meyer — חרץ, מאיר
- Composer:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Humorous
- Subject:
- King/Queen/CrownWig/Night/Insult/Braid/Servant/Appearance
- Origin:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Translation:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Royal Idyll
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42045
- Vocal:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Double Bass:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Piano:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Drums:
- Schalom, Guy
- Guitar/Mandolin:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- Bb & C Clarinets/Flutes (Moldavian Flutes):
- Spehl, Bernd
- First line:
- S'hot a mol gelebt a melekh, mit der malke in der por, er-a shvere kroyn getrogn
- First line (Yiddish):
- ס'האָט אַ מאָל געלעבט אַ מלך, מיט אַ מלכּה אין דער פאָר, ער- אַ שווערער קרוין געטראָגן
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert/Waltz/Klezmer
- Length:
- 3:37
Vos Iz A Doyne — וואָס איז אָ דוינע
- Author:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Composer:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Neo Klezmer/Hip Hop (?)/Hard Rock(?)/Concert
- Subject:
- Essentially Jewish/Dances/Lyrics/Girls/Wheels/Blessings
- Origin:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Translation:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Additional song notes:
- What Iz a Doyna?
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42047
- Vocal:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Double Bass:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Piano:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Drums:
- Schalom, Guy
- Guitar/Mandolin:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- Bb & C Clarinets/Flutes (Moldavian Flutes):
- Spehl, Bernd
- First line:
- Yidishe lider, yidishe erter, yidishe beymer, yidishe bleter, yidishe tate,…
- First line (Yiddish):
- ייִדישע לידער, ייִדישע ווערטער, ייִדישע פלעצער, ייִדישע ערטער, ייִדישע טאַטע,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Rock/Concert/Rap
- Length:
- 4:41
A Gute Nakht (Tshorny) — אָ גוטע נאָכט (טשאָרני)
- Author:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Lullaby/Children
- Subject:
- Night/Dreams/Children
- Origin:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Translation:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Good Night
A Gute Nakht (Charny) — ( אַ גוטע נאַכט (טשאַרני
- Author:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Composer:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Genre:
- Lullaby/Literary Origin
- Origin:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Translation:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Additional song notes:
- Good Night
Other tracks with this artist
A Doyne — אַ דױנע
- Author:
- Barditshever, Zelig — באַרדיטשעװער, זעליג
- Composer:
- Barditshever, Zelig — באַרדיטשעװער, זעליג
- Genre:
- Literary Origin/Folk
- Subject:
- Gentile Holiday/Wind/Mosquitos/Sun/ShadeSheep/Feta Cheese/Hu
- Origin:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Transliteration:
- Alb K-111(a)
- Translation:
- Alb K-111(a)
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 111
- Arranger:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Bb & C Clarinets, Flutes (Moldavian Flutes):
- Spehl, Bernd
- Double Bass/Arranger:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Piano/Arranger:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Drums/Arranger:
- Schalom, Guy
- Vocal/Guitar/Mandolin/Arranger:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- First line:
- Shpil du klezmer, mir a volekh, gelt mezumen ot-o tsol ikh, un di poyker…
- First line (Yiddish):
- שפּיל דו קלעזמער, מיר אַ װאָלעך, געלט מזומן אָט־אָ צאָל איך, און די פויקער
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert
- Length:
- 4:40
A Gute Nakht — אַ גוטע נאַכט
- Composer:
- Perry, Sam
- Genre:
- Instrumental/Klezmer
- Music:
- Alb S-103(a)
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42034
- Vocal:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Piano:
- Ghergus, Susan
- First line:
- A gute nakht un zise khaloymes(3), zise khaloymes far moyshes un shloymes
- First line (Yiddish):
- אַ גוטע נאַכט און זיסע חלומות (3), זיסע חלומות פֿאַר משהס און שלמהס
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Concert/Tenderly/Lullaby
- Length:
- 1:26
Chassidic Suite Part 1
- Genre:
- Insturmental/Concert/
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42038
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Double Bass/Arranger:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Piano/Arranger:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Drums/Arranger:
- Schalom, Guy
- Guitar/Mandolin/Arranger:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- Bb & C Clarinets/Flutes (Moldavian Flutes):
- Spehl, Bernd
- Style:
- Chassidic/Concert/Nigun
- Length:
- 6:22
Chassidic Suite Part 2
- Genre:
- Instrumental/Concert
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42039
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Double Bass/Arranger:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Piano/Arranger:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Drums/Arranger:
- Schalom, Guy
- Vocal/Guitar/Mandolin/Arranger:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- Vocal/Bb & C Clarinets/Flutes (Moldavian Flutes):
- Spehl, Bernd
- Style:
- Chassidic/Concert/Nigun
- Length:
- 4:40
Homen Tashn — המן טאַשן
- Also known as:
- Hop Mayne Homentashn
- Also known as:
- Yakhne Dvoshe
- Author:
- Pirozhnikov, M. — פּיראָזשניקאָװ, מ.
- Genre:
- Humorous/Folk/Holiday/Children
- Subject:
- Purim/Homen Tashn/Baking/Shalakh Mones
- Origin:
- ML YT 47/Alb R-007(b)/Alb B-004(c)/Alb B-007(b)/Alb C-015(a)Album L-038(d)/
- Transliteration:
- ML YT 47/Alb G-017(a)/Alb B-007(b)/Alb B-004(c)/Ephemera 1458/Album L-038(d)/
- Translation:
- Alb B-007(b)/Kinderbuch 73/Alb R-007(b)Alb R-001(b)/Schwartz 10/Album L-038(d)
- Music:
- ML YT 46/Kinderbuch 73/Schwartz 10
- Additional song notes:
- Ephemera 1458: See 2015 program for translat and translit
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42042
- Vocal/Arranger:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Double Bass//Arranger:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Piano/Arranger:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Drums/Arranger:
- Schalom, Guy
- Guitar/Mandolin/Arranger:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- Bb & C Clarinets/Flutes (Moldavian Flutes)/Arranger:
- Spehl, Bernd
- First line:
- Yakhne dvoshe fort in shtot, zi halt zikh in ayn pakn, zi darf oyf purim koyfn..
- First line (Yiddish):
- יאַכנע דװאָשע פֿאָרט אין שטאָט, האַלט זיך אין אײן פּאַקן,
- Language:
- Yiddish
- Style:
- Folk/Klezmer.Concert
- Length:
- 4:44
Guy Goes Meshuge
- On album:
- K-111(a) (Klezmer Alliance / Mir Besaraber — מיר בעסעראַבער)
- Track ID:
- 42043
- Arranger:
- Chorny, Efim — טשאָרני, עפֿים
- Double Bass/Arranger:
- Fritze, Thomas
- Artist:
- Klezmer Alliance
- Piano/Arranger:
- Ghergus, Susan
- Drums/Arranger:
- Schalom, Guy
- Guitar/Mandolin/Arranger:
- Schmitges, Andreas
- Bb & C Clarinets/Flutes (Moldavian Flutes)/Arranger:
- Spehl, Bernd
- Style:
- Instrumental/Klezmer/Doyne/Bulgar
- Length:
- 10:07