Local Editions by Author:
The goal of A Celebration of Women Writers is to comprehensively list online editions of works by women writers, and resources about women writers, which are freely readable online.
The following digital editions have been created by the Celebration of Women Writers project. You are welcome to link the them.
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Adami, J. George (John George), 1862-1926
Adams, W. H. Davenport (William Henry Davenport), 1828-1891
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935
Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Hospital Sketches by Louisa May Alcott. Boston: James Redpath, 1863.
Little Men: Life at Plumfield With Jo's Boys by Louisa May Alcott. Chicago, New York: M. A. Donohue and Co., c1871.
The Mysterious Key, and What it Opened by Louisa May Alcott. Boston: Elliot, Thomes and Talbot, 1867. Ten Cent Novelettes of Standard American Authors, No. 50.; copyright 1867.
An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott. copyright 1870; Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1950.
An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott. Originally published in "Aunt Jo's Scrap-bag", Volume 6, Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1882, pp. 7-36.; copyright 1882.
Rose in Bloom by Louisa May Alcott. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1876.
Alleman, Tillie Pierce
Andrews, Jane, 1833-1887
Anger, Jane, active 1589
Angoulême, Marie-Thérèse Charlotte, duchesse d', 1778-1851
The Ruin of a Princess by Marie-Thérèse Charlotte, duchesse d' Angoulême, M. Cléry, & Elisabeth, Princess of France, 1764-1794. Translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. New York: The Lamb Publishing Co., 1912.
Antin, Mary, 1881-1949
Astell, Mary, 1668-1731
Atkinson, Lucy, 1820-1863?
Author Unknown
Bagnold, Enid
Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825
Eighteen Hundred and Eleven by Mrs. (Anna Letitia) Barbauld. London: Printed for J. Johnson and Co., St. Paul's Churchyard, 1812; copyright 1812.
Epistle To William Wilberforce, Esq. on the Rejection of the Bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade by Mrs. (Anna Letitia) Barbauld. London: J. Johnson, c1791; Reprinted in "The Poems of Anna Letitia Barbauld", edited by William McCarthy and Elizabeth Kraft, Athens, Georgia and London: The University of Georgia Press, 1994; copyright 1791.
Hymns in Prose for Children by Mrs. (Anna Letitia) Barbauld. London: J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1781.
Poems by Mrs. (Anna Letitia) Barbauld. London: Printed for Joseph Johnson, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1773. [Third edition, corrected.].
Barker, Lady (Mary Anne), 1831-1911
Barnard, Anne Lindsay, Lady, 1750-1825
Barnes, Djuna
Bartrum, Katherine Mary
Baskerville, Rosetta
Beavan, F. (Frederick), Mrs., 1818-1897
Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689
Bernhardt, Virgie
Keo the Otter by Virgie Bernhardt. Illustrated by Marjee Peters. Milwaukee: E. M. Hale and Company, c1937; Copyright not renewed.
Besterman, Catherine
Beynon, Francis Marion
Aleta Dey by Francis Marion Beynon. London: C. W. Daniel Ltd., 1919.
Bianco, Margery Williams, 1881-1944
Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy), 1831-1904
Bisland, Elizabeth, 1861-1929
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 1821-1910
Blackwood, Alicia, Lady
Bly, Nellie, 1864-1922
Bonavia-Hunt, D. A. (Dorothy Alice)
Pemberley Shades: A Novel by D. A. (Dorothy Alice) Bonavia-Hunt. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1949; Concurrent publication in USA and UK; Copyright not renewed.
Bower, B. M., 1874-1940
Bradstreet, Anne, 1612?-1672
Brody, Virginia
Big Fire Engine Book by Virginia Brody. Illustrated by Mazoujian. New York: McGraw-Hill, c1958; Copyright not renewed.
Brontë, Anne, 1820-1849
Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë. Oxford: The Shakespeare Head Press, Basil Blackwell and Houghton Mifflin Company, 1931; copyright 1847.
Brontë, Charlotte, 1816-1855
Brooke, Frances, 1724?-1789
Brooks, Edna
Brown, Marcia
Skipper John's Cook by Marcia Brown. A Caldecott Honor Book, 1952; New York: Junior Literary Guild and Charles Scribner's Sons, c1951; Copyright not renewed.
Browne, Frances, 1816-1879
Granny's Wonderful Chair by Frances Browne. Illustrated by Florence White Williams. copyright 1857; New York: The Saalfield Publishing Company, 1928; Illustration copyright not renewed.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861
Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. London: J. Miller, c1864; Repr. Chicago: Academy Chicago Printers (Cassandra Editions), 1979.
Bruce, Mary Grant, 1878-1958
A Little Bush Maid by Mary Grant Bruce. London and Melbourne: Ward, Locke and Co., c1910.
Mates at Billabong by Mary Grant Bruce. copyright 1911; London, Melbourne and Cape Town: Ward, Locke and Co., 1959.
Bryant, Louise, 1885-1936
Bulstrode, Beatrix
A Tour in Mongolia by Beatrix Bulstrode. With contributions from David Fraser. London: Methuen and Co., c1920.
Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924
Burney, Fanny, 1752-1840
Burton, Isabel, Lady, 1831-1896
Bush-Banks, Olivia Ward, 1869-
Original Poems by Olivia Ward Bush-Banks. Providence, RI: Press of Louis A. Basinet, c1899; Reprinted in "The Collected Works of Olivia Ward Bush-Banks", compiled and edited by Bernice F. Guillaume. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Calderón de la Barca, Madame (Frances Erskine Inglis), 1804?-1882
Campbell, Mary Jane, 1865-
Daughters of India by Mary Jane Campbell. Monmouth, IL: Republican-Atlas Printing Co., 1908.
Carbery, Ethna, 1866-1902
The Four Winds of Eirinn by Ethna Carbery; edited by Seumas MacManus. Dublin: M. H. Gill and Son, Ltd. Jas. Duffy and Co., Ltd., 1906.
Carlyle, Jane Welsh, 1801-1866
Cary, Elizabeth, Lady, 1585 or 1586-1639
Chase, Annie
Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880
Chudleigh, Mary Lee, Lady, 1656-1710
Clive, Kitty, 1711-1785
Coblentz, Catherine Cate, 1897-1951
The Blue Cat of Castle Town by Catherine Cate Coblentz. Illustrated by Janice Holland. A Newbery Honor Book, 1950; New York, London, Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., c1949; Copyright not renewed.
Coleman, Helena
Conway, Anne, 1631-1679
Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905
What Katy Did: A Story by Susan Coolidge. Illustrated by Addie Ledyard. copyright 1872; Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1887.
Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894
Rural Hours by Susan Fenimore Cooper. Revised abridged edition without illustrations; Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin, and Co., 1887.
Coopland, R. M.
Cox-McCormack, Nancy, 1885-1967
Pleasant Days in Spain by Nancy Cox-McCormack. New York: J. H. Sears & Company, Inc., 1927; Copyright not renewed.
Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887
Cridge, Annie Denton
Man's Rights: or, How Would You Like It? by Annie Denton Cridge. Originally published Boston: William Denton, 1870 [Dreams 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Subsequently printed with four additional "dreams" [Dreams 6, 7, 8, 9] in "Woodhull and Claflin's Weekly", New York, Sep 3-Nov 19, 1870; copyright 1870.
Cryer, Beryl Mildred, 1887-1980
Cuney-Hare, Maud, 1874-1936
Negro Musicians and Their Music by Maud Cuney-Hare. Washington, D.C.: The Associated Publishers, Inc., 1936; Washington, D.C.: The Associated Publishers, Inc., 1943; Copyright not renewed.
Curtis, Alice Turner
A Little Maid of Old Philadelphia by Alice Turner Curtis. Illustrated by Edna Cooke. Philadelphia: The Penn Publishing Company, c1919; Repr. Bedford, Massachusetts: Applewood Books, n.d.
D'Anvers, Alicia
Davids, Caroline A. F. Rhys (Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys), 1857-1942
Psalms of the Sisters by Caroline A. F. Rhys (Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys) Davids. London: Pali Text Society, 1909.
DeHuff, Elizabeth Willis, 1886-1983
Taytay's Tales by Elizabeth Willis DeHuff. Illustrated by Fred Kabotie & Otis Polelonema. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, c1922.
Deledda, Grazia, 1871-1936
The Mother by Grazia Deledda. Translated by Mary G. Steegmann. copyright 1923; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1928; Copyright not renewed.
Dickinson, Emily, 1830-1886
Dixie, Florence, Lady, 1855-1905
Duberly, Frances Isabella Locke, 1829-1903
Duley, Tryphena Soper
Durham, M. E. (Mary Edith), 1863-1944
High Albania by M. E. (Mary Edith) Durham. London: Edward Arnold, 1909.
Eagle, Mary Kavanaugh Oldham, d. 1903
Eden, Emily, 1797-1869
Letters From India by Emily Eden; edited by Eleanor Eden. With contributions from Frances Eden. 2 volumes; London: R. Bentley and Son, 1872.
The Semi-Attached Couple by Emily Eden. London: R. Bentley, c1860; Reprinted in "The Semi-Attached Couple and The Semi-Detached House", London: Virago, Ltd., 1979.
The Semi-Detached House by Emily Eden. London: Richard Bentley, c1859; Reprinted in "The Semi-Attached Couple and The Semi-Detached House", London: Virago, Ltd., 1979.
Eden, Horatia K. F. Gatty
Eden, Lizzie Selina
Edgeworth, Maria, 1767-1849
Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford, 1831-1892
Edwards, Sarah, 1710-1758
Egeria, active 4th century-5th century
Egerton, Elizabeth Cavendish, 1626-1663
Elliott, Maud Howe, 1854-1948
Ely, Helena Rutherfurd, -1920
A Woman's Hardy Garden by Helena Rutherfurd Ely. Illustrated by Charles Frederick Chandler. New York and London: Macmillan, 1903.
Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-1885
The Brownies and Other Tales by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. Boston: Roberts Brothers; London: Bell and Daldy, 1871.
Daddy Darwin's Dovecot: A Country Tale by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott. copyright 1881; London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, n.d.
Jackanapes by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott. copyright 1879; London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, n.d.
Lob Lie-by-the-Fire: or The Luck of Lingborough by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott. copyright 1873; London: Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge, n.d.
Mary's Meadow; and Letters From a Little Garden by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. copyright 1883/1884; London, Brighton: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York: E. and J. B . Young and Co., ca. 1886.
Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. copyright 1866; London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1869.
The Peace Egg and a Christmas Mumming Play by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. copyright 1871; London; Brighton: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York: E and J. B. Young and Co., 1887.
Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. copyright 1872; Repr. New York: A. L. Burt, n.d.
Snap-Dragons: A Tale of Christmas Eve; and Old Father Christmas: An Old-Fashioned Tale of the Young Days of a Grumpy Old Godfather by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. copyright 1870; London: Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge, ca. 1888.
Faithfull, Emily, 1836?-1895
Farjeon, Eleanor, 1881-1965
Fell, Margaret, 1614-1702
Field, Elinor Whitney, 1889-1980
Tod of the Fens by Elinor Whitney Field. Illustrated by Warwick Goble. A Newbery Honor Book, 1929; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1928; Copyright not renewed.
Fiennes, Celia, 1662-1741
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1879-1958
Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher. Illustrated by Ada Clendenin Williamson. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1917, c1916.
Forbes, Anna
Foster, Hannah Webster, 1759-1840
Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins, 1852-1930
Fulhame, Mrs.
Gág, Wanda, 1893-1946
Millions of Cats by Wanda Gág. A Newbery Honor Book, 1929; New York: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1928.
Gale, Zona, 1874-1938
Gannett, Ruth Stiles
My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett. Illustrated by Ruth Chrisman Gannett. A Newbery Honor Book, 1949; New York: Random House, c1948; Copyright not renewed.
Garvin, John W. (John William), 1859-1935
Canadian Poets edited by John W. (John William) Garvin. Toronto: McClelland, Goodchild and Stewart, c1916.
Gask, Lilian, 1865-
Gatty, Alfred, Mrs., 1809-1873
The Book of Sun-Dials by Mrs. Alfred Gatty; edited by Horatia K. F. Gatty Eden & Eleanor Lloyd. 4th edition; London: George Bell and Sons, 1900.
Parables From Nature by Mrs. Alfred Gatty. copyright 1855/1857; London: T. Nelson and Sons, n.d.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935
Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson, 1873-1945
Gore, Mrs. (Catherine Grace Frances), 1799-1861
Green, Anna Katharine, 1846-1935
Greenaway, Kate, 1846-1901
Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932
Griffith, Mary, -1846
Three Hundred Years Hence by Mary Griffith; edited by Mary Mark Ockerbloom. Originally published in "Camperdown; or, News from our neighbourhood: Being sketches by the author of 'Our Neighbourhood.'", Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Blanchard, 1836; copyright 1836; with added illustrations.
Grimwood, Ethel
H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961
Hymen by H. D. (Hilda Doolittle). London: The Egoist Press, 1921.
Hale, Katherine, 1878-1956
Hale, Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody), 1820-1900
The Peterkin Papers by Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody) Hale. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, c1886; c1914 [Second edition].
Hall, Jennie, 1875-1921
Viking Tales by Jennie Hall. Illustrated by Victor Ralph Lambdin. Chicago: Rand McNally, c1902.
Hallock, Grace T. (Grace Taber), 1893-1967
The Boy Who Was by Grace T. (Grace Taber) Hallock. Illustrated by Harrie Wood. A Newbery Honor Book, 1929; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1928.
Hamilton, Cicely Mary, 1872-1952
Hamilton, Mary, Lady, 1739-1816
Munster Village by Lady Mary Hamilton. London: Printed for Robson and Co. New Bond Street; Walter, Charing Cross; and Robinson, Paternoster Row, 1778.
Haskell, Helen Eggleston
Hauff, Wilhelm, 1802-1827
Hayward, Victoria
Romantic Canada by Victoria Hayward. With contributions from Edward J. O'Brien. Illustrated by Edith S. Watson. Toronto: The Macmillan Company of Canada, Ltd.,, 1922.
Haywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693?-1756
Anti-Pamela: or, Feign'd Innocence Detected by Eliza Fowler Haywood. London: Printed for J. Huggonson, 1741.
The British Recluse: or, The Secret History of Cleomira, Suppos'd Dead by Eliza Fowler Haywood. Reprinted in "Secret Histories, Novels, and Poems", by Eliza Haywood. London: D. Browne and S. Chapman, 1725, Vol. 2, pp 1-114; copyright 1722.
Fantomina: or, Love in a Maze, Being a Secret History of an Amour Between Two Persons of Condition by Eliza Fowler Haywood. Originally published in "Secret Histories, Novels, and Poems", by Eliza Haywood. London: Dan Browne and S. Chapman, 1725, Vol. 3, pp. 257-91; copyright 1725.
The Fatal Secret: or, Constancy in Distress by Eliza Fowler Haywood. Reprinted in "Secret Histories, Novels, and Poems", by Eliza Haywood. London: Dan Browne and S. Chapman, 1725, Vol. 3, pp. 207-254; copyright 1725.
Idalia, or, The Unfortunate Mistress: A Novel by Eliza Fowler Haywood. London: Dan Browne and S. Chapman, 1725 [Third Edition]; Reprinted in "Secret Histories, Novels, and Poems", by Eliza Haywood. London: Dan Browne and S. Chapman, 1725, Vol. 3, pp. 1-162. [Third Edition]; copyright 1723.
Hemans, Mrs., 1793-1835
Hymns on the Works of Nature, For the Use of Children by Mrs. Hemans. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, 1827.
Records of Woman, With Other Poems by Mrs. Hemans. second edition; Edinburgh: W. Blackwood; London: T. Cadell, 1828.
The Restoration of the Works of Art to Italy: A Poem by Mrs. Hemans. Oxford, London: Printed by W. Baxter; For R. Pearson, High Street, Oxford: and J. Ebers, Old Bond Street, London, 1816.
Herschel, Caroline Lucretia, 1750-1848
Hewes, Agnes Danforth
Spice and the Devil's Cave by Agnes Danforth Hewes. Illustrated by Lynd Ward. A Newbery Honor Book, 1931; New York: A. A. Knopf, c1930; Copyright not renewed.
Heyer, Georgette, 1902-1974
Hill, Constance, 1844?-1929
Hill, Mildred J., 1859-1916
The Golden Book of Favorite Songs edited by N. H. Aitch. With contributions from Mildred J. Hill & Patty Smith Hill. 10th edition; Chicago: Hall and McCreary, c1915.
Holland, Norah M. (Norah Mary), 1876-1925
Spun-Yarn and Spindrift by Norah M. (Norah Mary) Holland. London and Toronto: J. M. Dent and Sons; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1918.
Hopkins, Pauline E. (Pauline Elizabeth)
Hagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice by Pauline E. (Pauline Elizabeth) Hopkins. Originally published in "Colored American Magazine", 1901-1902; Reprinted in "The Magazine Novels of Pauline Hopkins", New York: Oxford University Press, 1990 (Schomburg Library Edition); copyright 1902.
Winona: A Tale of Negro Life in the South and Southwest by Pauline E. (Pauline Elizabeth) Hopkins. Originally published in "Colored American Magazine", Volume 5, Numbers 1-6 (May-October 1902); Reprinted in "The Magazine Novels of Pauline Hopkins", New York: Oxford University Press, 1990 (Schomburg Library Edition); copyright 1902.
Hopkins, Sarah Winnemucca, 1844?-1891
Hossain, Rokeya Sakhawat
Sultana's Dream by Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain. Originally published in English in "The Indian Ladies' Magazine", Madras, 1905; Reprinted in "Sultana's dream; and Padmarag: two feminist utopias by Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain". New Delhi (India): Penguin, 2005; copyright 1905.
Hough, Mary Paul Hallowell, 1858-1941
Hubbard, Margaret Ann, 1909-
Inchbald, Mrs., 1753-1821
Lover's Vows by Mrs. Inchbald & August von Kotzebue. London: Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, 1798 [Fifth edition].
Ingelow, Jean, 1820-1897
Mopsa the Fairy by Jean Ingelow. Illustrated by Maria Louise Kirk. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, c1910.
Inglis, Julia Selina, Lady, 1833-1904
Jewsbury, Geraldine Endsor, 1812-1880
Johnson, E. Pauline, 1861-1913
Johnson, S. O. (Sophia Orne), -1887
Johnston, Annie F. (Annie Fellows), 1863-1931
Jones, Mother, 1837-1930
The Autobiography of Mother Jones by Mother Jones; edited by Mary Field Parton. With contributions from Clarence Darrow. Chicago: C. H. Kerr and Co., c1925; Copyright not renewed.
Keller, Helen, 1880-1968
The Story of My Life by Helen Keller & Annie Sullivan; edited by John Albert Macy. New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1905.
Kemble, Fanny, 1809-1893
Kerruish, Jessie Douglas
Killigrew, Anne, 1660-1685
Poems by Anne Killigrew. London: Printed for Samuel Lowndes, 1686; Facsimile edition, edited by Richard Morton. Gainesville, Florida: Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, 1967.
Kilmer, Aline, 1888-1941
Vigils by Aline Kilmer. New York: George H. Doran Company, c1921.
Kirkland, Caroline
Knapp, Adeline, 1860-1909
L'Engle, Madeleine
And Both Were Young by Madeleine L'Engle. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Inc., 1949; Copyright not renewed.
Lady, A
Lagerlöf, Selma, 1858-1940
Further Adventures of Nils by Selma Lagerlöf. Translated by Velma Swanston Howard. Illustrated by Astri Heiberg. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1911.
The Girl from the Marsh Croft by Selma Lagerlöf. Translated by Velma Swanston Howard. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1910.
The Miracles of Antichrist: A Novel by Selma Lagerlöf. Translated by Pauline Bancroft Flach. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1915.
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils by Selma Lagerlöf. Translated by Velma Swanston Howard. Illustrated by Mary Hamilton Frye. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1922.
Lawless, Emily, 1845-1913
Maria Edgeworth by Emily Lawless. New York and London: The Macmillan Company, 1905.
Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii, 1838-1917
Lincoln, Elizabeth Clinton, Countess of
Livesay, Florence Randal, 1874-
Loudon, Mrs. (Jane), 1807-1858
Lowell, Amy, 1874-1925
Lytton, Constance, Lady, 1869-1923
MacDonald, Elizabeth Roberts
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone, 1875-1928
Fires of Driftwood by Isabel Ecclestone Mackay. Illustrated by J. E. H. (James Edward Hervey) MacDonald. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1922.
Madeleine: An Autobiography by Madeleine. With contributions from Ben B. (Ben Barr) Lindsey. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1919.
Maitland, Julia Charlotte, -1864
Makin, Bathsua, 1600-approximately 1675
Mansfield, Katherine, 1888-1923
Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549
Marie, Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of Romania, 1875-1938
The Lily of Life: A Fairy Tale by Marie, Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of Romania, 1875-1938. With contributions from Carmen Sylva. Illustrated by Helen Stratton. London, New York, Toronto: Hodder and Stoughton, 1913.
The Stealers of Light: A Legend by Marie, Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of Romania, 1875-1938. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1916.
Marsden, Kate, 1859-1931
Marshall, H. E. (Henrietta Elizabeth), 1876-1941
Maxwell, William, 1908-2000.
The Heavenly Tenants by William Maxwell. Illustrated by Ilonka Karasz. New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1946; Copyright not renewed.
Mayo, Isabella Fyvie, 1843-1914
Mazuchelli, Nina Elizabeth, 1832-1914
McClung, Nellie L., 1873-1951
McHenry, Margaret
Thomas Eakins, who painted by Margaret McHenry; edited by Mary Mark Ockerbloom. Illustrated by Susan Macdowell Eakins & Thomas Eakins. Oreland, Pa.: Privately Printed for the Author, 1946; Online edition with added public domain images; Copyright not renewed.
McNeely, Marian Hurd, 1877-1930
The Jumping-Off Place by Marian Hurd McNeely. Illustrated by William Siegel. A Newbery Honor Book, 1930; copyright 1929; London et al.: Longmans, Green and Co., 1930; Copyright not renewed.
Meade, L. T., 1854-1914
The Sorceress of the Strand by L. T. Meade & Robert Eustace. First appeared in The Strand Magazine, Volume XXIV ["Madame Sara," "The Blood Red Cross," "The Face of the Abbot"] July-December, 1902; Volume XXV ["The Talk of the Town", "The Bloodstone," and "The Teeth of the Wolf"] January-June, 1903; copyright, 1902-1903.
Meigs, Cornelia, 1884-1973
Clearing Weather by Cornelia Meigs. Illustrated by Frank Dobias. A Newbery Honor Book, 1929; Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1928.
Master Simon's Garden by Cornelia Meigs. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916.
The Windy Hill by Cornelia Meigs. A Newbery Honor Book, 1921; New York: Macmillan, 1921.
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892-1950
The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver by Edna St. Vincent Millay. New York: Printed For Frank Shay (Flying Cloud Press), 1922.
A Few Figs from Thistles by Edna St. Vincent Millay. copyright 1922; New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1923.
Second April by Edna St. Vincent Millay. copyright 1921; New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1924 [Fourth Edition].
Molesworth, Mrs., 1839-1921
Montessori, Maria, 1870-1952
The Montessori Method by Maria Montessori & Anne E. George. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1912 [Second edition].
Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud), 1874-1942
The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. Originally published in installments in Everywoman's World, Toronto, Canada: Continental Publishing Co., Limited, 1917; copyright 1917.
Chronicles of Avonlea by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. copyright 1912; Boston: L. C. Page and Company, 1920.
Further Chronicles of Avonlea by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. Boston: The Page Company, 1920.
Kilmeny of the Orchard by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. Boston: L. C. Page and Company, c1910; Repr. New York: A. L. Burt, n.d.
Rainbow Valley by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1919.
Rilla of Ingleside by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1921.
The Story Girl by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. Boston: L. C. Page and Company, c1911.
The Watchman and Other Poems by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery. Toronto: McClelland, Goodchild and Stewart, Limited, 1916.
Moodie, Susanna, 1803-1885
Moon, Grace, 1877-1947
Moore, Anne Carroll, 1871-1961
Moqué, Alice Lee, 1863-1919
Morrison, Gertrude W.
Moulsworth, Martha
Mulets, Lenore Elizabeth, 1876-
Flower Stories by Lenore Elizabeth Mulets. Illustrated by Sophie Schneider. copyright 1903; Boston: L. C. Page and Company, 1904.
Murasaki Shikibu, 978?-
Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan by Murasaki Shikibu, Izumi Shikibu, & Sugawara no Takasue no Musume. With contributions from Amy Lowell. Translated by Annie Shepley Omori & Kochi Doi. Boston And New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1920.
Murphy, Emily F. (Emily Ferguson), 1868-1933
Janey Canuck in the West by Emily F. (Emily Ferguson) Murphy. London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne: Cassell and Company, Limited, 1910.
Murphy, Virginia Reed, 1834?-
Murray, Judith Sargent, 1751-1820
On the Equality of the Sexes by Judith Sargent Murray. Originally published in "The Massachusetts Magazine", Vol. II, Boston: I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1790; copyright 1790.
Nesbit, E. (Edith), 1858-1924
Harding's Luck by E. (Edith) Nesbit. Illustrated by H. R. Millar. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1909.
The House of Arden by E. (Edith) Nesbit. Illustrated by H. R. Millar. copyright 1908; London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1923.
New Treasure Seekers by E. (Edith) Nesbit. Illustrated by Gordon Browne & Lewis Christopher Edward Baumer. copyright 1904; London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1925.
The Wouldbegoods by E. (Edith) Nesbit. Illustrated by Reginald Bathurst Birch. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1901.
Neville, Emily Cheney
It's Like This, Cat by Emily Cheney Neville. Illustrated by Emil Weiss. A Newbery Medal Winner, 1964; New York: Harper and Row, c1963; Copyright not renewed.
Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674
Nightingale, Florence, 1820-1910
Norton, Caroline Sheridan, 1808-1877
English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century by Caroline Sheridan Norton. Microfilm reproduction in "History of Women", Reel 285, no 1918. New Haven, Connecticut: Research Publications, 1975; London: Printed For Private Circulation, 1854.
A Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cransworth's Marriage and Divorce Bill by Caroline Sheridan Norton. Facsimile reprint in "The Selected Writings of Caroline Norton", with an introduction and notes by James O. Hoge and Jane Marcus, Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, Delmar, New York, 1978; London: Longman, Brown, Green And Longmans, 1855.
Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times by Caroline Sheridan Norton. London: Colburn and Co., 1851.
A Voice from the Factories by Caroline Sheridan Norton. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1836.
Ogden, C. K. (Charles Kay), 1889-1957
Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret), 1828-1897
Orcutt, H. E. (Harriet E.)
The Empire of the Invisibles by H. E. (Harriet E.) Orcutt. First published in Intelligence, Vol. VII., No. 1, December 1897. pp. 65-71; Vol. VII., No. 2, January, 1898, pp. 166-173; Vol. VII., No. 3, February, 1898, pp. 246-258; Vol. VII., No. 4, March, 1898, pp. 325-335; Vol. VIII., No. 1, April, 1898, pp. 52-58; Vol. VIII., No. 2, May, 1898, pp. 135-140; Vol. VIII., No. 3, June, 1898, pp. 190-200; Vol. VIII., No. 4, July, 1898, pp. 246-253; Vol. VIII., No. 5, August, 1898, pp. 331-337. Reprinted as The Empire of the Invisibles by H. E. Orcutt. New York: The Metaphysical Pub. Co., 1899; copyright 1897.
Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness, 1865-1947
Osborne, Dorothy, 1627-1695
Owen, Thomas McAdory, 1866-1920
Parrish, Anne, 1888-1957
The Dream Coach by Anne Parrish & Dillwyn Parrish. A Newbery Honor Book, 1925; New York: Macmillan, c1924; Copyright not renewed.
Parsons, Mrs. (Eliza), -1811
The Castle of Wolfenbach by Mrs. (Eliza) Parsons. London: printed for William Lane, at the Minerva Press, and sold by E. Harlow, 1793; Repr. London: Folio Press, 1968.
Paula, Saint, 347-404
Peary, Josephine Diebitsch
Perkins, Lucy Fitch, 1865-1937
The Belgian Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1917.
The Eskimo Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1914.
Petersen, Marie, 1816-1859
The Princess Ilsée: A Fairy Tale by Marie Petersen. Translated by Anonymous. Illustrated by Eugène Froment. London: Saunders, Otley, and Co., 1867 [Second edition].
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 1844-1911
Comrades by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Illustrated by Howard E. Smith. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1911.
Pickthall, Marjorie L. C. (Marjorie Lowry Christie), 1883-1922
The Drift of Pinions by Marjorie L. C. (Marjorie Lowry Christie) Pickthall. Montreal: The University Magazine; London: John Lane, The Bodley Head; New York: John Lane Company, 1913.
The Wood Carver's Wife by Marjorie L. C. (Marjorie Lowry Christie) Pickthall. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1922.
Pirkis, Catherine Louisa, 1839-1910
The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective by Catherine Louisa Pirkis. Illustrated by Bernard Higham. Originally published in "The Ludgate Monthly", London, February-July 1893, except for "Missing", originally published in "The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective," London: Hutchinson and Co., 1894; copyright 1893/1894; Repr. New York: Dover, n.d.
Pix, Mary, 1666-1720
The Beau Defeated: or, The Lucky Younger Brother by Mary Pix; edited by Sally Scanlon. First published London: W. Turner and R. Basset, 1700. Acting edition edited by Sally Scanlon and Kelly Monaghan. New York: The Snarks Ltd., 1999; copyright 1700.
Plumley, Matilda (fl. 1845)
Porter, Jane, 1776-1850
The Scottish Chiefs by Jane Porter. Illustrated by Felix Octavius Carr Darley. Philadelphia: Porter and Coates, 1875.
Praed, Campbell, Mrs., 1851-1935
Radcliffe, Ann Ward, 1764-1823
Ramabai Sarasvati, 1858-1922
The High-caste Hindu Woman by Ramabai Sarasvati. With contributions from Rachel L. Bodley. Philadelphia: Jas. B. Rodgers Printing Co., 1887.
Redpath, Beatrice
White Lilac by Beatrice Redpath. New York: John Lane Company, 1922.
Reynolds, Myra
Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe, 1850-1943
Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910 by Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards & Maud Howe Elliott. With contributions from Florence Howe Hall. 2 volumes; Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1915.
Rijnhart, Susie Carson, 1868-1908
Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 1876-1958
Robins, Elizabeth, 1862-1952
The Convert by Elizabeth Robins. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1907; Repr. London: The Women's Press, 1980.
Robinson, Mabel Louise, 1874-1962
Robinson, Mary, 1758-1800
Rogers, Bessie Story
Rossetti, Christina Georgina, 1830-1894
Routledge, Scoresby, Mrs., 1866-
Rowe, Elizabeth Singer, 1674-1737
The History of Joseph: A Poem in Ten Books by Elizabeth Singer Rowe. London: T. Worrall, 1737 [Second Edition, in ten books]; Reprinted in "The Miscellaneous Works in Prose and Verse, of Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe", London: J. Buckland, G. Keith, W. Nicholl, G. Pearch, and H. Gardner, 1772 [Fifth edition]; copyright 1737.
Ruete, Emilie, 1844-1924
Sadler, Elizabeth Hatcher
The Bloom of Monticello by Elizabeth Hatcher Sadler. Richmond: Whittet and Shepperson, 1926; Copyright not renewed.
Sadlier, J., Mrs., 1820-1903
Sage, Mrs. (Letitia Ann)
Sand, George, 1804-1876
Indiana by George Sand. Translated by George Burnham Ives. Philadelphia: George Barrie and Son, 1900.
Sartorius, Ernestine
Saunders, Marshall, 1861-1947
Sawyer, Ruth, 1880-1970
Sayers, Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh), 1893-1957
Catholic Tales and Christian Songs by Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh) Sayers. Oxford: Oxford: B. H. Blackwell; New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1918.
Op. I. by Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh) Sayers. Oxford: B. H. Blackwell (Adventurers All Series), 1916.
Whose Body? by Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh) Sayers. Published first in the USA, so not subject to Gatt restoration; New York: Boni and Liveright, Inc., c1923; Copyright not renewed.
Schmidt, Sarah Lindsay
The Hurricane Mystery by Sarah Lindsay Schmidt. New York: Random House, c1943; Copyright not renewed.
New Land by Sarah Lindsay Schmidt. Illustrated by Frank Dobias. A Newbery Honor Book, 1934; New York: R. M. McBride and Co., c1933; Copyright not renewed.
Scott, Evelyn, 1893-1963
Scrymsour, Ella M., 1888-
Seacole, Mary, 1805-1881
Seaman, Augusta Huiell, 1879-1950
Sedgwick, Anne Douglas, 1873-1935
Sheard, Virna
Shedlock, Marie L., 1854-1935
Sheil, Mary Leonora Woolfe
Simmons, Mervin C.
Smith, Charlotte, 1749-1806
The Old Manor House by Charlotte Smith. London: J. Bell, 1793; Repr. London: Pandora Press, 1987.
Smith, Harry George Wakelyn, Sir, 1788-1860
Sorabji, Cornelia
Love and Life Behind the Purdah by Cornelia Sorabji. With contributions from Harriot Georgina Blackwood, Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava & Arthur Hobhouse, Baron Hobhouse. London: Freemantle and Co., 1901.
Southworth, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte, 1819-1899
The Hidden Hand by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth. Originally serialized in the "New York Ledger" (1859, 1868-69, 1883); Originally published in book form, New York : G.W. Dillingham, 1888; Repr. New York: A. L. Burt, n.d.; complete (both parts I and II, appears to match 1888); copyright 1888; New York: A. L. Burt, n.d.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1815-1902
Steel, Flora Annie Webster, 1847-1929
Tales of the Punjab by Flora Annie Webster Steel. With contributions from Sir Richard Carnac Temple. Illustrated by John Lockwood Kipling. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1894.
Steinberg, Judah, 1863-1908
Stewart, Jane L.
Stewart, Maria W., 1803-1879
Stopes, Marie Carmichael, 1880-1958
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896
Oldtown Folks by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Boston: Fields, Osgood, and Co., 1869.
Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924
Struther, Jan, 1901-1953
Taggard, Genevieve, 1894-1948
Taylor, Ann, 1782-1866
Taylor, Jane, 1783-1824
Teresa, of Avila, Saint, 1515-1582
Thaxter, Celia, 1835-1894
An Island Garden by Celia Thaxter. Illustrated by Childe Hassam. copyright 1894; Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin and Co. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1895.
Truth, Sojourner, -1883
Tucker, Elizabeth S.
Tudor, Tasha
1 is One by Tasha Tudor. A Caldecott Honor Book, 1957; New York: Henry Z. Walck, c1956; Copyright not renewed.
Tynan, Katharine, 1861-1931
Undset, Sigrid, 1882-1949
Jenny: A Novel by Sigrid Undset. Translated by William Emmé. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1921.
Van Stockum, Hilda, 1908-2006
A Day on Skates: The Story of a Dutch Picnic by Hilda Van Stockum. With contributions from Edna St. Vincent Millay. A Newbery Honor Book, 1935; New York and London: Harper and Brothers Publishers, c1934; Copyright not renewed.
Vigée-Lebrun, Louise-Elisabeth, 1755-1842
Von Arnim, Elizabeth, 1866-1941
Waddell, Helen, 1889-1965
Waheenee, 1839?-
Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden by Waheenee; edited by Gilbert Livingstone Wilson. Originally published as "Agriculture of the Hidatsa Indians: An Indian Interpretation", by Gilbert Livingstone Wilson, Ph.D. (1868-1930). Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota (Studies in the Social Sciences, #9), 1917; copyright 1917.
Ward, Humphry, Mrs., 1851-1920
Warner, Anna Bartlett, 1824-1915
Gardening by Myself by Anna Bartlett Warner. Illustrated by Mary Mark Ockerbloom. New York: A. D. F. Randolph and Co., c1872; Illustrations copyright 2007.
Warner, Susan, 1819-1885
Daisy by Susan Warner. copyright 1868; London: Ward Lock, and Co., n.d.
Daisy in the Field by Susan Warner. copyright 1869; London: Frederick Warne and Co., n.d.
The Hills of the Shatemuc by Susan Warner. Leipzig: Bernard Tauchnitz, 1856.
Melbourne House by Susan Warner. London: Ward Lock, and Co., 1907.
The Old Helmet by Susan Warner. copyright 1863; London: James Nisbet and Co, n.d.
Queechy by Susan Warner. two volumes; Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz, 1854.
The Wide, Wide World by Susan Warner. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1892.
Weamys, Anna, approximately 1630-
Weatherly, Frederic Edward, 1848-1929
Webb, Mary Gladys Meredith, 1881-1927
Webster, Jean, 1876-1916
Jerry Junior by Jean Webster. Illustrated by Orson Lowell. New York: A. L. Burt Company, 1907.
Just Patty by Jean Webster. Illustrated by C. M. (Charles M.) Relyea. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, c1911.
When Patty Went to College by Jean Webster. Illustrated by C. D. (Charles D.) Williams. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, c1903.
Wells-Barnett, Ida B., 1862-1931
Wentworth, Patricia
The Fire Within by Patricia Wentworth. New York, and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1913.
West, Rebecca, 1892-1983
Wharton, Edith, 1862-1937
Fighting France by Edith Wharton. copyright 1915; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1918.
Wheatley, Phillis, 1753-1784
Widdemer, Margaret
Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of, 1661-1720
Woodhull, Victoria C. (Victoria Claflin), 1838-1927
Woodman, Abby Johnson, 1828-1921
Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941
Monday or Tuesday by Virginia Woolf. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Company, Inc., 1921.
Workman, Fanny Bullock, 1859-1925
World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.). Board of Lady Managers
Wright, Helen, 1914-1997
Yandell, Enid
Three Girls in a Flat by Enid Yandell, Jean Loughborough, & Laura Hayes. Chicago: Knight, Leonard and Co., 1892.
Yates, Elizabeth, 1905-2001
Yezierska, Anzia, 1880?-1970
Hungry Hearts by Anzia Yezierska. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1920.
Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary), 1823-1901
Young Lady, A
Young, Ella, 1867-1956
Zitkala-Sa, 1876-1938
Zur Mühlen, Hermynia, 1883-1951
Came the Stranger by Hermynia Zur Mühlen. London: F. Muller, c1946; Reproduced with permission.
Guests in the House by Hermynia Zur Mühlen. London: F. Muller, c1947; Reproduced with permission.
We Poor Shadows by Hermynia Zur Mühlen. copyright 1943; London: F. Muller, 1944 [Second Edition]; Reproduced with permission.
- Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
- Anonymous
- Ballard, George, 1706-1755
- "Anne Killigrew" In Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain, who have been celebrated for their writings or skill in the learned languages, arts, and sciences. Oxford: Printed by W. Jackson, for the author, 1752. pp. 337-345.
- "Mary Astell" In Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain, who have been celebrated for their writings or skill in the learned languages, arts, and sciences. Oxford: Printed by W. Jackson, for the author, 1752. pp. 445-460.
- Blouin, Lenora P.
- Cibber, Theophilus, 1703-1758
- "Anne Killegrew" in The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. II. London: Printed for R. Griffiths, at the Dunciad in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1753. pp. 224-226.
- Clayton, Ellen C. (Ellen Creathorne), 1834-1900
- "Anne Killigrew". In English Female Artists. London: Tinsley Brothers, 8 Catherine St., Strand, 1876. Vol. I. pp. 59-70.
- Corbett, Elizabeth T.
- Debs, Eugene V. (Eugene Victor), 1855-1926
- "A Tribute to Mother Jones" Originally published in the Appeal to Reason November 23, 1907; later reprinted in Debs: His Life, Writing and Speeches. Chicago: Charles Kerr, 1910.
- Donnell, Annie Hamilton, 1862-1943
- Eastlake, Elizabeth Rigby, Lady, 1809-1893
- Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-1885
- "Margaret Gatty" (1809-1873) from Parables From Nature By Margaret Gatty, With a Memoir by her daughter, Juliana Horatia Ewing. First series. London: George Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden, 1885. pp. ix-xxi.
- Fancourt, Amelia Farrer, Lady
- Fuller, Alice W.
- Gossman, Lionel
- Griscom, Mary Wade (1866- )
- Jones, Mother, 1843?-1930
- McCarthy, Justin
- "Mrs. Seumas MacManus" [Carbery, Ethna, 1866-1902]. From: Irish Literature Vol. 6, edited by Justin McCarthy. Bigelow, Smith and Co., NY, 1904.
- McLandburgh, Florence
- Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892-1950
"Eight Sonnets" by Edna St. Vincent Millay from American Poetry : A Miscellany New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1922. Edited by Louis Untermeyer. p. 193-200.
- Nesbit, E. (Edith), 1858-1924
- Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 1844-1911
- Reynolds, Myra
- "Anne Killigrew" in The Learned Lady in England 1650-1760. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company; The University Press Cambridge, 1920. pp. 85-86, 139-141.
- Rossetti, William Michael, 1829-1919
- "Prefatory Notice" in The Poetical Works of Mrs. Hemans. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., 18__.
- Rowton, Frederic, 1818-1854
- "Felicia Hemans" In Rowton, Frederic. The Female Poets of Great Britain. Philadelphia: Henry C. Baird, 1853, pp. 386-392.
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851
- Taylor, Annie R. (1855-1922)
- Wood, Anthony à, 1632-1695
- "Henry Killigrew" in Athenae Oxoniensis. An exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the University of Oxford. Volume II, columns 1035-1036. London: B. Knaplock, D. Midwinter and J. Tonson, 1721.
- Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941
Biographical Information:
From Canadian Poets, edited by John William Garvin.
Toronto, Canada: McClelland, Goodchild & Stewart, Publishers, 1916.
Additional Biographies:
- Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia),1743-1825
Beavan, F. (Frederick), Mrs., 1818-1897 [aka Emily Elizabeth Shaw]
Beavan, Harriet A. (Harriet Ann), 1847-1937 [aka Harriet Ann Glazebrook]
- Brontë, Anne, 1820-1849
- Christine, de Pisan, ca. 1364-ca. 1431
- Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford, 1831-1892
- Hemans, Felicia Dorothea Browne, 1793-1835
- Jones, Mother, 1843?-1930
- Killigrew, Anne, 1660-1685
- Norton, Caroline Sheridan, 1808-1877
- Robinson, Mary, 1758-1800
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896 (Bibliography)
- Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of, 1661-1720
Additional Bibliographies:
- Burney, Fanny, 1752-1840 (Bibliography)
- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935 (Bibliography)
- Hahn, Emily, 1905-1997 (Bibliography)
- Lead, Jane, 1623-1704 (Bibliography)
- Sarton, May, 1912-1995 (Bibliography)
- Southworth, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte, 1819-1899 (Bibliography)
- Wolf, Emma, 1865-1932 (Bibliography)