Local Editions by Copyright Status:
The following editions of on-line books have been created by A Celebration of Women Writers. For each book, the copyright status in the United States of America has been determined based on its publication history.
Each book fits one of the following categories:
Copyright expired (works published before 1927),
Copyright not renewed (works published after 1926 but not renewed), or
Reproduced with permission (works published after 1926 and still under copyright).
All books on the Celebration website are either in the public domain due to expiration or non-renewal of their original copyrights, or they are under copyright and have been reproduced with permission of their authors.
You can view local editions by
"General Category",
"Library of Congress Subjects", and
"Copyright Status".
If you are interested in all works by a particular author, consult the listing of "Local Editions By Author".
Copyright expired
"Carrots": Just a Little Boy by Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated by Walter Crane. London: Macmillan and Co., 1882.
A, Apple Pie by Kate Greenaway. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1886; Repr. New York: Merrimack Publishing, n.d.
Academia: or, The Humours of the University of Oxford in Burlesque Verse by Alicia D'Anvers. London: Randal Taylor, 1691.
Across Patagonia by Lady Florence Dixie. Illustrated by Julius Beerbohm. London: R. Bentley and Son, 1880.
Across the Plains in the Donner Party: A Personal Narrative of the Overland Trip to California by Virginia Reed Murphy. Copyright 1891; As printed in The Century Magazine, Volume 42, 1891, pp. 409-426.
The Adventures of Herr Baby by Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated by Walter Crane. London: Macmillan and Co., 1908.
Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë. Oxford: The Shakespeare Head Press, Basil Blackwell and Houghton Mifflin Company, 1931; copyright 1847.
Aleta Dey by Francis Marion Beynon. London: C. W. Daniel Ltd., 1919.
Algerian Memories: A Bicycle Tour over the Atlas to the Sahara by Fanny Bullock Workman & William Hunter Workman. London: T. Fisher Unwin, ca. 1895.
The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. Originally published in installments in Everywoman's World, Toronto, Canada: Continental Publishing Co., Limited, 1917; copyright 1917.
American Indian Stories by Zitkala-Sa. Washington: Hayworth Publishing House, 1921.
Anti-Pamela: or, Feign'd Innocence Detected by Eliza Fowler Haywood. London: Printed for J. Huggonson, 1741.
Art and Handicraft in the Woman's Building of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 edited by Maud Howe Elliott. Chicago and New York: Rand, McNally and Co., 1894.
The Art of the Story-Teller by Marie L. Shedlock. copyright 1915; New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1917.
As It May Be: A Story of the Future by Bessie Story Rogers. Boston: R. G. Badger, 1905.
At Gettysburg, or, What a Girl Saw and Heard of the Battle: A True Narrative by Tillie Pierce Alleman. New York: W. Lake Borland, 1889.
Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. London: J. Miller, c1864; Repr. Chicago: Academy Chicago Printers (Cassandra Editions), 1979.
Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor by Ann Taylor; edited by Josiah Gilbert. two volumes; London: Henry S. King and Co., 1874.
The Autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B. by Sir Harry George Wakelyn Smith; edited by G. C. Moore (George Charles Moore) Smith. With contributions from Juana Smith. 2 volumes in one, covering all of Smith's life; London: John Murray, 1903.
The Autobiography of Mother Jones by Mother Jones; edited by Mary Field Parton. With contributions from Clarence Darrow. Chicago: C. H. Kerr and Co., c1925; Copyright not renewed.
The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver by Edna St. Vincent Millay. New York: Printed For Frank Shay (Flying Cloud Press), 1922.
The Beau Defeated: or, The Lucky Younger Brother by Mary Pix; edited by Sally Scanlon. First published London: W. Turner and R. Basset, 1700. Acting edition edited by Sally Scanlon and Kelly Monaghan. New York: The Snarks Ltd., 1999; copyright 1700.
Beautiful Joe: An Autobiography by Marshall Saunders. Philadelphia: The Griffith and Rowland Press (Phoenix Edition), c1893.
The Belgian Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1917.
Belinda by Maria Edgeworth. London: J. Johnson, 1801; Repr. London: Pandora, 1986.
Bessy Conway: or, The Irish Girl in America by Mrs. J. Sadlier. New York: D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 1861.
The Black Moth: A Romance of the XVIII Century by Georgette Heyer. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1921; with added illustrations.
Bliss, and Other Stories by Katherine Mansfield. copyright 1920; New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1922.
The Bloom of Monticello by Elizabeth Hatcher Sadler. Richmond: Whittet and Shepperson, 1926; Copyright not renewed.
The Book of Frogs and Mice. New York: McLoughlin Bros., c1892; Repr. New York: Merrimack Publishing Corporation, n.d.
A Book of Golden Deeds by Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary) Yonge. London, Glasgow and Bombay: Blackie and Son Limited, ca. 1864.
The Book of Repulsive Women: 8 Rhythms and 5 Drawings by Djuna Barnes. New York: Guido Bruno, 1915.
The Book of Sun-Dials by Mrs. Alfred Gatty; edited by Horatia K. F. Gatty Eden & Eleanor Lloyd. 4th edition; London: George Bell and Sons, 1900.
The Boy Who Was by Grace T. (Grace Taber) Hallock. Illustrated by Harrie Wood. A Newbery Honor Book, 1929; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1928.
The Boys and I: A Child's Story for Children by Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated by M. E. Edwards. copyright 1883; London: George Routledge and Sons, n.d.
The Breakfast of the Birds, and Other Stories by Judah Steinberg. Translated by Emily Solis-Cohen. Illustrated by Edith Rudin. copyright 1917; Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1947.
The British Recluse: or, The Secret History of Cleomira, Suppos'd Dead by Eliza Fowler Haywood. Reprinted in "Secret Histories, Novels, and Poems", by Eliza Haywood. London: D. Browne and S. Chapman, 1725, Vol. 2, pp 1-114; copyright 1722.
The Brownies and Other Tales by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. Boston: Roberts Brothers; London: Bell and Daldy, 1871.
Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden by Waheenee; edited by Gilbert Livingstone Wilson. Originally published as "Agriculture of the Hidatsa Indians: An Indian Interpretation", by Gilbert Livingstone Wilson, Ph.D. (1868-1930). Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota (Studies in the Social Sciences, #9), 1917; copyright 1917.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth by Fanny Burney. London: Payne, Cadell and Davies, 1796.
The Camp Fire Girls in the Woods, or Bessie King's First Council Fire by Jane L. Stewart. Chicago, Akron and New York: Saalfield Publishing Company, c1914.
Canadian Cities of Romance by Katherine Hale. Illustrated by Dorothy Stevens. New York: George H. Doran, c1922.
Canadian Poets edited by John W. (John William) Garvin. Toronto: McClelland, Goodchild and Stewart, c1916.
The Case of Jennie Brice by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Illustrated by M. Leone Bracker. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1913.
The Case of Mrs. Clive, Submitted to the Publick by Kitty Clive. London: Printed for B. Dod, 1744.
Castle Rackrent: An Hibernian Tale by Maria Edgeworth. copyright 1800; From a reprint based on London: J. Johnson, 1800.
The Castle of Wolfenbach by Mrs. (Eliza) Parsons. London: printed for William Lane, at the Minerva Press, and sold by E. Harlow, 1793; Repr. London: Folio Press, 1968.
The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne: A Highland Story by Ann Ward Radcliffe. Originally published London: T. Hookham, c1789; copyright 1789.
Catholic Tales and Christian Songs by Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh) Sayers. Oxford: Oxford: B. H. Blackwell; New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1918.
Celebrated women travellers of the nineteenth century by W. H. Davenport (William Henry Davenport) Adams. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Lim., 1882; 9th edition, 1906.
A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago by Anne Douglas Sedgwick. Illustrated by Paul de Leslie. New York: The Century Co., 1919.
A Christmas Cake in Four Quarters by Lady (Mary Anne) Barker. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1871.
Chronicles of Avonlea by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. copyright 1912; Boston: L. C. Page and Company, 1920.
The Citie of London Reproved for its Abominations, which Doth Concern All the Inhabitants Thereof that are Guilty by Margaret Fell. London: Printed for Robert Wilson, 1660.
Clearing Weather by Cornelia Meigs. Illustrated by Frank Dobias. A Newbery Honor Book, 1929; Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1928.
Comrades by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Illustrated by Howard E. Smith. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1911.
The Congress of Women: Held in the Woman's Building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U. S. A., 1893, With Portraits, Biographies and Addresses edited by Mary Kavanaugh Oldham Eagle. Chicago: Monarch Book Company, 1894.
A Continuation of Sir Philip Sydney's Arcadia: Wherein is handled The Loves of Amphialus and Helena Queen of Corinth, Prince Plangus and Erona. With the Historie of the Loves of Old Claius and Young Strephon to Urania. by Anna Weamys. London: Printed by William Bentley, and are to be sold by Thomas Heath, 1651.
The Convent of Pleasure by Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle. First published in 'Plays, never before printed'; London: Printed by A. Maxwell, 1668.
The Convert by Elizabeth Robins. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1907; Repr. London: The Women's Press, 1980.
The Coquette, or, The History of Eliza Wharton: A Novel Founded on Fact by Hannah Webster Foster. Boston: Printed by Samuel Etheridge for E. Larkin, 1797.
The Countesse of Lincolnes Nurserie by Elizabeth Clinton, Countess of Lincoln. Oxford: John Lichfield And James Short, 1622.
The Cuckoo Clock by Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated by Walter Crane. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893.
Daddy Darwin's Dovecot: A Country Tale by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott. copyright 1881; London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, n.d.
Daisy by Susan Warner. copyright 1868; London: Ward Lock, and Co., n.d.
Daisy in the Field by Susan Warner. copyright 1869; London: Frederick Warne and Co., n.d.
Daughters of India by Mary Jane Campbell. Monmouth, IL: Republican-Atlas Printing Co., 1908.
Days and Nights in the East: From the Original Notes of a Recent Traveler Through Egypt, Arabia-Petra, Syria, Turkey and Greece edited by Matilda (fl. 1845) Plumley. London: T. C. Newby, 1845.
A Declaration and an Information From Us the People of God Called Quakers by Margaret Fell. London: Printed for T. Simmons and R. Wilson, 1660.
Delightful Dalmatia by Alice Lee Moqué. New York, London: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1914.
The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing-World by Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle. London: Printed by A. Maxwell, 1668.
Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan by Murasaki Shikibu, Izumi Shikibu, & Sugawara no Takasue no Musume. With contributions from Amy Lowell. Translated by Annie Shepley Omori & Kochi Doi. Boston And New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1920.
The Dream Coach by Anne Parrish & Dillwyn Parrish. A Newbery Honor Book, 1925; New York: Macmillan, c1924; Copyright not renewed.
The Drift of Pinions by Marjorie L. C. (Marjorie Lowry Christie) Pickthall. Montreal: The University Magazine; London: John Lane, The Bodley Head; New York: John Lane Company, 1913.
Eighteen Hundred and Eleven by Mrs. (Anna Letitia) Barbauld. London: Printed for J. Johnson and Co., St. Paul's Churchyard, 1812; copyright 1812.
Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-1897 by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. New York: T. Fisher Unwin, 1898.
An Elegiac Poem, on the Death of That Celebrated Divine, and Eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the Late Reverend, and Pious, George Whitefield by Phillis Wheatley. Boston: Russell and Boyles, 1770.
Emma Sansom, an Alabama heroine: An address delivered before the sixth annual convention of the Alabama Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Demopolis, May 14, 1902 by Thomas McAdory Owen. Birmingham, Ala: [s.n.], 1904.
The Emperor of the Moon: A Farce. As it is Acted by Their Majesties Servants, At the Queens Theatre. by Aphra Behn. London: Printed by R. Holt, for Joseph Knight, and Francis Saunders, at the Blew-Anchor in the lower Walk of the New Exchange, 1688. Second Edition.
The Empire of the Invisibles by H. E. (Harriet E.) Orcutt. First published in Intelligence, Vol. VII., No. 1, December 1897. pp. 65-71; Vol. VII., No. 2, January, 1898, pp. 166-173; Vol. VII., No. 3, February, 1898, pp. 246-258; Vol. VII., No. 4, March, 1898, pp. 325-335; Vol. VIII., No. 1, April, 1898, pp. 52-58; Vol. VIII., No. 2, May, 1898, pp. 135-140; Vol. VIII., No. 3, June, 1898, pp. 190-200; Vol. VIII., No. 4, July, 1898, pp. 246-253; Vol. VIII., No. 5, August, 1898, pp. 331-337. Reprinted as The Empire of the Invisibles by H. E. Orcutt. New York: The Metaphysical Pub. Co., 1899; copyright 1897.
The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim. Great Britain: Macmillan and Co. Ltd, 1928, c1922.
England's Effort: Letters to an American Friend by Mrs. Humphry Ward. copyright 1916; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1918.
English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century by Caroline Sheridan Norton. Microfilm reproduction in "History of Women", Reel 285, no 1918. New Haven, Connecticut: Research Publications, 1975; London: Printed For Private Circulation, 1854.
The Englishwoman in Russia: Impressions of the Society and Manners of the Russians at Home. by A Lady. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1855.
Epistle To William Wilberforce, Esq. on the Rejection of the Bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade by Mrs. (Anna Letitia) Barbauld. London: J. Johnson, c1791; Reprinted in "The Poems of Anna Letitia Barbauld", edited by William McCarthy and Elizabeth Kraft, Athens, Georgia and London: The University of Georgia Press, 1994; copyright 1791.
The Eskimo Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1914.
An Essay on Combustion, with a View to a New Art of Dying and Painting : Wherein the Phlogistic and Antiphlogistic Hypotheses are Proved Erroneous by Mrs. Fulhame. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by James Humphreys, Corner of Second and Walnut-streets, 1810.
An Essay to Revive the Antient Education of Gentlewomen, in Religion, Manners, Arts and Tongues; With An Answer to the Objections Against This Way of Education by Bathsua Makin. London: Printed by J. D. to be sold by T. Parkhurst, 1673.
Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World by Fanny Burney. London: T. Lowndes, c1778; Repr. New York: W. W. Norton and Company (Norton Library Edition), 1965.
An Evident Demonstration to Gods Elect by Margaret Fell. London: Printed for T. Simmons, 1660.
The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective by Catherine Louisa Pirkis. Illustrated by Bernard Higham. Originally published in "The Ludgate Monthly", London, February-July 1893, except for "Missing", originally published in "The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective," London: Hutchinson and Co., 1894; copyright 1893/1894; Repr. New York: Dover, n.d.
The Fairies and the Christmas Child by Lilian Gask. Illustrated by Willy Pogány. London: Harrap and Co., c1912.
Fantomina: or, Love in a Maze, Being a Secret History of an Amour Between Two Persons of Condition by Eliza Fowler Haywood. Originally published in "Secret Histories, Novels, and Poems", by Eliza Haywood. London: Dan Browne and S. Chapman, 1725, Vol. 3, pp. 257-91; copyright 1725.
The Fatal Secret: or, Constancy in Distress by Eliza Fowler Haywood. Reprinted in "Secret Histories, Novels, and Poems", by Eliza Haywood. London: Dan Browne and S. Chapman, 1725, Vol. 3, pp. 207-254; copyright 1725.
A Few Figs from Thistles by Edna St. Vincent Millay. copyright 1922; New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1923.
Fighting France by Edith Wharton. copyright 1915; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1918.
The Filigree Ball by Anna Katharine Green. New York: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1903.
Fir-Flower Tablets: Poems Translated From the Chinese by Amy Lowell. Translated by Florence Wheelock Ayscough. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, c1921.
The Fire Within by Patricia Wentworth. New York, and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1913.
Fires of Driftwood by Isabel Ecclestone Mackay. Illustrated by J. E. H. (James Edward Hervey) MacDonald. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1922.
Flower Stories by Lenore Elizabeth Mulets. Illustrated by Sophie Schneider. copyright 1903; Boston: L. C. Page and Company, 1904.
Folk Tales From Many Lands by Lilian Gask. Illustrated by Willy Pogány. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, c1910.
For Eager Lovers by Genevieve Taggard. New York: Thomas Seltzer, 1922.
The Four Winds of Eirinn by Ethna Carbery; edited by Seumas MacManus. Dublin: M. H. Gill and Son, Ltd. Jas. Duffy and Co., Ltd., 1906.
Further Adventures of Nils by Selma Lagerlöf. Translated by Velma Swanston Howard. Illustrated by Astri Heiberg. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1911.
Further Chronicles of Avonlea by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. Boston: The Page Company, 1920.
Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters by Fanny Kemble. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1891.
The Garden Party, and Other Stories by Katherine Mansfield. copyright 1922; New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1923.
Gardening by Myself by Anna Bartlett Warner. Illustrated by Mary Mark Ockerbloom. New York: A. D. F. Randolph and Co., c1872; Illustrations copyright 2007.
Gene Stratton-Porter: A Little Story of The Life and Work and Ideals of "The Bird Woman" edited by Eugene F. (Eugene Francis) Saxton. With contributions from Gene Stratton-Porter. copyright 1915; New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1926.
The Girl Next Door by Augusta Huiell Seaman. Illustrated by C. M. (Charles M.) Relyea. New York: The Century Co., c1917.
The Girl from the Marsh Croft by Selma Lagerlöf. Translated by Velma Swanston Howard. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1910.
The Girls of Central High on the Stage: or, The Play That Took the Prize by Gertrude W. Morrison. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1914.
Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia by Mary Leonora Woolfe Sheil. With contributions from Justin Sheil. London: John Murray, 1856.
Gloriana: or, The Revolution of 1900 by Lady Florence Dixie. London: Henry and Co., 1890.
The Golden Apple Tree by Virna Sheard. Illustrated by Norman Price. New York: The James A. McCann Company, c1920.
The Golden Book of Favorite Songs edited by N. H. Aitch. With contributions from Mildred J. Hill & Patty Smith Hill. 10th edition; Chicago: Hall and McCreary, c1915.
The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither by Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy) Bird. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1883.
Granny's Wonderful Chair by Frances Browne. Illustrated by Florence White Williams. copyright 1857; New York: The Saalfield Publishing Company, 1928; Illustration copyright not renewed.
Hagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice by Pauline E. (Pauline Elizabeth) Hopkins. Originally published in "Colored American Magazine", 1901-1902; Reprinted in "The Magazine Novels of Pauline Hopkins", New York: Oxford University Press, 1990 (Schomburg Library Edition); copyright 1902.
The Happy Foreigner by Enid Bagnold. London: Wm. Heinemann, 1920.
Harding's Luck by E. (Edith) Nesbit. Illustrated by H. R. Millar. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1909.
Hauff's Fairy Tales, Translated and Adapted by Wilhelm Hauff. Translated by Cicely McDonnell. Illustrated by Fritz Bergen. London: Dean and Son, 1903.
Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen by Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii, 1838-1917. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1898.
The Heart's Highway: A Romance of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman. London: John Murray, 1900.
The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre by Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549. Translated by Walter Keating Kelly. London: Published for the Trade, ca. 1855.
Her Uncommon Discoveries of the Divine Perfections and Glory; and of the Excellency of Christ by Sarah Edwards; edited by Sereno Edwards Dwight. Printed in "The Works of President Edwards: With a Memoir of His Life", by Sereno Dwight. New York: G. and C. and H. Carvill, 1830; Manuscript, ca. 1742; copyright 1830.
The Hidden Hand by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth. Originally serialized in the "New York Ledger" (1859, 1868-69, 1883); Originally published in book form, New York : G.W. Dillingham, 1888; Repr. New York: A. L. Burt, n.d.; complete (both parts I and II, appears to match 1888); copyright 1888; New York: A. L. Burt, n.d.
High Albania by M. E. (Mary Edith) Durham. London: Edward Arnold, 1909.
The High-caste Hindu Woman by Ramabai Sarasvati. With contributions from Rachel L. Bodley. Philadelphia: Jas. B. Rodgers Printing Co., 1887.
The Hills of the Shatemuc by Susan Warner. Leipzig: Bernard Tauchnitz, 1856.
The History of Emily Montague by Frances Brooke. London: J. Dodsley, 1769.
The History of Joseph: A Poem in Ten Books by Elizabeth Singer Rowe. London: T. Worrall, 1737 [Second Edition, in ten books]; Reprinted in "The Miscellaneous Works in Prose and Verse, of Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe", London: J. Buckland, G. Keith, W. Nicholl, G. Pearch, and H. Gardner, 1772 [Fifth edition]; copyright 1737.
Hospital Sketches by Louisa May Alcott. Boston: James Redpath, 1863.
The House of Arden by E. (Edith) Nesbit. Illustrated by H. R. Millar. copyright 1908; London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1923.
Hungry Hearts by Anzia Yezierska. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1920.
Hymen by H. D. (Hilda Doolittle). London: The Egoist Press, 1921.
Hymns in Prose for Children by Mrs. (Anna Letitia) Barbauld. London: J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1781.
Hymns on the Works of Nature, For the Use of Children by Mrs. Hemans. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, 1827.
Idalia, or, The Unfortunate Mistress: A Novel by Eliza Fowler Haywood. London: Dan Browne and S. Chapman, 1725 [Third Edition]; Reprinted in "Secret Histories, Novels, and Poems", by Eliza Haywood. London: Dan Browne and S. Chapman, 1725, Vol. 3, pp. 1-162. [Third Edition]; copyright 1723.
In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World by Elizabeth Bisland. New York: Harper and Bros., 1891.
In Times Like These by Nellie L. McClung. Toronto: McLeod and Allen, 1915.
In the Desert of Waiting: The Legend of Camel-Back Mountain by Annie F. (Annie Fellows) Johnston. Boston: L. C. Page and Co., 1908.
The Indian Alps and How We Crossed Them: Being a Narrative of Two Years' Residence in the Eastern Himalaya and Two Months' Tour into the Interior, By a Lady Pioneer by Nina Elizabeth Mazuchelli. New York: Dodd, Mead, and Company, 1876.
Indiana by George Sand. Translated by George Burnham Ives. Philadelphia: George Barrie and Son, 1900.
Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago by Anna Forbes. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1887.
An Island Garden by Celia Thaxter. Illustrated by Childe Hassam. copyright 1894; Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin and Co. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1895.
An Island Story: A History of England for Boys and Girls by H. E. (Henrietta Elizabeth) Marshall. Illustrated by A. S. (Archibald Stevenson) Forrest. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1920.
Jackanapes by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott. copyright 1879; London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, n.d.
Jacqueline of the Carrier-Pigeons by Augusta Huiell Seaman. Illustrated by George Wharton Edwards. New York: Macmillan, 1919.
Jane Anger, Her Protection for Women by Jane Anger. London: Printed by R. Jones and T. Orwin, 1589.
Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends by Constance Hill. Illustrated by Ellen G. Hill. copyright 1901; Great Britain: John Lane, The Bodley Head Limited, 1923 [Third Edition].
Janey Canuck in the West by Emily F. (Emily Ferguson) Murphy. London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne: Cassell and Company, Limited, 1910.
Jenny: A Novel by Sigrid Undset. Translated by William Emmé. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1921.
Jerry Junior by Jean Webster. Illustrated by Orson Lowell. New York: A. L. Burt Company, 1907.
John Halifax, Gentleman by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, Publishers, 1897.
Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol by Frances Isabella Locke Duberly. second edition; London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1856.
Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910 by Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards & Maud Howe Elliott. With contributions from Florence Howe Hall. 2 volumes; Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1915.
Juliana Horatia Ewing and Her Books by Horatia K. F. Gatty Eden. With contributions from Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1885.
The Jumping-Off Place by Marian Hurd McNeely. Illustrated by William Siegel. A Newbery Honor Book, 1930; copyright 1929; London et al.: Longmans, Green and Co., 1930; Copyright not renewed.
Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney by Constance Hill. Illustrated by Ellen G. Hill. London and New York: John Lane, The Bodley Head Limited, 1904.
Just Patty by Jean Webster. Illustrated by C. M. (Charles M.) Relyea. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, c1911.
Katrinka: The Story of a Russian Child by Helen Eggleston Haskell. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, c1915.
The Khaki Girls behind the lines: Or, Driving with the Ambulance Corps by Edna Brooks. New York: Cupples & Leon Company, 1918.
Kilmeny of the Orchard by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. Boston: L. C. Page and Company, c1910; Repr. New York: A. L. Burt, n.d.
The Kiltartan Poetry Book: Prose Translations from the Irish. Translated by Lady Gregory. New York And London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, The Knickerbocker Press, 1919.
The King of the Snakes and Other Folk-Lore Stories From Uganda by Rosetta Baskerville. Illustrated by Mrs. E. G. Morris. London: The Sheldon Press, 1922.
Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago by Mrs. (Margaret) Oliphant. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1891 [Second Edition].
The Ladies Defence: or, the Bride-Woman's Counsellor Answer'd: A Poem. In a Dialogue Between Sir John Brute, Sir William Loveall, Melissa, and a Parson. Written by a Lady. by Lady Mary Lee Chudleigh. London: Printed for John Deeve at Bernard's-Inn-Gate in Holborn, c1701.
Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land by Mrs. Campbell Praed. London: Hutchinson, 1915.
Lady Molly of Scotland Yard by Emmuska Orczy, Baroness Orczy. copyright 1910; London: Cassell and Company, 1912.
The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally by Mrs. (Jane) Loudon. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, c1845.
A Lady's Escape from Gwalior and Life in the Fort of Agra During the Mutinies of 1857 by R. M. Coopland. London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1859.
A Lady's Glimpse of the Late War in Bohemia by Lizzie Selina Eden. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1867.
The Learned Lady in England, 1650-1760 by Myra Reynolds. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1920.
Leaves from Juliana Horatia Ewing's "Canada Home" by Elizabeth S. Tucker & Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1896.
Legends of Vancouver by E. Pauline Johnson. Vancouver: David Spencer Limited, 1911.
The Letter of Paula and Eustochium to Marcella, About the Holy Places (386 A.D.) by Saint Paula & Saint Eustochium; edited by Sir Charles William Wilson. Translated by Aubrey Stewart. London: Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society, 1896.
A Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cransworth's Marriage and Divorce Bill by Caroline Sheridan Norton. Facsimile reprint in "The Selected Writings of Caroline Norton", with an introduction and notes by James O. Hoge and Jane Marcus, Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, Delmar, New York, 1978; London: Longman, Brown, Green And Longmans, 1855.
A Letter, Addressed to a Female Friend by Mrs. Sage, the First English Female Aerial Traveller; Describing the General Appearance and Effects of her Expedition with Mr. Lunardi's Balloon; Which Ascended from St. George's Fields on Wednesday, 29th June, 1785, Accompanied by George Biggin, Esq. by Mrs. (Letitia Ann) Sage. London: J. Bell, British Library, Strand, 1785.
Letters From India by Emily Eden; edited by Eleanor Eden. With contributions from Frances Eden. 2 volumes; London: R. Bentley and Son, 1872.
Letters From Madras, During the Years 1836-1839 by Julia Charlotte Maitland. London: J. Murray, 1846.
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle by Jane Welsh Carlyle; edited by Thomas Carlyle & James Anthony Froude. London: Longmans, Green, And Co., 1883.
Letters for Literary Ladies: To Which is Added, An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification by Maria Edgeworth. London: J. Johnson, 1798 [Second Edition].
Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54) by Dorothy Osborne; edited by Edward Abbott Parry. Manuscript, 1652; copyright 1888; London: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., n.d. (ca. 1912).
The Letters of St. Teresa by Saint Teresa of Avila. Translated by John Dalton. London: Thomas Baker, 1902.
Liberty and Peace by Phillis Wheatley. Boston: Warden and Russell, 1784.
Life Among The Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims by Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins; edited by Mary Tyler Peabody Mann. Boston: Cupples, Upham and Co.; New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1883.
Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country by Madame (Frances Erskine Inglis) Calderón de la Barca. London: Chapman and Hall, 1843.
The Lily of Life: A Fairy Tale by Marie, Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of Romania, 1875-1938. With contributions from Carmen Sylva. Illustrated by Helen Stratton. London, New York, Toronto: Hodder and Stoughton, 1913.
List of Books Sent by Home and Foreign Committees to the Library of the Woman's Building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 by World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.). Board of Lady Managers; edited by Edith E. Clarke. Chicago: n. pub., 1894.
Little Ann and Other Poems by Jane Taylor, Ann Taylor, & Adelaide O'Keefe. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1883; with annotations.
A Little Bush Maid by Mary Grant Bruce. London and Melbourne: Ward, Locke and Co., c1910.
The Little Colonel by Annie F. (Annie Fellows) Johnston. Boston: L. C. Page and Co., 1895.
A Little Maid of Old Philadelphia by Alice Turner Curtis. Illustrated by Edna Cooke. Philadelphia: The Penn Publishing Company, c1919; Repr. Bedford, Massachusetts: Applewood Books, n.d.
Little Men: Life at Plumfield With Jo's Boys by Louisa May Alcott. Chicago, New York: M. A. Donohue and Co., c1871.
Little Miss Peggy: Only a Nursery Story by Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated by Walter Crane. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1887.
Little Plant People at Home, and What They Are Doing There by Annie Chase. or LPP Part II; Dansville, NY: F. A. Owen Publishing Company, c1905.
Little Plant People of the Waterways by Annie Chase. Dansville, NY: F. A. Owen Publishing Company, c1912.
Little Plant People, Part I by Annie Chase. Dansville, NY: F. A. Owen Publishing Company, c1903.
Little Saint Elizabeth, and Other Stories by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Illustrated by Reginald Bathurst Birch, Alfred Brennan, & O. A.. London: Frederick Warne and Co., 1893.
Lob Lie-by-the-Fire: or The Luck of Lingborough by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott. copyright 1873; London: Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge, n.d.
Lost Indian Magic: A Mystery Story of the Red Man As He Lived Before the White Men Came by Grace Moon & Carl Moon. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co., c1918.
Love and Life Behind the Purdah by Cornelia Sorabji. With contributions from Harriot Georgina Blackwood, Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava & Arthur Hobhouse, Baron Hobhouse. London: Freemantle and Co., 1901.
Lover's Vows by Mrs. Inchbald & August von Kotzebue. London: Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, 1798 [Fifth edition].
Lyrics From the Chinese by Helen Waddell. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1913.
Madeleine: An Autobiography by Madeleine. With contributions from Ben B. (Ben Barr) Lindsey. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1919.
Man's Rights: or, How Would You Like It? by Annie Denton Cridge. Originally published Boston: William Denton, 1870 [Dreams 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Subsequently printed with four additional "dreams" [Dreams 6, 7, 8, 9] in "Woodhull and Claflin's Weekly", New York, Sep 3-Nov 19, 1870; copyright 1870.
A Manual of Etiquette with Hints on Politeness and Good Breeding by S. O. (Sophia Orne) Johnson. copyright 1868; Philadelphia: David McKay, Publisher, n.d.
Marching Men: War Verses by Helena Coleman. Toronto: J. M. Dent and Sons, Limited, 1917.
Maria Edgeworth by Emily Lawless. New York and London: The Macmillan Company, 1905.
Marigold Garden: Pictures and Rhymes by Kate Greenaway. London and New York: Frederick Warne and Co., c1885.
Marriage as a Trade by Cicely Mary Hamilton. New York: Moffat, Yard and Company, 1909.
Married Love: A New Contribution to the Solution of Sex Difficulties by Marie Carmichael Stopes. London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, Ltd., 1923. Twelfth edition.
Married Love: or, Love in Marriage by Marie Carmichael Stopes; edited by William J. (William Josephus) Robinson. New York: The Critic and Guide Company, 1918.
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard by Eleanor Farjeon. Illustrated by Richard Kennedy. Philadelphia and New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, c1921.
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard by Eleanor Farjeon. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, c1922.
Mary's Meadow; and Letters From a Little Garden by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. copyright 1883/1884; London, Brighton: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York: E. and J. B . Young and Co., ca. 1886.
Master Simon's Garden by Cornelia Meigs. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916.
Mates at Billabong by Mary Grant Bruce. copyright 1911; London, Melbourne and Cape Town: Ward, Locke and Co., 1959.
Meditations from the Pen of Mrs. Maria W. Stewart, (Widow of the late James W. Stewart), Now Matron of the Freedman's Hospital, and Presented in 1832 to the First African Baptist Church and Society of Boston, Mass. by Maria W. Stewart. Washington: Enterprise Publishing Company, 1879.
Melbourne House by Susan Warner. London: Ward Lock, and Co., 1907.
Memoir and Correspondence of Caroline Herschel. by Caroline Lucretia Herschel; edited by Mrs. John Herschel. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1876.
Memoirs of Madame Vigée Lebrun by Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun. Translated by Lionel Strachey. New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1903.
Memoirs of Mary Robinson by Mary Robinson & Mary Elizabeth Robinson. With contributions from J. Fitzgerald (Joseph Fitzgerald) Molloy. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1895.
Memoirs of an Arabian Princess by Emilie Ruete. Translated by Lionel Strachey. New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1907.
Memoirs, Correspondence and Poetical Remains of Jane Taylor by Jane Taylor; edited by Isaac Taylor. Boston: Perkins and Marvin, 1832.
Militarism versus Feminism: An Enquiry and a Policy Demonstrating that Militarism involves the Subjection of Women by C. K. (Charles Kay) Ogden & Mary Sargant Florence. London: Allen and Unwin, 1915.
The Miller of Old Church by Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1911.
Millions of Cats by Wanda Gág. A Newbery Honor Book, 1929; New York: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1928.
The Miracle, and Other Poems by Virna Sheard. Toronto: J. M. Dent and Sons, Ltd., 1913.
The Miracles of Antichrist: A Novel by Selma Lagerlöf. Translated by Pauline Bancroft Flach. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1915.
Miscellany Poems, on Several Occasions by Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of Winchilsea. London: Printed for John Barber and Sold by Benj. Tooke, William Taylor, and James Round, 1713.
Miss Lulu Bett: An American Comedy of Manners by Zona Gale. stage play, two endings; New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1921.
Monday or Tuesday by Virginia Woolf. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Company, Inc., 1921.
The Montessori Method by Maria Montessori & Anne E. George. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1912 [Second edition].
Mopsa the Fairy by Jean Ingelow. Illustrated by Maria Louise Kirk. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, c1910.
The Mother by Grazia Deledda. Translated by Mary G. Steegmann. copyright 1923; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1928; Copyright not renewed.
The Mother's Book by Lydia Maria Child. Boston: Carter, Hendee, and Babcock, 1831.
Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. copyright 1866; London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1869.
Munster Village by Lady Mary Hamilton. London: Printed for Robson and Co. New Bond Street; Walter, Charing Cross; and Robinson, Paternoster Row, 1778.
My Robin by Frances Hodgson Burnett. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, Publishers, 1912.
My Three Years in Manipur and Escape from the Recent Mutiny by Ethel Grimwood. third edition; London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1891.
The Mysterious Key, and What it Opened by Louisa May Alcott. Boston: Elliot, Thomes and Talbot, 1867. Ten Cent Novelettes of Standard American Authors, No. 50.; copyright 1867.
The Mystery at Number Six by Augusta Huiell Seaman. Illustrated by W. P. Couse. New York: The Century Co., 1922.
The Mystery of Easter Island: The Story of an Expedition. by Mrs. Scoresby Routledge. London : Printed for the author by Hazell, Watson and Viney : Sold by Sifton, Praed & Co., [2nd edition, 1920]; copyright 1919.
A Narrative of Personal Experiences and Impressions During a Residence on the Bosphorus Throughout the Crimean War by Lady Alicia Blackwood. London: Hatchard, 1881.
Narrative of Sojourner Truth, a Northern Slave, Emancipated from Bodily Servitude by the State of New York, in 1828 by Sojourner Truth & Olive Gilbert. With contributions from Theodore Dwight Weld. Boston: The author, 1850.
Nellie Bly's Book: Around the World in Seventy-Two Days by Nellie Bly. London: Bretano's; New York: Pictorial Weeklies, 1890.
A New Constitution for the United States of the World, Proposed by Victoria C. Woodhull for the Consideration of the Constructors of Our Future Government by Victoria C. (Victoria Claflin) Woodhull. New York: Woodhull, Claflin & Co., Publishers, 1872.
New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle by Jane Welsh Carlyle; edited by Alexander Carlyle. With contributions from Thomas Carlyle. London and New York: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1903.
New Treasure Seekers by E. (Edith) Nesbit. Illustrated by Gordon Browne & Lewis Christopher Edward Baumer. copyright 1904; London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1925.
Nicholas: A Manhattan Christmas Story by Anne Carroll Moore. Illustrated by Jay Van Everen. A Newbery Honor Book, 1925; New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1924.
Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not by Florence Nightingale. first American edition; New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1860.
The Occupations of a Retired Life by Isabella Fyvie Mayo. New York: George Routledge and Sons, 1868.
An Ode, Occasion'd by the Death of Her Sacred Majesty by A Young Lady. London: Richard Cumberland, 1695.
The Old Helmet by Susan Warner. copyright 1863; London: James Nisbet and Co, n.d.
The Old Manor House by Charlotte Smith. London: J. Bell, 1793; Repr. London: Pandora Press, 1987.
The Old Road to Paradise by Margaret Widdemer. New York: Henry Holt And Company, 1918.
An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott. copyright 1870; Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1950.
An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott. Originally published in "Aunt Jo's Scrap-bag", Volume 6, Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1882, pp. 7-36.; copyright 1882.
Oldtown Folks by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Boston: Fields, Osgood, and Co., 1869.
On Sledge and Horseback to the Outcast Siberian Lepers by Kate Marsden. New York: Cassell Publishing Company, 1892.
On the Equality of the Sexes by Judith Sargent Murray. Originally published in "The Massachusetts Magazine", Vol. II, Boston: I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1790; copyright 1790.
One Thousand Dollars a Day: Studies in Practical Economics by Adeline Knapp. Boston: The Arena Publishing Company, 1894.
Op. I. by Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh) Sayers. Oxford: B. H. Blackwell (Adventurers All Series), 1916.
Original Poems by Olivia Ward Bush-Banks. Providence, RI: Press of Louis A. Basinet, c1899; Reprinted in "The Collected Works of Olivia Ward Bush-Banks", compiled and edited by Bernice F. Guillaume. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Our Irish Theatre: A Chapter of Autobiography by Lady Gregory. New York And London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, The Knickerbocker Press, 1913.
Our Little Canadian Cousin by Elizabeth Roberts MacDonald. copyright 1904.
A Pair of Grey Socks: Facts and Fancies by Tryphena Soper Duley & Margaret Duley. St. John's, Newfoundland: n. pub., c1916.
Parables From Nature by Mrs. Alfred Gatty. copyright 1855/1857; London: T. Nelson and Sons, n.d.
A Parallel History of France and England; Consisting of Outlines and Dates by Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary) Yonge. London: Macmillan and Co., 1871.
Pastime Pictures: A Book of Transformation Scenes by Frederic Edward Weatherly & Clifton Bingham. London: Ernest Nister; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., ca. 1890.
The Peace Egg and a Christmas Mumming Play by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. copyright 1871; London; Brighton: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York: E and J. B. Young and Co., 1887.
The Peterkin Papers by Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody) Hale. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, c1886; c1914 [Second edition].
Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers by Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1891.
Picturesque Alaska: A journal of a tour among the mountains, seas and islands of the northwest, from San Francisco to Sitka by Abby Johnson Woodman. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1889.
The Pilgrimage of S. Silvia of Aquitania to the Holy Places (Circ. 385 A.D.) by Egeria; edited by J. H. (John Henry) Bernard. With contributions from Sir Charles William Wilson. in English only (Latin text omitted); London: Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society, 1896.
Pioneer work in opening the medical profession to women: Autobiographical sketches by Elizabeth Blackwell. London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1895.
Pleasant Days in Spain by Nancy Cox-McCormack. New York: J. H. Sears & Company, Inc., 1927; Copyright not renewed.
Poems by Mrs. (Anna Letitia) Barbauld. London: Printed for Joseph Johnson, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1773. [Third edition, corrected.].
Poems by Anne Killigrew. London: Printed for Samuel Lowndes, 1686; Facsimile edition, edited by Richard Morton. Gainesville, Florida: Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, 1967.
Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell by Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, & Anne Brontë. London: Aylott and Jones, 1846.
Poems on Several Occasions; Together with The Song of the Three Children Paraphras'd by Lady Mary Lee Chudleigh. London: Printed by W. B. for Bernard Lintott, 1703.
Poems, by Mrs. M. Robinson by Mary Robinson. London: J. Bell, 1791.
Precipitations by Evelyn Scott. New York: Nicholas L. Brown, 1920.
The Princess Ilsée: A Fairy Tale by Marie Petersen. Translated by Anonymous. Illustrated by Eugène Froment. London: Saunders, Otley, and Co., 1867 [Second edition].
The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy by Anne Conway. London: n. pub., 1692.
Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences by Lady Constance Lytton. London: William Heinemann, 1914.
The Promised Land by Mary Antin. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1912.
Psalms of the Sisters by Caroline A. F. Rhys (Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys) Davids. London: Pali Text Society, 1909.
Purple Springs by Nellie L. McClung. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1921.
Queechy by Susan Warner. two volumes; Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz, 1854.
Quid Pro Quo: or, The Day of Dupes by Mrs. (Catherine Grace Frances) Gore. London: National Acting Drama Office, 1844.
Rainbow Valley by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1919.
The Ranch at the Wolverine by B. M. Bower. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1914.
The Reason Why the Colored American is not in the World's Columbian Exposition: The Afro-American's Contribution to Columbian Literature by Ida B. Wells-Barnett. With contributions from Frederick Douglass, I. Garland Penn, & F. I. Barnett. Chicago: Ida B. Wells, 1893.
Recollections of Tartar Steppes and Their Inhabitants by Lucy Atkinson. London: John Murray, 1863.
Records of Woman, With Other Poems by Mrs. Hemans. second edition; Edinburgh: W. Blackwood; London: T. Cadell, 1828.
The Restoration of the Works of Art to Italy: A Poem by Mrs. Hemans. Oxford, London: Printed by W. Baxter; For R. Pearson, High Street, Oxford: and J. Ebers, Old Bond Street, London, 1816.
The Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West. New York: The Century Co., 1918.
Rilla of Ingleside by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1921.
The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton by Lady Isabel Burton & William Henry Wilkins. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1897.
Romantic Canada by Victoria Hayward. With contributions from Edward J. O'Brien. Illustrated by Edith S. Watson. Toronto: The Macmillan Company of Canada, Ltd.,, 1922.
Rose in Bloom by Louisa May Alcott. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1876.
Roughing It in the Bush; Or, Life in Canada by Susanna Moodie. London: Richard Bentley, 1852 [Second edition, with additions.].
The Roundheads: or, The Good Old Cause by Aphra Behn. Originally published London : printed for D. Brown ... T. Benskin ... and H. Rhodes ..., 1682; copyright 1682.
The Ruin of a Princess by Marie-Thérèse Charlotte, duchesse d' Angoulême, M. Cléry, & Elisabeth, Princess of France, 1764-1794. Translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. New York: The Lamb Publishing Co., 1912.
The Runaway Papoose by Grace Moon & Carl Moon. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1940, c1928.
Rural Hours by Susan Fenimore Cooper. Revised abridged edition without illustrations; Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin, and Co., 1887.
The Scottish Chiefs by Jane Porter. Illustrated by Felix Octavius Carr Darley. Philadelphia: Porter and Coates, 1875.
Second April by Edna St. Vincent Millay. copyright 1921; New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1924 [Fourth Edition].
The Second Chance by Nellie L. McClung. Toronto: William Briggs, 1910.
The Secret Drawer by Isabella Fyvie Mayo. London, New York: Sunday School Union, T. Nelson and Sons, 1872.
Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle by Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury; edited by Annie Elizabeth Nicholson Ireland. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892.
The Semi-Attached Couple by Emily Eden. London: R. Bentley, c1860; Reprinted in "The Semi-Attached Couple and The Semi-Detached House", London: Virago, Ltd., 1979.
The Semi-Detached House by Emily Eden. London: Richard Bentley, c1859; Reprinted in "The Semi-Attached Couple and The Semi-Detached House", London: Virago, Ltd., 1979.
The Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball That Floats in the Air by Jane Andrews. With contributions from Louisa Parsons Stone Hopkins. copyright 1861; Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1888.
Several Poems Compiled with Great Variety of Wit and Learning, Full of Delight by Anne Bradstreet. Boston: Printed by John Foster, 1678.
The Shagganappi by E. Pauline Johnson. Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1913.
Shiela Crerar, Psychic Detective: Stories From "The Blue Magazine" by Ella M. Scrymsour. Originally published in "The Blue Magazine", Frank Sellicks (Ed.), London: Walbrook and Co., 1920; copyright 1920.
The Siege of Lucknow: A Diary by Lady Julia Selina Inglis. London: James R. Osgood, McIlvaine and Co., 1892.
Sing-Song: A Nursery Rhyme Book by Christina Georgina Rossetti. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1893; Illustrations not included.
The Single Hound: Poems of a Lifetime by Emily Dickinson. With contributions from Martha Dickinson Bianchi. Boston: Little, Brown, And Company, 1914.
Sir Patient Fancy: A Comedy As it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre by Aphra Behn. Originally published London : printed by E. Flesher for Richard Tonson ... and Jacob Tonson ..., 1678; copyright 1678.
Six Months in Mexico by Nellie Bly. New York: American Publishers Corp., 1888.
Six Red Months in Russia: An Observer's Account of Russia Before and During the Proletarian Dictatorship by Louise Bryant. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1918.
Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. copyright 1872; Repr. New York: A. L. Burt, n.d.
Sketches and Tales Illustrative of Life in the Backwoods of New Brunswick, North America by Mrs. F. (Frederick) Beavan. London: George Routledge, 1845.
The Slipper Point Mystery by Augusta Huiell Seaman. Illustrated by C. M. (Charles M.) Relyea. New York: The Century Co., 1921.
Snap-Dragons: A Tale of Christmas Eve; and Old Father Christmas: An Old-Fashioned Tale of the Young Days of a Grumpy Old Godfather by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. copyright 1870; London: Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge, ca. 1888.
The Snow Baby : A True Story with True Pictures by Josephine Diebitsch Peary. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1901.
Some African Highways: A Journey of Two American Women to Uganda and the Transvaal by Caroline Kirkland. Boston: Dana Estes & Company, 1908.
Some Reflections Upon Marriage, Occasioned by the Duke and Dutchess of Mazarine's Case; Which is Also Considered by Mary Astell. London: Printed for John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1700 [First Edition].
Songs of Ukraina, With Ruthenian Poems by Florence Randal Livesay. London, Paris and Toronto: J. M. Dent and Sons, Ltd.; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1916.
The Sorceress of the Strand by L. T. Meade & Robert Eustace. First appeared in The Strand Magazine, Volume XXIV ["Madame Sara," "The Blood Red Cross," "The Face of the Abbot"] July-December, 1902; Volume XXV ["The Talk of the Town", "The Bloodstone," and "The Teeth of the Wolf"] January-June, 1903; copyright, 1902-1903.
South Africa a Century Ago: Letters From the Cape of Good Hope (1797-1801) by Lady Anne Lindsay Barnard; edited by W. H. (William Henry) Wilkins. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1910.
Sowing Seeds in Danny by Nellie L. McClung. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1908.
The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing by Mary Gladys Meredith Webb. London and Toronto: J.M. Dent and Sons; New York: E. P. Dutton, 1917.
Spun-Yarn and Spindrift by Norah M. (Norah Mary) Holland. London and Toronto: J. M. Dent and Sons; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1918.
The Stealers of Light: A Legend by Marie, Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of Romania, 1875-1938. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1916.
The Story Girl by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. Boston: L. C. Page and Company, c1911.
The Story of My Life by Helen Keller & Annie Sullivan; edited by John Albert Macy. New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1905.
Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times by Caroline Sheridan Norton. London: Colburn and Co., 1851.
Suffrage Songs and Verses by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. New York: The Charlton Company, 1911.
Sultana's Dream by Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain. Originally published in English in "The Indian Ladies' Magazine", Madras, 1905; Reprinted in "Sultana's dream; and Padmarag: two feminist utopias by Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain". New Delhi (India): Penguin, 2005; copyright 1905.
Tales of the Punjab by Flora Annie Webster Steel. With contributions from Sir Richard Carnac Temple. Illustrated by John Lockwood Kipling. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1894.
The Tapestry Room: A Child's Romance by Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated by Walter Crane. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893.
Taytay's Tales by Elizabeth Willis DeHuff. Illustrated by Fred Kabotie & Otis Polelonema. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, c1922.
Ten Days in a Mad-House; Or, Nellie Bly's Experience on Blackwell's Island by Nellie Bly. Published with "Miscellaneous Sketches: Trying to be a Servant", and "Nellie Bly as a White Slave"; New York: Norman L. Munro, Publisher, ca. 1877.
That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story by Frances Hodgson Burnett. London: Frederick Warne and Co., c1877.
This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States by H. E. (Henrietta Elizabeth) Marshall. Illustrated by A. C. Michael. New York: George H. Doran Company, c1917.
This Was Given to Major Generall Harrison and the Rest by Margaret Fell. London: Printed for T. Simmons, 1660.
This Way to Christmas by Ruth Sawyer. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1916; annotated.
A Thousand Miles Up the Nile by Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards. London: George Routledge and Sons, Limited, 1891 [Second Edition].
Three Girls in a Flat by Enid Yandell, Jean Loughborough, & Laura Hayes. Chicago: Knight, Leonard and Co., 1892.
Three Hundred Years Hence by Mary Griffith; edited by Mary Mark Ockerbloom. Originally published in "Camperdown; or, News from our neighbourhood: Being sketches by the author of 'Our Neighbourhood.'", Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Blanchard, 1836; copyright 1836; with added illustrations.
Three Months in the Soudan by Ernestine Sartorius. London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Co., 1885.
Three Times and Out: A Canadian Boy's Experience in Germany by Mervin C. Simmons & Nellie L. McClung. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1918.
Three Visits to America by Emily Faithfull. New York: Fowler & Wells Co., Publishers, 1884.
Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary by Celia Fiennes. With contributions from Emily Wingfield Griffiths. London: Field and Tuer, 1888.
Through Glacier Park: Seeing America First with Howard Eaton by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1916.
Tish by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Illustrated by May Wilson Preston. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1916.
Tod of the Fens by Elinor Whitney Field. Illustrated by Warwick Goble. A Newbery Honor Book, 1929; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1928; Copyright not renewed.
A Tour in Mongolia by Beatrix Bulstrode. With contributions from David Fraser. London: Methuen and Co., c1920.
The Tragedie of Mariam, the Faire Queene of Jewry Written by That Learned, Vertuous, and Truly Noble Ladie, E. C. by Lady Elizabeth Cary. London: Thomas Creede, for Richard Hawkins, 1613.
Twenty One Poems by Katharine Tynan: Selected by W. B. Yeats by Katharine Tynan; edited by W. B. (William Butler) Yeats. Dundrum: Dun Emer Press, 1907.
Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes by Jane Addams. copyright 1910; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912.
Twenty-Three and a Half Hours' Leave by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Illustrated by May Wilson Preston. New York: George H. Doran Company, c1918.
Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher. Illustrated by Ada Clendenin Williamson. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1917, c1916.
The Undying Monster: A Tale of the Fifth Dimension by Jessie Douglas Kerruish. London: Heath Cranton Limited, 1922.
Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys: A Midsummer Ramble in the Dolomites by Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards. London: Longman's, Green and Co., 1873.
The Velveteen Rabbit, or, How Toys Become Real by Margery Williams Bianco. Illustrated by Sir William Nicholson. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1922.
Vigils by Aline Kilmer. New York: George H. Doran Company, c1921.
Viking Tales by Jennie Hall. Illustrated by Victor Ralph Lambdin. Chicago: Rand McNally, c1902.
A Voice from the Factories by Caroline Sheridan Norton. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1836.
War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps by J. George (John George) Adami. first and only volume; London: Colour Ltd.; The Rolls House Publishing Co., 1918.
The Watchman and Other Poems by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. Toronto: McClelland, Goodchild and Stewart, Limited, 1916.
The Way of Perfection, and Conceptions of Divine Love by Saint Teresa of Avila. Translated by John Dalton. London: C. Dolman, 1852.
What Katy Did: A Story by Susan Coolidge. Illustrated by Addie Ledyard. copyright 1872; Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1887.
When Patty Went to College by Jean Webster. Illustrated by C. D. (Charles D.) Williams. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, c1903.
White Lilac by Beatrice Redpath. New York: John Lane Company, 1922.
Whose Body? by Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh) Sayers. Published first in the USA, so not subject to Gatt restoration; New York: Boni and Liveright, Inc., c1923; Copyright not renewed.
The Wide, Wide World by Susan Warner. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1892.
A Widow's Reminiscences of the Siege of Lucknow by Katherine Mary Bartrum. London: J. Nisbet and Co., 1858.
The Window at the White Cat by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Illustrated by Arthur Ignatius Keller. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1910.
The Windy Hill by Cornelia Meigs. A Newbery Honor Book, 1921; New York: Macmillan, 1921.
Winona: A Tale of Negro Life in the South and Southwest by Pauline E. (Pauline Elizabeth) Hopkins. Originally published in "Colored American Magazine", Volume 5, Numbers 1-6 (May-October 1902); Reprinted in "The Magazine Novels of Pauline Hopkins", New York: Oxford University Press, 1990 (Schomburg Library Edition); copyright 1902.
With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior by Susie Carson Rijnhart. Chicago, New York and Toronto: Fleming H. Revell Company, c1901.
Woman Not Inferior to Man: or, a Short and Modest Vindication of the Natural Right of the Fair-Sex to a Perfect Equality of Power, Dignity and Esteem with the Men by Sophia. London: Printed for J. Hawkins, 1739.
A Woman's Hardy Garden by Helena Rutherfurd Ely. Illustrated by Charles Frederick Chandler. New York and London: Macmillan, 1903.
Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Boston: Small, Maynard and Co., 1898.
Womens Speaking Justified, Proved, and Allowed of by the Scriptures by Margaret Fell. London: n. pub., 1666.
The Wonder Smith and His Son: A Tale From the Golden Childhood of the World by Ella Young. Illustrated by Boris Artzybasheff. A Newbery Honor Book, 1928; New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1927.
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands by Mary Seacole. London: James Blackwood, 1857.
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils by Selma Lagerlöf. Translated by Velma Swanston Howard. Illustrated by Mary Hamilton Frye. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1922.
The Wood Carver's Wife by Marjorie L. C. (Marjorie Lowry Christie) Pickthall. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1922.
The Wouldbegoods by E. (Edith) Nesbit. Illustrated by Reginald Bathurst Birch. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1901.
Zoe: The History of Two Lives by Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury. Great Britain: Chapman and Hall, 1845.
Copyright not renewed
1 is One by Tasha Tudor. A Caldecott Honor Book, 1957; New York: Henry Z. Walck, c1956; Copyright not renewed.
And Both Were Young by Madeleine L'Engle. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Inc., 1949; Copyright not renewed.
Big Fire Engine Book by Virginia Brody. Illustrated by Mazoujian. New York: McGraw-Hill, c1958; Copyright not renewed.
The Blue Cat of Castle Town by Catherine Cate Coblentz. Illustrated by Janice Holland. A Newbery Honor Book, 1950; New York, London, Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., c1949; Copyright not renewed.
The Concealed Fansyes: A Play by Lady Jane Cavendish and Lady Elizabeth Brackley by Elizabeth Cavendish Egerton & Lady Jane Cheyne; edited by Nathan Comfort Starr. Originally published in "PMLA", Vol. 46, No. 3 (Sep., 1931), pp. 802-838; Manuscript, ca. 1644; copyright 1931; Copyright not renewed.
A Day on Skates: The Story of a Dutch Picnic by Hilda Van Stockum. With contributions from Edna St. Vincent Millay. A Newbery Honor Book, 1935; New York and London: Harper and Brothers Publishers, c1934; Copyright not renewed.
Early history of Ambler, 1682-1888 by Mary Paul Hallowell Hough. Ambler, PA: H. H. Kelly, 1936; Copyright not renewed.
The Heavenly Tenants by William Maxwell. Illustrated by Ilonka Karasz. New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1946; Copyright not renewed.
The Hurricane Mystery by Sarah Lindsay Schmidt. New York: Random House, c1943; Copyright not renewed.
It's Like This, Cat by Emily Cheney Neville. Illustrated by Emil Weiss. A Newbery Medal Winner, 1964; New York: Harper and Row, c1963; Copyright not renewed.
Keo the Otter by Virgie Bernhardt. Illustrated by Marjee Peters. Milwaukee: E. M. Hale and Company, c1937; Copyright not renewed.
My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett. Illustrated by Ruth Chrisman Gannett. A Newbery Honor Book, 1949; New York: Random House, c1948; Copyright not renewed.
Negro Musicians and Their Music by Maud Cuney-Hare. Washington, D.C.: The Associated Publishers, Inc., 1936; Washington, D.C.: The Associated Publishers, Inc., 1943; Copyright not renewed.
New Land by Sarah Lindsay Schmidt. Illustrated by Frank Dobias. A Newbery Honor Book, 1934; New York: R. M. McBride and Co., c1933; Copyright not renewed.
Pemberley Shades: A Novel by D. A. (Dorothy Alice) Bonavia-Hunt. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1949; Concurrent publication in USA and UK; Copyright not renewed.
Prudence Crandall, Woman of Courage by Elizabeth Yates. Illustrated by Nora S. (Nora Spicer) Unwin. New York: Aladdin Books, c1955; Copyright not renewed.
The Quaint and Curious Quest of Johnny Longfoot, the Shoe King's Son by Catherine Besterman. Illustrated by Warren Chappell. A Newbery Honor Book, 1948; Indianapolis and New York: Bobbs-Merrill Co., c1947; Copyright not renewed.
Runner of the Mountain Tops: The Life of Louis Agassiz by Mabel Louise Robinson. Illustrated by Lynd Ward. A Newbery Honor Book, 1940; New York: Random House, c1939; Copyright not renewed.
Sister Simon's Murder Case by Margaret Ann Hubbard. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Company, 1959. Copyright not renewed.
Skipper John's Cook by Marcia Brown. A Caldecott Honor Book, 1952; New York: Junior Literary Guild and Charles Scribner's Sons, c1951; Copyright not renewed.
Spice and the Devil's Cave by Agnes Danforth Hewes. Illustrated by Lynd Ward. A Newbery Honor Book, 1931; New York: A. A. Knopf, c1930; Copyright not renewed.
Sweeper in the Sky: The Life of Maria Mitchell, First Woman Astronomer in America by Helen Wright. New York: Macmillan, 1949; Copyright not renewed.
Thomas Eakins, who painted by Margaret McHenry; edited by Mary Mark Ockerbloom. Illustrated by Susan Macdowell Eakins & Thomas Eakins. Oreland, Pa.: Privately Printed for the Author, 1946; Online edition with added public domain images; Copyright not renewed.
Reproduced with permission
Betsinda Dances and Other Poems by Jan Struther. London: Oxford University Press, 1931; Reproduced with permission.
Came the Stranger by Hermynia Zur Mühlen. London: F. Muller, c1946; Reproduced with permission.
The Flying Canoe: Legends of the Cowichans by Beryl Mildred Cryer. Victoria: J. Parker Buckle Printing, 1949; Reproduced with permission.
The Glass-Blower and Other Poems by Jan Struther. London: Chatto and Windus, 1940; Reproduced with permission.
Guests in the House by Hermynia Zur Mühlen. London: F. Muller, c1947; Reproduced with permission.
The Modern Struwwelpeter by Jan Struther. London: Methuen and Company Limited, 1936; Reproduced with permission.
Mrs. Miniver by Jan Struther. London: Chatto and Windus, 1939; Repr. London: Virago Press, 1989; Reproduced with permission.
My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem by Martha Moulsworth; edited by Robert C. Evans & Barbara Wiedemann. Manuscript, 1632; West Cornwall, CT: Locust Hill Press, 1993; Reproduced with permission.
Sycamore Square and Other Verses by Jan Struther. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd, 1932; Reproduced with permission.
Try Anything Twice by Jan Struther. London: Chatto and Windus, 1938; Reproduced with permission.
We Poor Shadows by Hermynia Zur Mühlen. copyright 1943; London: F. Muller, 1944 [Second Edition]; Reproduced with permission.